recent results ft3 gone up little: i... - Thyroid UK

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recent results ft3 gone up little

elvera111 profile image
26 Replies

i had been taking nature-throid. building up over a few weeks, 1/4 grain to 3/4 grain daily but ran out and my new supply isnt here yet. do i need to start again. they should be here tommorow which means i will have been off them for about 5 days

May 2017June 2017Opitimum


FREE T33.1















MCV10480 - 102

MCH35.127.0 - 32.0

PLATLET COUN201150 -450

NEUTROPHIL6.31...1.8 - 7.5

LYMPHOCYTE2.02...1.0 - 4.5

MONOCYTE0.83...0.2 - 1.2

EOSINOPHIL0.190.04 - 0.4

BASOPHIL0.07....0.- 0.2

PLASMA CRP0.00 - 5.00

CHLORIDE99...95 - 110

ALK PHOTO62..35 - 104

PROTEIN74.660 - 80

ALBUMIN36.2.35 - 50

BILRUBIN8..0 - 21

GAMMA GT38..6 - 42

ALT23.9..0 - 40

CRP5...0 - 5

CALCIUM0.9...2.1 - 2.6

PHOSPHATE3.6...0.8 -.1.5

GLOBULIN38.4..19 - 35

POTASSIUM3.6....3.5 - 5.0

URIC ACID323175 - 363.0

TRYGLICERIDE1.540.00 3.89

CHOLESTEROL6.990.00 - 4.99

HDL2.571.20 - 1.70

LDL3.720.00 - 3.00

VIT D14770 - 100


DHEA0.10.26 - 11.0 l

May 2017June 2017Opitimum


FREE T33.1















MCV10480 - 102

MCH35.127.0 - 32.0

PLATLET COUN201150 -450

NEUTROPHIL6.31...1.8 - 7.5

LYMPHOCYTE2.02...1.0 - 4.5

MONOCYTE0.83...0.2 - 1.2

EOSINOPHIL0.190.04 - 0.4

BASOPHIL0.07....0.- 0.2

PLASMA CRP0.00 - 5.00

CHLORIDE99...95 - 110

ALK PHOTO62..35 - 104

PROTEIN74.660 - 80

ALBUMIN36.2.35 - 50

BILRUBIN8..0 - 21

GAMMA GT38..6 - 42

ALT23.9..0 - 40

CRP5...0 - 5

CALCIUM0.9...2.1 - 2.6

PHOSPHATE3.6...0.8 -.1.5

GLOBULIN38.4..19 - 35

POTASSIUM3.6....3.5 - 5.0

URIC ACID323175 - 363.0

TRYGLICERIDE1.540.00 3.89

CHOLESTEROL6.990.00 - 4.99

HDL2.571.20 - 1.70

LDL3.720.00 - 3.00

VIT D14770 - 100


DHEA0.10.26 - 11.0

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elvera111 profile image
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26 Replies
startagaingirl profile image

Hi - I'm struggling to pull out the relevant results and you haven't given any ranges, which makes them very difficult to comment on accurately.

The ones you need to quote for thyroid usually are - as above - free thyroxine (or ft4), free t3, tsh, ferritin, folate, vit d, vit b12. You may be asked for a couple of the others depending on the results of those I have listed.

The format should be something like tsh 0.5 (0.5 - 4.2)

If you provide those, then people will be able to advise.


elvera111 profile image
elvera111 in reply to startagaingirl

ft4 11.30 9.5 -21.5

ft3 3.2 pmlt/l 3.5 =6.5

tsh 1.12 0.3 - 4.7

ferriten 137 ug/l/

folate 20mg/l 33.89 - 26.8 ug/l

vitamin b12 1583 191 - 663ng/

vitamin d 97

Saggyuk profile image

Apologies, I found it hard to read many of those results. There is so much going on there, I can only give you a few pointers of some things I know about to be honest.

