Thyroid ultrasound this friday.: Hi all just... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid ultrasound this friday.

Rmichelle profile image
28 Replies

Hi all just thinking about my ultrasound im having done this friday, i have had ultrasounds done on other parts of tbe body before and just wondering how long this particular one lasts? Is it uncomfortable being they press quite hard on a already swollen area? Not worried about findings etc, did anyone have pain afterwards and have to take painkillers. How long for results and i take it results go to your doc and then to endo? Thankyou all.x

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Rmichelle profile image
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28 Replies
Scazzoh profile image

Hi Rmichelle, coincidentally, I am having a neck ultrasound on Thursday for a painful lump which has emerged in my neck, which my doctor, as usual, is not thyroid related. Nothing ever is! Would be interested to see how you get on.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Scazzoh

Ha, what do docs know!! My endo endo wouldnt even do a scan!! It was my doc i had to persuade even though he said it felt swollen and bit nobbly. Yes i will keep you updated and let me know how it goes for you, just dreading them pressing hard on thyroid area as i cant even bear a blanket touching it.x

Scazzoh profile image

I just found this related post. Looks like we are going to be fine.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Scazzoh

Thankyou i am going to read now.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Scazzoh

Yes just read it, thats helped i am hoping i can see the screen so i can watch!!

Scazzoh profile image
Scazzoh in reply to Rmichelle

I want to take a photo of my thyroid, if there's any of it left!

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Scazzoh

Just read your bio and some of your past posts- you have been through the mill havent you!! It comes to us all going through really horrid stages and having go suffer, just need to get my bloods done tomorrow to see whats goin on with mine and why i feel so bed resting at the moment.x hard to believe i was running around 6 months back working 5 days a week and looking after house and home. But you just got to get through havent you.😊

Trophygirl profile image
Trophygirl in reply to Rmichelle

Hi Rmichelle sorry your having a lousy time.I too am going for bloods tomorrow ( fingers crossed) I hope you go onok with scan.never heard of such a thing.being newly diagnosed with graves I really on the help u all give me.I to am resting shattered.thinking of you keep as well as you can xxx

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Trophygirl

Thats nice of you to think of me trophygirl, yes we can feel rubbish together. Yes doc requested thyroid scan 2 months ago as my neck felt swollen and nobbly and i have swallowing problems due to thyroid- not worried over scan just dont wantvanyone pressing on my thyroid.

You take care aswell and you can always relay on people here for support.xx🌸🌸

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Trophygirl

Just seen your post on the main forum site, im putting the kettle on now and sending best wishes to you.😊

Trophygirl profile image
Trophygirl in reply to Rmichelle

Hi Rmichelle just a quick hello !hope your OK.glad Friday wasn't to bad for you I no u were really worried .hope its good news take care keep resting same as me ,I suppose we can't do much more between us xxx

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Trophygirl

Hi tropbygirl great to hear from you- yes ultrasound went well but no results yet. Glad you are on mend with chest infection. Im going for bloods tomorrow as could not go last week i had my 12 year daughter off with a uti infection. So i suspect tge titration dose im on is not suiting me as still feeling slightly rough so i will see what bloods are like.

Yes been home resting watching plenty of films but went out today and saw mum which was nice.hope you are ok.😊xx

in reply to Rmichelle

So sorry you still feel rubbish. Now you are gluten free, have you found any benefits? They say that going gluten free usually helps coeliac and Hashimotos.

There is a slight problem with some brands of oats which although advertised as gluten free have traces of gluten in them. You might

find that with some brands of gluten free flour. In supermarket foods

there is no guarantee that there may be traces of gluten.

As you were nearly referred for lipid tests, you might find with coeliac

problems that some fats and oils might not be right for you.

If you look up lipidosis on nhs guidelines, this might give further insight on foods which might trigger your symptoms.

Online suppliers of flour and oats, may give certain brands which are


The iron problem may be related to your gut or to anaemia.

It is worth looking on the pernicious anaemia website,as you might

find some info re vitamin B12 and folic acid either in drops which dissolve on the tongue - there are some new ones from uk I think

but ordinary B12 is not absorbed as readily as bioactive B12.

Have you had advice from nutritionist about diet for hashis and coeliac problems? Have you any ongoing gynae problems?

Vitamin d may not be absorbed properly with gut disorders.

Think there are quite a lot of different autoimmune responses going on and may be poor absorption of vitamins and minerals which can be familial. Hope you can find the clues to your health problem and may be your diet if you have lot of puddings cakes fats including butter margarine, ordinary yoghurt, might be affecting you.

B12 and B complex are good for your nerves. Have heard Biotin products are good - but do not know if these are from UK.

You should may be contact Marz as she has hashimotos and I think coeliac problems and is a great believer in B12 injections. Perhaps you could e mail her privately.

