When I last saw my endo (4/10/17) I told him that over the previous few days I had been changing colour. I am usually very pale and I have developed an all over sun tan. I had other symptoms as well, joint pain, fatigue weight loss and stomach pain but as my TSH T4 and T3 were now all in range the remaining symptoms were not Graves related. On further pushing he did say that hyperpigmentation could be Graves but was totally uninterested. Over the next few days the tan got deeper and I developed a pain under my ribs and to the right. so I rang my GP who told me to come in for some tests. The test were done on the 12/10/17 . The Doctor never rang me about the results which she usually does if anything is wrong. I asked the surgery for a print out . I got this today and am concerned about the Iron results.
Ferritin 847 ug/L (13-150) "OOR" (HI)
IRON 41,3 umol/L (10 -30) "OOR" (HI)
Transferrin 1.9 g/L (2-3.6) "OOR" (LO)
Saturation 86.9% (30-40) "OOR" (HI)
I am really concerned that I have iron overload and that these results should not have been ignored. Are these results normal for Graves patients or should I go back to the GP?
Thank you