Last year a blood test showed I was under medicated. My GP increased my levo to 75 and said I may actually be better off on 100. I chose to go on 75, saying I'd try 100 later if I felt the need. 75 improved me no end, but I didn't feel perfect so upped my dose to 100. Initially I felt better, but then began to feel worse. It was mainly the same symptoms as being under medicated, but I also had a few new ones, the most prominent being popping joints (ankle and knees) which sometimes hurt when they popped. I had initially been on 2x50 and only started to feel worse on 1x100. The GP changed my prescription back to 2x50 and arranged another blood test. I started to feel better but the test showed I was over medicated (TSH 0.01, T4 and T3 over range) and he reduced me back to 75. Immediately I felt better, but then started to feel slightly worse so I've just (three weeks ago with GP's approval) started trying 100 on just Mondays and Thursdays and it's making a difference - some symptoms have gone, others have improved. If it continues I may try 100 three times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri), but it hasn't been a month yet.
The problem is I'm struggling to recover from the pain in the popping joints. They have improved, but it's taking a long, long time, whereas I usually respond to changes in levo within days, and it's been six months. It's mainly my right ankle and knee (all my problems seem to stay on the rhs of my body, for some reason, only straying to the left when I'm really bad, which fortunately isn't often), but very annoying and worrying. I did a five mile fell race last night and walking today is painful - in the past I would have been sore in the muscles and Achilles, but there would be no pain at all in the knee or ankle.
Has anyone ever had issues post over medication - how long did it take to recover?
Sorry for the woffle, didn't know how to shorten the post and still get everything across so you knew what I was talking about