Can't seem to pick up private messages, since I altered account settings. xxxx

MissFG profile image

Hi it’s a painless scan I’ve had several now and they last about 5 mins on average. Although I’ve always had thyroiditis at the time which was painful the scan never has been. It’s very quick and easy and they usually always confirmed that I again have thyroiditis, if my thyroid is more/ or less swollen than last time and the size of my nodule so pretty understanding and helpful. They don’t all tell you anything but I think they’re used to my face now haha so your in safe hands and being well looked after so try not to worry x

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to MissFG

Thankyou Missfg thats great info, just dreading someone pressing hard there. How long did you wait for results to come through? Can you see the screen aswell?

MissFG profile image
MissFG in reply to Rmichelle

They’ve never pressed hard with me but do put slight pressure on but it’s painless could be some slight discomfort for some.

It depends on how the screen is situated as to whether you can see it as it’s usually to the side and you need to face forward sat up head reclined slightly whilst they do the scan. But your thyroid isn’t that big so just depends how enlarged or how many nodules etc you have as we are all different. Mine don’t take long as I only have one nodule. Some may take longer as they will measure each nodule and location etc.

It will all come down to how busy they are as to how quickly your report comes back

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to MissFG

Thankyou. Yes i would like to see whats goin on, i was the same with endoscopies- interesting to see isnt it. Fingers crossed then.😊

MissFG profile image
MissFG in reply to Rmichelle

Oh crikey I had to be knocked out for my endoscopy 🙈 never again I was traumatised lol

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to MissFG

Ha that made me laugh!! 😆 ive had 3!! Its for hard core people. Ha.xx

MissFG profile image
MissFG in reply to Rmichelle

Give me an ultrasound any day over one of them or MRI they scared I’m definitely not hardcore 🙈😂

I had ultra scan on my thyroid 5 years ago. It was fine. It took about 10 -15 minutes. Sure you will be fine.

Have had over 2200 e mails when I pressed the wrong e mail button. I've managed to re read about the Birmingham trip. It must have been lovely being able to mingle with those rare breeds of cats. Hope all goes well. Finding it difficult to send private e mails, as I had to change my e mail address to stop all those e mails and posts.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to

Hello my lovely lady gadgrantg Ha 2220 emails, wow you are popular!!

Yes thankyou with regards to thyroid scan, im sure all ok there.

Yes saw so many breeds of cats it was a lovely day for family outing- my hubby and my 12vyearvold daughter and her mate.xx😊

I will let you know how i get on friday.

in reply to Rmichelle


in reply to Rmichelle

Hi Michelle - just looked at some back posts and found some info concerning coeliac disease - it may be linked to type 1 diabetes and Pernicious anaemia which requires vitamin B12 injections. Hashimotos is also linked to type 1 diabetes. It may also be linked to B12 deficiency. Vitiligo skin disorder is linked to Hashimotos and is due to viamin b12 deficiency.

Think only part of your health problems have been looked at.

You may be should have tests for B12 levels. Many people are not diagnosed with this which is another autoimmune disorder when linked to pernicious anaemia. Doctors don't test for it routinely. Endos don't test for it either.

Under NHS you should be able to have gluten free food on prescription but this

is limited to pasta and flour may be oats - but does not include cakes.

Now you might have been for an ultrasound - which may throw up

other lumps and nodules.

Noticed there are nhs social care benefits online application forms for people

with disabilities but am not sure whether pernicious anaemia and coeliac qualify

for benefits. However both hashimotos and coeliac disease recommend gluten free diets so you should be allowed if diagnosed with these already to qualify for

prescriptions for gluten free food.

As you may have not had tests for pernicious anaemia and B2 levels I think you should request one as it is linked to coeliac disease.

Think you need to buy yourself a glucose monitor , testing kit. I find it keeps

my sweet tooth down as you can see on a daily basis if your sugar levels are too high after fasting ie no food for 12 hours after your last meal so food

after 8 if you've had a meal and then get tested by 9am the next day.

I know you say you are not diabetic but the likelihood of diabetes arising if you have a thyroid disease is increased. Did you have a chloresterol test too?

Must dash - if you could reply re ordinary message would be pleased as since my popularity surge of 2200 e mails, have developed white finger vibration and

wrist lock from deleting my fan club messages! Take care.

nadchaoli profile image

Took 5-10 mins, no pain or even discomfort. Had to tilt my head back on pillow. Did give me info at the time about what she saw, mostly to say nothing sinister and evidence of nodules.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to nadchaoli

Great nadchaoli, thats good they talk to you about what they see and 5 to 10 mins thats quick.. im expecting nodules etc so it wont be no surprise.🌻

seaside-girl profile image

Hi Rmichelle. I had a thyroid scan about two weeks ago & it was done in about ten minutes. Slight pressure but not too uncomfortable & she talked me through it all too. I am registered with GP for online test results which were available for me to see within about a week. It confirmed what she told me which was that I have thyroiditis with nodules. Hope this helps as I am new to all this.

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to seaside-girl

Hi seaside-girl, thanks for replying back, its good to hear different peoples experiences of the ultrasound and it sounds ok but for some where slight pressure is applied to the tbyroid it maybe slightly uncomfortable, we are all different. I have had many procedures done for various things that have been quite intrusive and hasnt bothered me but cannot bear even a blanket touching my thyroid area!! Ha.☺

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