Last episode of the saga from June 2015 when I had the Addison's crisis. Like all the other 3 endocrinologists, the new one said that I do not have Addison's disease. I am now tapering from 32.5 mg HC a day to 20 mg HC a day and they in the hospital they will give me again the short synachten test. The previous Stim test I was taking 30 mg HC a day, therefore it was a waist of time.
Can the short synacthen test be given when taki... - Thyroid UK
Can the short synacthen test be given when taking HC?

For official guidance on how to prepare for a SST test, how and when the test should be performed, and how to interpret the results, see this document :
The SST test is discussed on pages 68 - 70.
In answer to your question :
If on hydrocortisone the final dose of hydrocortisone should be at midday, on the day prior to the test.
Have they tested your dhea levels too?
I much prefer the saliva test for adrenals- better for everyone to fully comprehend including Doctors and more conclusive. Besides cortisol is only half the picture.
Good luck with the test.
How low is low? Abnormally low and have you moved to Australia now since doing the test in 2015?
If you google and search adrenals you will see that most patients with below normal levels/ even hovering around the normal level( with low cortisol) should discuss taking pregnenolone.
That's what I meant cortisol is only half the story if both are low( that's why the saliva test is so good- definite answers. If both are abnormal yes a patient has Addisons and it's onto meds asap)
If your dhea levels remain low you will be continually tired and may run the risk of getting osteoporosis later in life. Also low levels can also affect sleep.
Best wishes
Yes, my DHEA was low as well as the cortisol in the saliva test. I'm on medication (hydrocortisone). But doctors do not blood test DHEA and they say that saliva test has not been scientifically proved. I am in the hands of my third endocrinologist since I had an adrenal crisis in June 2015; like the other 2 previous endocrinologists (horrible ones), she says I have no Addison's in spite of my 3 pneumonia in 4 years, (last one in 2015 when I had the Addison's crisis). I am cutting down my hydrocortisone every three weeks. After I have been on 20 mg/day for some weeks (3?) I'll have a short or long? Stim test to check my adrenals. So far, I do not feel too bad. It is only the hypothyroidism. I was over medicated following the advice of a STTM forum. I was on 5 grains of NDT. I am now on 2 grains. I still wake up between 2am and 3.30am every night and I have to get up and drink chamomile tea and be up for an hour or so, then, I go to sleep again. The ringing of the ears, and the air hunger are still appearing as well.
I know many private endos that do use the saliva tests but they are more costly to do. Previously you could only get dhea through a specialist or from abroad and many countries would not allow it to be imported. Now pregnenelone is for sale on amazon.
You could consider doing your own saliva tests. If your dhea levels are consistently v low you may always be more tired than you need to be.
Best wishes
I can have saliva tests in Australia rather expensive yes, but the report they send you with the results, is not 'medical'. What I mean is that they do not mention Addison's disease or what drug/treatment to take. If you are interested I can send you the report of my last saliva test 3 months before I had the Addison's crisis, the only one I have had. I look after myself and after my partner Laurie very much. Lifestyle, food, supplements. We also have the endocrinologist sometime in June last.