T3 : I would like some advice on where to buy T... - Thyroid UK

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ovey123uk profile image
14 Replies

I would like some advice on where to buy T3 on line and what type of T3 I should be buying.

I brought Tiromel on line which seemed to be making me feel better but today I got a sharp pain on the side of my head which wouldn't go away and made me feel could it be linked to the new tablets I've been taking.

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ovey123uk profile image
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14 Replies
startagaingirl profile image

Hi - not a direct answer, but maybe what is actually required.

I have looked through your previous posts and see that you were asked several times for your blood results but you haven't yet posted any? Why I say this is that first, t3 is a difficult medication to take effectively. For a start you really shouldn't take it unless you actually need it and without blood results it is impossible to assess that, potentially a t4 raise would be more effective. Second, unless all nutrients are optimal, actually optimal which can be fairly high, not just in range which the majority of medical people seem to regard as optimal, taking t3 can actually cause more problems than it solves. Thirdly, Since NHS generally won't do the tests required to monitor use of t3, never mind the fact that it is extremely unusual to have t3 prescribed on NHS, by taking it you are committing yourself to a lifetime of private sourcing and testing. Fourth - it could be that you actually have Hashis and associated food intolerances, leaky gut and immune issues. If these aren't addressed then it will be almost impossible to feel well no matter what medication you are taking.

So do you see why we urge caution when thinking of taking t3, as well as the necessity to not start unless you have had comprehensive testing, have corrected any and all deficiencies, identified and addressed any food intolerances and are sure that t4 alone won't work for you as it does for about 85% of hypos? We see many people who go off down other paths, only to find that it doesn't work for them and they have to start all over again with something else.

Have a bit of patience, have some decent testing, take advice and action based on the results and see what happens. It may be that you will some day need t3, but if that were to be the case, better to do it on a sound basis and with full knowledge of all factors to give yourself the most effective result.


ovey123uk profile image
ovey123uk in reply to startagaingirl

I believe 3 % of people no matter what there lab test is saying, stay ill on T4 alone. I've also read Hypothyroidism books which believe most people with an under active thyroid need more than T4.

The only reason I haven't posted my lab results because I haven't got them to post and I'm not going out of my way to get them. I sent my son out of his way to get them for me last week and still he come home form my doctor's without them (down to my sugary being ..... ) so that's why I haven't yet posted my lab test results plus I'm not that bothered about posting them because I believe there's more medication than T4 to treat Hypothyroidism and when people like yourself are very technical / I'm a person who isn't about the technical side of thing, I'm about how I feel and when I'm having Hypothyroid symptoms and my doctors is telling me I'm not because a lad test is indicating my levels are in normal rang, I cannot now trust any lad test results. In fact I couldn't care about any test results because when I'm not having Hypothyroid symptoms I will no and I don't believe I will need a lab test to tell me that fact. Why is our condition treated within the UK with T4 only (no matter how you feel). Why is there so many medications to treat Hypothyroidism but only one is allowed to be given within the UK, MONEY and there isn't any other reason. I feel you believe in lab test and I believe in how one feels over any lab test. I also believe in giving medication that works for each person and when our NHS deny anyone being offered different treatments and medication for Hypothyroidism down to money, the system is clearly corrupt and using a lab test to deny you any other medication in my opinion is corrupt to. I take 100gm Levothyroxine because 150gm made me feel awful. I got Tiromel on line and took 50mg which made me feel fantastic. I hadn't even took it for a hole week when I started noticing my hair wasn't fulling out as much. My skin became clear of acne and started looking better / my finder nails appeared to be grow and looking more shiny than looking brittle. I didn't bleed as much when going to the toilet but the biggest deference I stopped forgetting things and my brain seemed more able to function. I felt like a black cloud had been lifted of my shoulders. I even got natural energy for the very fist time within my adult life and my mod became uplifted. It was like taking a magic pill and then I got some sharp pain over my head and didn't no if the tablet I brought over the internet could be to balm and therefore stopped taking it. I need more than T4 and couldn't care about the complications taking T3 brings because staying ill isn't an alternative. Thanks you for taking the time to reply to my message.

startagaingirl profile image
startagaingirl in reply to ovey123uk

Yes you are probably correct that 3% need more than t4. Are you in that - who knows? Are you on enough levo? Are your nutrients optimum? Are you auto-immune? How you feel - without any input from lab results no-one can know any of this.

But since you seem so dismissive of anything other than anecdotal input could I ask what do you expect from us? We are all thyroid patients here, we have all felt really bad at some point and this forum has helped us through an approach based on specific advice based on each individual's own case. For that we need to see your numbers - how you feel is not enough as there are many overlapping factors that can produce symptoms that are easily confused. So if you really want help, we need your numbers.

However, not withstanding that, if you actually started off by taking 50 mcg of t3 then I am not surprised you have a headache. It is advised that anyone - even if it has been proven that they actually need it - start on 5 or 6.25 mcg per day depending on which tablets they have sourced, with a very gradual increase over a number of weeks. 50 mcg is a massive dose to take at once, placing you at immediate risk of such consequences as heart attack and stroke. Even a lot of people without thyroids and on t3 only never end up at that high a dose. Did you not realise that is equivalent to roughly 200 mcg t4. So you have actually effectively tripled your dose all at once and you wonder why you have a headache?

