I wonder if some one could possibly give any information on bloods,Serum TSH level 7. 44 mU/L {0.1- 5.0} Serum free T4 level 14 pmo 1//L {8- 19}. He has ordered a repeat test 1Serum/Gold top TSH. to be done in two weeks. I would appreciate any help.Dave.
blood tests. : I wonder if some one could... - Thyroid UK
blood tests.

TSH 7.44 indicates primary hypothyroidism. FT4 14 is within range so hypothyroidism is currently subclinical because TSH is between 5-10. Subclinical should mean asymptomatic so if you have symptoms you should be treated with Levothyroxine if your second TSH test is also abnormal.
Non-thyroidal illness like a virus or infection can elevate TSH which is why some GPs retest the first abnormal TSH. Retest is usually 2-3 months later by which time a virus would be expected to have cleared.
Thanks Clutter, I am all ready on 150mg levothyroxine as you say i went to Drs to see about brain fog, aches, vision problems, buzzing in ears,etc. I am thinking it could to much or to little thyroxine. Thanks for your prompt reply take care. Dave.
Too little, given those results. Shame you can't get your FT3 tetsed as that would show whether you are converting well or not. Also get B12 tested as some of the symptoms could be low B12.
probably like yourself i have spent many years {20+} on this strange journey. started with Thyroid problems, then polymyalgia struck i hope i don,t have to go through that again. then uveitis struck with prompt action from the eye clinic vision was saved, probably like a lot folk on these forums i have spent years trying to get better input from medics frustrating. i have paid to have tests done B12 etc only to have results ignored. I now tend to get most of my info from the various sights on healthunlocked. i have to really push myself to keep going but most of the time i make it through the day, i also find i feel worse if i just sit about. Thank,s for taking the time reply to my post love the name hope it has helped you on your journey. best wishes. Dave.

Get your vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested too. Make sure you get the actual results and ranges
Do you know if you have Hashimoto's (high antibodies)
Morning SlowDragon I have had a FBC the only thing that came back as to be repeated was Serum TSH level , so for the moment I think i will just wait and do the repeat test in 2 months. I am still very mobile so I class myself as being very lucky. it is just that the brain fog, aches etc can where me down. I tend to get a bit annoyed when folk just put all my problems down to AGE. Thanks for your reply and take care Dave.