All guys im back from my 1st endoc appointment and was expecting more but i dont know what the more was. Im hyper as you know with recently diagnosed hashi's aswell.
Endo was very basic asked alit of general health questions and asked how i was feeling but just felt as it was just procedure but moved on very swiftly , he asked "so what do you know about the thyroid the" so i told him !! He was shocked at my info that i had gathered from this site, when i mentioned thyroid uk he looked lije his blood pressure had gone up and he was chewing on a wasp!! I asked questions about my meds of carbi 20mg one a day and he has decided that i need to increase to 40 mgs now as free4 and free 3 still not down enough but improving. I did mention hashis but he said now lets not get complicated with them issues as its your thyroid! Well at this point i said it is a issue though and said its too techinical, "what a prat" i have had more bloods taken taken for levels and tsi for graves., he also has prescribed thyroxine 100mgs but not to take that yet until my bloids have come through and i get the nod from him- he said block and replace is done at this hosputal and is different wherever you go. Overall opinion im not greatly confident in him and may seek help elsewhere after next appointment in a couple of months.
As anyone else had a similar experience being on carbi then increasing it then block and replace. He said no titration.xultrasound on 3rd november on thyroid. 😨