Taking a bit of Levo with your T3.: I found this... - Thyroid UK

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Taking a bit of Levo with your T3.

12 Replies

I found this US patent last night which might interest users of T3. It appears to suggest that a bit of T4 (even a teeny bit) taken with your T3 each time helps to smooth out the T3 serum levels and reduce the big spike then rapid die off effect. Their graphs are shown over a 24hr period, so I imagine that when taking multiple doses throughout the day the effect would be even more useful. If it's true, it might be ONE of the reasons why some people prefer NDT (which includes both T4 & T3). I'm going to start splitting my Levo and taking a bit with each dose of T3 and see what (if anything) happens. Anyone heard of this before?In some countries (Germany and maybe France) you can get a tablet which is a mixture of synthetic T4 & T3. I wonder if that is why?


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12 Replies
greygoose profile image

I've been on T3 only for several years, now, taking various doses over the years, but always all at once. And I have never, ever noticed any sort of spike. I can't even imagine what that feels like. T4 made me so ill, I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself to try adding it in, not even a tiny bit.

I live in France and have taken their T4/T3 combo. It's better than T4 only. But find that, for me, there's not enough T3. Why do the produce it? Perhaps because doctors don't really understand how to dose T3. Making life easy for doctors! As per usual. :(

in reply to greygoose

I can't say I've ever noticed a spike feeling either, but it's what 'they' worry about. :)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

I know! Totally unrealistic and out of touch. lol

shaws profile image

Our cells need to be saturated with T3 and levothyroxine (converts to T3) is made to dissolve in the stomach with one full glass of water on an empty stomach.

Splitting doses means you have to make sure your stomach is empty before each dose (food interferes with the uptake) and you don't have a normal life.

I take T3 only - have never felt I have too much or too little with one daily dose when I wake up.

I have normal health at present with no symptoms. Whereas I was forever in/out of the A&E who discharged me before diagnosis as 'probably viral with high cholesterol'. Two days later I got my own thyroid test - advised by a First Aider - GP phoned two hours later and asked who gave me the blood test forum - I said I did - she then told me to come immediately for levo as TSH was 100.

Not one medical person - over about six years - ever did a test for thyroid but gave me diagnosis/treatment for things I didn't have.

in reply to shaws

I currently take take Levo in one dose and T3 at 6am and 6pm. I'm intrigued about trying in one go..... might try a bit more in the morning and less in the evening to start though. What is your take on thy body needing more T3 at night. I was thinking about trying it all at 6pm too. So many options!!!

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to

I shall give you a link which may be helpful. You can take thyroid hormones at any time as long as your stomach is empty. The doctor whose website I follow (it is now archived as he died) took 150mcg of T3 in the middle of the night. So definitely he avoided any interference with anything else.

I take mine when I get up with one full glass of water and I'm fine. Other find bedtime dosing but your stomach has to be empty and if hypo our digestion is usually slower thannormal, so we may have to leave a longer space between food, especially protein, before taking hormones.


Excerpt from above link:

January 30, 2002

Question: I’m hypothyroid and take Armour Thyroid twice a day. My question is about the right time to take it in relation to when I eat. Should I take it two, three, or four hours after I eat? I've read all those times in different places. Thank you very much for your time—and your great website!

Dr. Lowe: As a rule, our patients take thyroid hormone only once per day. An advantage of this one-per-day schedule is that it’s easier to find a window for good intestinal absorption—when the stomach or small intestine doesn’t contain food.

Most of our patients wait at least one hour after taking thyroid hormone before they eat. Or they wait at least two hours after eating before they take thyroid hormone. The two hour wait is a rough estimate of the time it takes for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine. It’s worth noting, however, that several factors can increase the time a patient should wait before taking thyroid hormone.

One factor is being female. Researchers report that on average, the woman’s stomach empties more slowly than the man’s. In a 1998 study, for example, researchers tested how long it took for half of a solid meal to empty from the stomachs of healthy women and men. The average time for women was 86 minutes and for men was 52 minutes.[1] This result is consistent with those of other studies; it suggests that women may benefit by waiting a while longer than men after eating to take thyroid hormone.

Another factor is the slower movement of food and stool through the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract of many patients who have hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone resistance. Doctors often diagnose the sluggish GI function as "constipation-type irritable bowel syndrome."[2,pp.681-687] Until the patient finds a thyroid hormone dose that relieves her constipation, it may be prudent for her to allow more than two hours—maybe three—for food to clear from her stomach and small intestine before taking the hormone.

in reply to shaws

How much T3 do you take per day shaws?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to

Usually 50mcg but sometimes 45mcg.

in reply to shaws

Thank you shaws

jgelliss profile image


That is very interesting . I do take My T4 with some T3 but I am doing it for conversion purposes .

Thanks Shaw's. I have heard of Dr Lowe but am yet to read up on him. I will make a start!

penny profile image

A funny thing happened with my T3...I was away from home and had taken two strengths of T3 with me, 100mcg and 25mcg; instead of taking 5 of the 25mcg I took 5 of the 100mcg. What amazed me was that I seemed to have no hyper effects from this rather massive dose - why?

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