You have a high MCV and MCH - this is highly indicative of Folate/B12 anaemia Your B12 seems better than folate so can only assume folate but I would maybe supplement B12 anyway just in case. This can also raise ferritin and mask iron deficiency so I expect that once this is resolved, you will find your are iron anaemic too so retest about 3 months after folate/B12 deficiency treatment is started.

You have low calcium and high phosphate - this indicates hypoparathyroidism you need to get a PTH test done to check. However, these can also be affected by other things like kidney problems and even low magnesium.

Your sodium is top of range and potassium is low in range. This can indicate high cortisol or issues with your adrenals such as cushings/high aldosterone etc which could also be caused by overproduction by adrenal glands or even too much exposure to steroid meds and will also cause hyperglycemia. You should get your adrenals and related hormones checked out. However, problems with your electrolytes such as sodium/potassium can be cause by kidney issues also, diabetes, water balance problems and even diuretics or heart pressure meds. High blood sugar levels/diabetes can also cause cortisol issues. Low calories can also set this whole process off - causing low/unstable/high sugar levels and then cortisol issues and so on.

albumin is low in range and I think there is a relationship with calcium and high globulins too? I'm not so up on liver function though but know they are related somehow.

Really with so much going on, you really need to be referred to specialists for proper investigation and it would be hard to know where to start and very complicated as most these issues can have an impact on the other and could be something way more complicated causing them all that is way other the tops of my head and others here and treating something could make some other problems worse. I imagine whatever are the issues would have an impact on your thyroid too.

I do hope you feel better soon :-)

elvera111 profile image
elvera111 in reply to Saggyuk

i have been for a b12 test this morning. Sorry calcium should read 2.9 range 2.1 - 2.6. phosphates 0.9 range 0.8 - 1.5. i really need to check my typo's.

i had a test done on kidneys which came back stable. i supplement with 3,000 magnesium malate daily. Potassium is usually low because steriods deplete it.

Another result i have just had is Serum parathyroid hormone 4.8 pmol/l

i have recently been prescribed water tablets after stay in hospital with water on the lungs. i have just had test result of heart scan which says

LV is of normal size with impression of a degree of systolic impairment. MR and TR detected. Dialated RV with thickened echo bright RV free wall? significance.

Whatever that means

Still trying to to speak to my gp about it. i have had second opinion from well known professor of adrenal/thyroid issues. Thought we had got it down to parathyroid but this test seems to be ok. so still no diagnosis. He is putting it down to over use of steriods or heart

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to elvera111

I don't know much about PTH tests to be honest - was it in range as no range given. High calcium is normally indicative of hyperparathyroidism. Can also rarely be caused by overdose of Vit D though and your Vit D is clearly over range if I have read properly 147 (70-100)???? Or is this Vit D1 47 (70-100)?

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to elvera111

Oh and sorry, just missed the obvious - why are you taking calcium tablets if you're calcium is high - you need to stop taking these??

elvera111 profile image
elvera111 in reply to Saggyuk

ft4 11.30 9.5 -21.5

ft3 3.2 pmlt/l 3.5 =6.5

tsh 1.12 0.3 - 4.7

ferriten 137 ug/l/

folate 20mg/l 33.89 - 26.8 ug/l

vitamin b12 1583 191 - 663ng/

vitamin d 97

iron 14.76umol/6.60-26.00

calcium 2.63 mnol/ 2.20 - 2.60

carrected calcium 2.71 mnol/ 2.20 - 2.60

globulin 38.4 19. - 35

albumin 36.2 35 - 50

phosphate 0.9 0.8 - 1.5

serum parathyriod 4.8 pmol/l

Magnesium not tested but been supplementing

sodium levels alaways high so decreasing amounts of celtic sea salt i have been drinking

potassium usually low because of steriod intake but eat bannanas daily and avocados

never had any problems with sugar levels

DHEA 0.1 0.26 - 11.0

my main problems for now are sorting out my DHEA cacium levels and sodium.

