Feeling exhausted!: Hi, I'm new to this forum and... - Thyroid UK

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Feeling exhausted!

Magz12 profile image
11 Replies

Hi, I'm new to this forum and was hoping someone out there can suggest or give me advice.

On 7th July this year, I had a left-sided partial thyroidectomy because there was a cyst growing inside and getting bigger. It was first discovered by my GP in March 2016 and after a scan was found to be benign. However, it got bigger and was advised that I would need this operation.

It was a success but in the last couple of weeks all I want to do is sleep- I could literally sleep around the clock but not feel any better for that!

I'm due back for a review on 17th of this month and have been told that it's too soon to see if I need tablets. All I know is, every little thing I do leaves me feeling so low and lethargic.

Does this sound right? Also my singing voice has gone (I sing with a choir so this is horrible for me!) Will this come back? Will speech therapy be needed?

I look forward to hearing from someone about this. Thank you!

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Magz12 profile image
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11 Replies
lorilou107 profile image

Hi Magz12, I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. I read your post with interest as I am due to have exactly the same operation in 2 days time for an enlarged mass on my thyroid which they want to check it's benign by removing it. I also have been told I shouldn't need medication but I have felt unwell for months with hypothyroidism symptoms and my tsh levels are classed as normal but I feel anything but and I believe that it is too high.

I also sing in a choir as a soprano and am concerned that my voice will be affected.

I truly hope you feel better soon and that that the lovely people on these message boardswill be able to give you (and me) some great advice and support.

Sending you hugs.



Magz12 profile image
Magz12 in reply to lorilou107

Gosh, Loubelle- you poor thing! And thank you for the hugs!!

My surgeon did warn me that myj vocal chords could be "nicked" but the cyst was pressing on my windpipe and beginning to choke me during the night- I guess because I would relax, so the I would wake up several times a night coughing and spluttering. My husband said it sounded horrible.

I don't know what any of the measurement terms (tsh etc) mean but have been told that even before the operation my levels were fine. Who was I to argue?

I did have an endoscopy almost a year before the operation to check my vocal chords and they were fine but since the procedure I don't have much control over the inflection of my voice, so for instance, if I want to exclaim in surprise at something (I was always very vocal in sort of squealing , although I'm an Alto- haha!!) Now, it's as if there's a point at which my range just cuts off. I can't project very well either, so these issues are a concern. And my job is in Customer Services in a call centre- so my voice is integral to my work!

But I could put up with all that (if I was sure it was only temporary) but right now it's the fatigue that's getting to me.

There are no guarantees with any of these things, I suppose and for me, I had to choose to have the lump removed. It couldn't be separated from the gland and it's been sent off for biopsy because they said it was quite inflamed, whatever that means.

Don't despair, Loubelle, when it's to do with hormones it's a very personal situation and will vary enormously for everyone. I guess that's what can make the medication side of things quite tricky to get the balance right.

Just ask TONS of questions and don't be worried about doing so!

Let me know how you get on- good luck!! xxx

lorilou107 profile image
lorilou107 in reply to Magz12

Hi Magz12,

I had the partial thyroidectomy on Monday and came home the next day. I feel pretty rubbish, I am so exhausted I could stay in bed all day and I keep falling asleep during the day. I also feel really dizzy when I stand up which is quite normal for me after a G A. I have an appointment on 21st for blood tests to see if hypo, even though I still have all the symptoms of it. My throat feels really tight and I have blue beads either of the wound which are being taken out on Monday. I have trouble eating and only really want soups or sloppy food and ice cream. I hate it when I swallow, It leaves a funny sensation. Considering consultant doesn't think I had /have hypothyroidism due to 'normal' tsh I can't imagine him prescribing any levo type drugs until the blood test has been done 2 weeks after surgery.

It is now a waiting game for the results from the removed thyroid to see if it is cancerous or benign. Appointment at the end of the month. If he won't prescribe any thyroxine meds then I will ask to be referred to someone in a completely different geographical area.

I can't sing, I can barely talk but not a single note comes out but I guess I should give it time to heal. I would be absolutely distraught if I lost my soprano voice.

Hugs and best wishes



Magz12 profile image
Magz12 in reply to lorilou107

Aww, hi, Lori. You'll be glad it's over. I can relate to everything you've described but my speaking voice is almost back to normal. I don't have any power to project (if I try to call out- I yodel-haha!!) and my singing voice is only in the bottom register- and not much control.

I enjoyed ice cream too and I'm still aware of swallowing past "something" where the cut was made. I'm guessing there's still healing going on.

Just relax and give in to sleep if you have to - no point in pushing- it catches up with you.