I suggest you be a bit less blase or naive depending on the point of view and start taking the whole subject seriously. If you don't understand lab results that is fine, we will help and the many experts here will help you with measures to recover health. We are not like doctors, we actually know a lot more about thyroid. That is why I advised about optimum levels vs in range, for instance.

So when people like me ask questions, we have your best interests at heart and you shouldn't just dismiss it out of hand like that. However, if you don't want to accept it that is up to you.


ovey123uk profile image
ovey123uk in reply to startagaingirl

So when would you believe someone is in that 3% because your clearly unable to prove someone isn't by reading there lad test. I think your quit a nasty person and care to much about lad results because in your doctor sugary that 3% would be left suffering and why you should go and work within the NHS because your fit right in.

startagaingirl profile image
startagaingirl in reply to ovey123uk

I honestly give up! I am not a doctor. I am a hypo patient who has brought my condition under control with the help of experts here. But having said that, I am probably much better at reading lab tests than doctors, which is why I asked for yours.

You are entitled to your opinion of me, but let's say I won't be losing any sleep over it.

I know many patients suffer if they only have their doctors for advise and that is why I try to help on this forum, as other people have helped me.

But we can only help if people are prepared to listen.

I wish you luck.

ovey123uk profile image
ovey123uk in reply to startagaingirl

I haven't just had my lab test read by doctors. I've been to a thyroid expert. I've also given my lab results (in the part) to a childhood friend which read them for me. I'm truly grateful there's people like yourself helping people like me with reading there test results but it cannot always only be about the lab findings because that is what's keeping people ill with Hypothyroidism in the UK. I'm so glad you will not loss any sleep over our interaction because I'm still unable to sleep properly with my Hypothyroidism and the day I loss no sleep will be heaven.

startagaingirl profile image
startagaingirl in reply to ovey123uk

If by thyroid expert you mean an endo, then there are multiple examples in this forum of the typical lack of knowledge they exhibit. You are correct in that it is not only about the lab results, but they provide a very useful starting point to judge what an individual is likely to need to help them feel better. Many times doctors of any description have told patients that their results were in range and hence fine, it has turned out that they have been anything but fine as, for instance, they have been very low in range. They also typically know nothing about the impact of deficiencies in nutrients. That is why we talk here about numbers being in the correct region, not just in range.

I know there are many people here with far more knowledge than what would appear to be the vast majority of doctors and probably much more than a childhood friend, simply because we have had to learn to help ourselves back to health. So why not let us help you?


ovey123uk profile image
ovey123uk in reply to startagaingirl

I have wanted help but unfortunately I haven't been able to posted my results because my doctor's deny sending them through to me. They want a payment towards there administration costs (down to supplying me with my lab results) I will post my results when I'm able. Please don't think I haven't wanted to because I cannot wait to get peoples expertise and help.

Clutter profile image


How long have you been taking Tiromel and what dose are you taking? What were your thyroid results prior to taking Tiromel and how much Levothyroxine were you taking?

Why do you think Tiromel caused the pain in your head?

ovey123uk profile image
ovey123uk in reply to Clutter

I didn't no if the pain was down to taking Tiromel but stopped taking it just in case because getting medication of line doesn't sit that well with me. I took Tiromel for just under one week and my prior result I never know. I was taking 100gm Levothyroxine and took 50gm of Tiromel but for the time I was taking Tiromel my life changed and all my systems of Hypothyroid seemed to disappear.

I felt so well and would like to buy T3 tablets again but this time knowing I brought the tables where other people with Hypothyroidism are buying there's.

Thanks for responding

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to ovey123uk


Are you saying you took 50mcg Tiromel, that is two tablets?

ovey123uk profile image

Yes I did take two tablets but had started taking one and see no improvements.

I still think the pain wasn't linked because I have had a pain like that before but a very long time ago. I have had someone else tell me what did I expect taking 50gm please give me your opinion, Thanks

shond2015 profile image

Hi ovey123uk

Just for your info, I was on a very high dose of Levothyroxine (at one point, more than 225mcg daily). It did nothing for me other than make my hypo symptoms more vivid. I was very very ill. I then went onto NDT......did nothing for me either. I have begun self medicating on T3 - started off on 25 mcg...having already been absorbing 8mcg daily through the NDT. 25 mcg of T3 improved my life dramatically....over the same period of time as you...but then i found my batteries would just die around early afternoon and all the hypo symptoms would be back. I began taking another 25 mcg in the afternoon......and that seems to have sorted the problem. At the moment I am feeling quite well. Hope that helps. (I must be one of those in the 3%!).

ovey123uk profile image

Yes you must be and I'm so glad you never gave up on yourself. Your clearly a very strong lady and I will take your advice and split the time I take my tables. Thanks for your support and help god bless you.

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