See how i go with cutting back on my 3 glasses of sea water a day i have cut down my vitamin d. Also stopped b12 for now and folic acid

Sorry i confused you with wrong results previously

elvera111 profile image

this is why i queried it with my gp. I havnt had a recent vit d test. yes it was 147 last year. might mention it again when i have my phone appointment at 5pm. last time i only asked about calcium results and because previous calcium was 2.8 and recent one was 2.63 range 2.1 - 2.6 he said i should stay on them. Guessing he didnt even look at vit d levels. i havnt had much time to read up on my heart results but what i have googled so far calcium deposits are showing up.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to elvera111

Calcium should never be over range so your results shouldn't be ignored, as Saggy says you should stop taking the calcium supplements. Results above 3 will start giving you symptoms and you are not far off going over.

elvera111 profile image
elvera111 in reply to bantam12

i have just phoned my gp.s head receptionist to ask for my last vit d result. it was 97. However when i asked her for ranges she didnt seem to know what i was talking about and told me to phone back later. can you believe it. Anyway it seems a bit better but its probably been building up for a while.

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to elvera111

Calcuim is the most regulated mineral in the body - it should never be out of range. Hypercalcemia is diagnosed at levels over 2.65 as is considered mild hypercalcemia until 3 which 2.9 is just under. High calcium will cause low vit D levels as your body will inactivate Vit D to stop you absorbing calcium in the stomach so will be even worse if you're supplementing Vit D as well.

All the electrolytes and calcium need to be finely balanced as will cause all sorts of issues. Is the endo looking for hyperparathyroid aware you are supplementing calcium???

I'm shocked they missed this.

I think you need to refer your doc to the NICE guidelines regarding hypercalcemia:

Also hypercalcemia will cause issues with kidneys and dehydration and therefore effect sodium/potassium levels and water imbalance/electrolyte imbalance and cause heart issues.

Hypercalcemia is also affected by lower albumin levels like yours. What is your adjusted calcium level? Is the calcium level shown adjusted for albumin as low albumin will lower calcium and as also advised in the NICE gidelines above, adjusted calcium should always be used. This means your levels are higher than this. When at 2.9, your adjusted calcium would have been 3 or over which is moderate hypercalcemia. Bearing in mind that levels over 3.4 require immediate hospitalisation. Your adjusted calcium at 2.63 would be higher too - 2.7 which is hypercalcemia and if this has been going on for some time, I imagine this is causing many of your problems and certainly not helping.

Calcium should only ever be prescribed if and only when your levels are low and monitored to ensure doesn't go over range and are normalised, never just because. I think maybe you need a new doc who understands the intricacies of calcium levels as high levels will cause bones problems too and heart.

bantam12 profile image

Your vitd is fine, the problem is your calcium.

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to bantam12

Yes vit D is fine now then but are you supplementing it? THe way the body controls high levels of calcium is to lower Vit D so you stop absorbing more calcium so if you are supplementing calcium to this level and supplementing Vit D also and therefore taking away your bodies control of it, it is even more dangerous :-)

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to Saggyuk

Oh and adjusted calcium will always be written on test results as adjusted calcium - you can use this calculator to convert calcium to adjusted:

elvera111 profile image

i wonder why they didnt pick up on this when i was in hospital a few weeks ago. sodium, levels, urea, where looked at . always thirsty, dehydration, . first time my kidneys have been mentioned when the results came back as stable. not sure if that was good or not. My corrected calcium was 2.71 range 2.20- 2.60. what should i say to my gp at 5pm

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to elvera111

You need to keep an eye on your calcium and parathyroid levels because one of the symptoms of hyperparathyroidism is excessive thirst. I would suggest your parathyroid level although within range is higher than it should be for your level of calcium. The parathyroids should switch off when calcium increases and switch on when it decreases, your pth should be very low and it's not.

GPs and Endos are not that good on parathyroid disease !

elvera111 profile image

just got off phone. she reckons heart probs are what is expected of a 65yr old. nothing to worry about. she dismissed my calcium levels and told me to keep on taking vit d. i couldnt understand a lot of what she was saying as it was broken english. no results of chest xray yet. i am making a double appointment to go into surgery to discuss it all with my usual doc. . Thanks

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to elvera111

My advice is ditch that GP asap as she is clearly not very clever ! She should not dismiss a calcium as high as yours and to advise you to carry on with vitd is crazy as it will push your calcium higher.

