I have been diagnosed with both conditions. All of the research I've read says there is a link between the two. Either Hoshimotos caused the POF or the POF is also another autoimmune disorder. My question is this, should I be tested for Addison's disease as well? Quite a bit of literature says that Hoshimotos, POF and Addison's disease are linked. I also have low DHEA and occasionally have hypoglycemic episodes. If anyone is familiar with this I'd appreciate your input. Thanks in advance!
Hoshimotos and Premature Ovarian Failure - Thyroid UK
Hoshimotos and Premature Ovarian Failure

Interesting question, I can't help but I too hashimoto's (although not formally diagnosed, very high TPO) and POF. The consultant I saw for POF said that they are linked however the endo I saw said absolutely no link. I too have been wondering about addisons as I have some symptoms, and I did ask to be tested but was refused.

Is your Hashimoto's adequately treated?
Do you have recent Thyroid blood tests, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12. If so can you add them here or as a new post.
Also with Hashimoto's changing to strictly gluten free diet can improve symptoms and may eventually lower antibodies
I don't have POF but am hypoglycemic and do feel my adrenals are involved. I can't help you but am interested and will check out my DHEA levels. All I know is that we can be prone to all of these.
Hi, Are you experiencing Amenorrhea? as in no menstruation? What is your age? At 40, POF happened to me. I questioned my doctor about it being related to adrenals and he said 'no way'. Couple years later I got a herniated lumbar disc and the MRI revealed an incidental finding of an adrenal adenoma, so my doctor was flat out wrong and should've listened to me. After the adrenal gland/adenoma was removed I got Hashimoto's. Yes, it's all related. You could get a 4 tube saliva test for cortisol. Cortisol also effects blood sugar metabolism. But I'd ask the doc for an MRI of the abdomen.
Hi Marvalrus! Yes, I quit having periods when I was 38 I'm now 41. At the time of cessation, I was in college and selling our family home which was very stressful for me. I started having nausea, frequent urination, sweating all the time etc. Went to Dr. and she tested my thyroid and I was diagnosed hoshimotos/hypothyroid. Many of the symptoms disappeared after being put on levothyroxine. Although I never got my period back. It took them until I was almost 40 to diagnose the premature ovarian failure. Most Dr.'s kept telling me after medication was optimized they'd return. They finally tested my sex hormones after I started getting panic attacks out of nowhere. They put me on bioidentical estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Regardless of hormones, my DHEA and testosterone are consistently low. I still feel off and also get pretty low blood pressure on occasion around 90/60. Here is an interesting article related to these things saegre.org.ar/biblioteca/ar...
This article says I should be tested for Addisons, but Dr.'s says "no way I have it or I'd be losing weight".
You know your body better than the doctor. I would suggest an MRI or CTScan of your adrenal glands. This is an area TOO many doctors neglect. It's for one of two reasons, either they know it leads to more business, or they don't have a clue. I find the latter to be more accurate. Have you ever had your cortisol tested w/ the 4 tubes that show diurnal pattern? That's a start. I was the opposite and had high blood pressure.
Am not able to directly answer your question, However, it's an interesting one.
I was diagnosed with POF maybe 4? years ago. A few months ago I asked for a Thyroid Function Test (which my ivf clinic didn't want to do... as apparently I looked healthy). But I paid, and they finally did one. It came back with extremely high antibodies and Hashimotos. Are they linked? Quite possibly. I've been having hypoglycemic episodes as well, although until now (just checked google lol) I couldn't explain what was happening to my body or why. I would just feel like I was 'crashing' or fading out. I'm not diabetic though. At least I don't think so. I'm pleased I've figured out what this was. I knew if I carried a bottle of lucozade with me it would 'pick me up'.
It's difficult when your GP is a locum who knows very little about Hashimotos or Thyroid Test results, and won't do anything despite persistent pain near my left kidney. They laughed at me when I mentioned 'Addisons'. Best wishes x