Remember it's only been a couple of days. I was told for internal injuries it can be 6-8 weeks, so just enjoy some boxed sets and limit your activities for now.

I was told I can't get my levels checked until 3 months after the operation and I'm due to see the surgeon on 17th. I'm hoping and praying that I won't need meds at all (the other half still being there) and that there's no vocal chord damage.

I was reading that they have to move the laryngeal nerves to access the thyroid, so this is probably why we're having difficulties.

I'm just trying to be positive and that all will be normal in time. Our choir starts back soon and so I'll have to just go along and listen in, rather than joining in! It's so difficult though- I can't stop trying to sing along to the radio or even sing whatever's in my head!!

Anyway- you take care, drink tons of water too- a speech therapist told me it really is the best thing- especially after a general anaesthetic!

Love and hugs,

Margaret- xxx

Nanaedake profile image

I don't quite understand why you can't have a blood test now to find out whether you need some Levothyroxine? I had a partial thyroidectomy and was given Levothryxoine right away. I know everyone's situation is different but I think you need to contact your consultant or GP and ask them to explain and tell them how you are feeling increasingly tired.

You should also get your vitamin levels tested as you may be deficient due to being hypothyroid and having surgery. Test for iron, ferritin, B12, folate and Vitamin D.

The other question was about your voice. Was your voice fine after surgery and fading now or was it weak immediately after surgery and not improving? Ordinarily, your voice should return to normal but you do need to discuss with your consultant or GP to find out what is causing the problem.

Magz12 profile image
Magz12 in reply to Nanaedake

Hi again- my voice was very hoarse for about 10 days or so and my speaking voice sounds about normal now. I just can't project or even exclaim - I do tend to react vocally to cute pictures etc!! It just comes out weird!!

I'm happy to wait until 17th - not long for advice from the consultant but I'm definitely going to take note of all these tests which have been mentioned on here.

Funnily enough, I had a bit of an MOT just before the lump was discovered and the Dr prescribed vitamin D, which I take every day- weird, eh? Clearly there were things happening steadily. The reason he checked these things was because I kept catching viruses with the most awful chest infections and was just about ready for collapse!

A lot of these symptoms were attributed to the loss of my son, who passed away the previous year and so that seemed plausible that my system would be low.

Thanks again for the very interesting information and I'll be well prepared for my consultant's appointment!! xx

lorilou107 profile image
lorilou107 in reply to Magz12

Please accept my apologies for the oversight on not acknowledging the loss of your son, my sincerest apolgies and condolences.


Magz12 profile image
Magz12 in reply to lorilou107

Not at all but thank you so much. I only mentioned it because I did feel very poorly in the months following Martin's death, but clearly there was a physical reason.

You take care. Xxx

shaws profile image

I would request a blood test for TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies.

It should be the very earliest possible, fasting (you can drink water. If taking thyroid hormones you should and allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose and the test and take it afterwards. Also check vitamins/minerals as all should be at an optimum level.

Always get a print-out of your results with the ranges for your own records.

Magz12 profile image

Thank you so much for the prompt replies- wow! I didn't expect this - one gets a bit suspicious with these sort of things!

Well, I had to have my sick line extended- been getting some hassle at work- my manager thinks I should've been back after 2 weeks! The GP- who was a locum incidentally, and doesn't know me at all- said it was too soon to test my levels. He said that there is a very small percentage of people who need medication and that the other half of my gland would take care of my levels and that it can't be tested until 3 months after the operation. I will take a note of these tests you've suggested and when I speak to the surgeon on the 17th I will ask for this to be done. I can't go on like this, that's for sure!

I do have several other health issues (I don't think I want to bore you all with these!) but I'm just astounded at my low energy. We all know what tiredness feels like but I have never spent so much time in bed in all my life! I do have a provisional date of 21st August to return to work and I'm panicking that I won't be well enough- AND I'm going on holiday in September, which I've been looking forward to all year!!

Thanks again for giving me your time, hugs to you!! xx

Your GP seems to be correct, it really is too soon to tell whether you need medication. With any luck you will not need any. After my partial for a benign goitre it took 3-4 months to get back to work and I then got another 14 years of good health before a mutinodular goitre nearly killed me, making a TT essential.

I have not much knowledge of how this may affect your voice. With me it caused no harm, I couldn't sing before and I still can't!

The timing of your holiday is rather unfortunate as it occurs about the same time as the decision needs to be make whether to start you on levo. You need to make the decision whether it may be better to cancel and reschedule. It does take some time for the correct dose of levo to be prescribed and during that time you are likely to still feel quite rotten.

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