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to bantam12

It's not just the VIt D - the doc has had been prescribing calcium supplements all this time as well!!

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Saggyuk

It looks like Elvira is taking Adcal which is a vitd calcium combo.

Cariad-y-Mor profile image
Cariad-y-Mor in reply to elvera111

Hi elvera111 - I have been following your post today because I have similar problems as you regarding Calcium levels going above range. In my case on 18th May 2017 my reading was 2.46 ( range 2.20 - 2.60 mmmol/L ). On 28th June 2017 Calcium had risen to 2.62 ( slightly above range....but a considerable increase in a comparatively short time ). As a consequence I was sent for a Parathyroid blood test yesterday...I should get the results tomorrow. I stopped taking my Vit D as soon as I knew my Calcium had gone over range.

I have been on diuretics for many years but at the beginning of May I was put on 3200 Vit D for severe deficiency ( 8). I am no expert but am sure it is the Vit D that has caused this ..and some of our very knowlegable members confirmed this. I think it is probably because I am on diuretics ( water tablets ). I have also noted that my electrolytes are low.

I don't know what your symptoms are but for over 18 months I have become increasingly exhausted...complete lethargy energy.

I started with ectopic beats around the same time...dismissed by an arythmia nurse as " normal". !!! A couple of months ago I asked to be referred back to Cardiology. Ended up seeing same nurse who again said ectopics are normal. By this appointment I had done my research and knew I should have had a scan of the heart before she could conclude all was normal. So she reluctantly sent me for the scan...but still discharged me. I end up getting a phone call 2 weeks ago....oh dear...a heart problem has shown up. Is it any wonder people have no faith in the NHS. I would not be happy being told , as you were, that heart problems are ascexpected for a 65 year old !!!

As regards the connection between calcium and Vitamin D I got alot of helpful information and advice from the Vitamin D Council website.

Sorry if this is all a bit rambling......and hope you get some answers to your problems very soon. 😀.

I see my GP tomorrow....and I am in the mood to be assertive !!!!

elvera111 profile image

hmmmm. wondering if i should stop my water tablets. i have been reading over my heart scan report. Most of which i cant make any sense of. but one line says

Mitral Valve..... Immpression of annular calcification MR detected

that sounds like something to d with calcium to me. i have been taking vit d for about 12 years

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to elvera111

no its the calcium that is the problem. Don't let them just brush it aside - your current adjusted calcium is 2.71 which means hypercalcemia as stated by the NICE guidelines (over 2.65) - I linked the NICE guidelines in the above message so you need to show this to them. You also reported that it has been much higher in the last year at much higher levels than this also which would have caused many issues.

Really you need a new doc especially where they have stupidly been looking into hyperparathyroidism when the answer is right there in front of their faces!

You need to stop taking the VIt D and calcium and then retest both after a few months.

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to elvera111

Are you taking the water tablets/diuretics for water retention or heart pressure? This can cause dehydration and mess with sodium and lower potassium as well as the high calcium.

However, have you been taking the sea water for long, high sodium levels or high salt intake can actually cause water retention and dehydration too.

elvera111 profile image

i have only just found out about calcium worry after i googled calcification on my heart scan.

Got appointment to see gp tom about it. my endo last month said my parathyroid was fine and didnt do calcium tests until i was leaving. serum parathyriod 4.8 pmol/l This all coming to a head after investigating low ft3 3.2 3.5 - 6.5. I am getting confused with vitamin d and calcium supplements. I only take Adcal 2 lonzenges daily and Vitk 1 capsule evening

i was put on water tablets 2 months ago after water on lungs .

i have been drinking 3 mugs of celtic sea salt for about 3 years for my adrenals

bantam12 profile image

Adcal is a combined vitd and calcium tablet.

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