Adequate Ferritin?: My daughter has had some... - Thyroid UK

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Adequate Ferritin?

angiegt profile image
11 Replies

My daughter has had some recent results, one of which is her Ferritin which I think is too low. It is 24 (13 -150). If she should be taking more what should she be taking? Her Endo has said her bloods are fine. They are : TSH 2.15 (0.3-4.2), T4 14.3 (12-22), T3 4.2 (4.0-6.8). They've taken her off all meds.

Also I wondered if anyone has any advice re Lymphocytes as hers have been dropping for the last 3 years. They are .99 (1.2 - 3.65) and her phosphates are high at 1.51 (.87 -1.45).

Many thanks

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11 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

Angie - ferritin should be half way through it's range. With your daughter's level she should discuss it with her GP, maybe get further investigation such as an iron panel and full blood count to see if there is any anaemia.

Eating liver once a week, maximum 200g, can help raise ferritin.

If she takes iron tablets, they should be taken four hours away from thyroid meds and two hours away from any other medication and supplements as it affects their absorption.

Why has her endo taken her off her meds? What was she taking?

angiegt profile image
angiegt in reply to SeasideSusie

She was put on 20mcg T3, increasing from 10mcg after 2 weeks, and she couldn't tolerate it - had awful headaches etc. She was on 50 mcg of levo before that which didn't do anything to help, so they have taken her off everything, but she is still having severe digestion problems and very swollen all over (myxoedema?) . The last suggestion was that she should fast! She doesn't take iron tablets and her B12 looks good and Vitamin D. Her folate hasn't been tested for 4 years when it was 12.5 (not sure of the range). They suspect secondary/tertiary hypothyroidism. Now waiting to see a Gastro.

SlowDragon profile image

Suggest you email Louise at Thyroid Uk for list of recommended thyroid specialists

Presumably your daughter has high thyroid antibodies (Hashimoto's) as she also has gut issues. Very common with Hashimoto's for hidden food intolerances, most likely gluten, can be dairy too.

See Thyroid Pharmacist website for masses of info about Hashimoto's

Thyroid UK website for more general info and also where to get private blood tests if needed.

T3 was likely introduced too high a dose & increased far too quickly. Plus endo also stopped Levo as well. Sounds a disaster

We need small changes and time for body to adjust.

Presumably gastroenterologist is to check for coeliac, she would need endoscopy for definite diagnosis. Endoscopy can also check for gut infections

But majority of Hashimoto's are gluten intolerant not coeliac.

angiegt profile image
angiegt in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you for your reply. I think they panicked after giving her T3 when her T4 dropped from 15.7 to 7.6 (12-22) and her T3 only rose from 4.1 to 4.6 (4.0-6.8). I also wondered why the endo didn't try Levo & T3 together. The gastro is to check what is happening to her stomach which swells & feels very solid (unbendable) after she eats only a tiny amount such as a banana, & she feels very constipated. Myxoedema?

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to angiegt

Low stomach acid and gluten intolerance are both extremely common

Does she have Hashimotos? High antibodies

Katepots profile image

T4 is suppressed when taking T3 Drs know nothing.

It sounds like your daughter may have Hashimotos Thyroditis so auto immune and very common. Lots of us have it.

I'd recommend going gluten and casein free (cows milk) it's a big change to start but once you get your head around it and all the alternatives you can pretty much eat as normal.

Gluten and Casein look like the thyroid to the body (molecular mimmickry) so when ingested and they get in to your bloodstream via leaky gut(intestinal permeability) the body sees an invader so sends T cells out to attack but then mistakenly also attacks the thyroid.

In a past post I've listed all the things that I find have helped me, may be worth a look.

Research leaky gut. Chris Kresser is good for this.

Izabella Wentz Hashimotos Protocol book is good she also has a website.

Dr Datis Khazzarian also has brilliant books also a website.

Dr Susan Blum md The Auto Immune Recovery Plan is good for diet info.

FYI B12 should be 600 plus under 500 will start to cause neurological changes.

Vit D around 60 no less

Ferritin around 70

Your Dr will say ok at much lower levels as they don't want to supplement people as very costly!

The Dr absolutely must investigate the low lymphocyte count, insist on it. Can be due to bacterial infection and auto immune disease so could point to Hashimotos but there's other causes too so I would definitely get investigated.

I think taking her off meds is ridiculous as she will just get more hypo. I'd say she is not optimally medicated as it is. Ideally TSH should be under 1 to feel well and the T4 and T3 are low in ranges so if she's taken off the meds they will drop more. Can you switch Drs or specialists?

How is she feeling? have really good comprehensive testing. Not cheap but may be worth getting some private bloods done.

Thyroid plus 11,12&15 are good comprehensive tests plus there's a whole host of other things.

angiegt profile image
angiegt in reply to Katepots

Thank you Katepots. A lot of info. I thought you had to have a positive ANA to have Hashimotos? I am fairly sure she has secondary/tertiary hypothyroidism from her brain surgery.

Re her diet, she has been gluten free, dairy free and meat free (as well as no caffeine etc) for a couple of years, but unfortunately not been the answer.

Her B12 is 737 (197-771) and her Vit D is 83 (50-200) so presumably ok? Her Ferritin is only 24 (13-150) but she is wary of taking more iron because her constipation is so chronic. She can't eat liver as she can't digest anything bulky. Is there any Ferritin supplement you could recommend?

I wondered whether to suggest she takes 25mcg of levo for a couple of weeks, and then ups it to 50mcg, and after a few weeks takes 5mcg of T3? We are trying to find a really good endo to get a second opinion.

Katepots profile image

Poor thing, she sounds in a bad way. How about chicken liver pate?less bulky.

Yes definitely find a good endo.

Have you tried a good probiotic to help the gut and microbiome?

ANA is an indicator of auto immune disease but I'm not sure I've ever had mine tested. It is not used to detect Hashimotos that I am aware of.

Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibody or TPO Ab is the test for Hashimotos and Graves' disease

The presence of TPO antibodies in your blood suggests that the cause of thyroid disease is an autoimmune disorder, such as Hashimoto's disease or Graves' disease.

Antithyroglobulin Antibody or TG Ab can also show Hashimotos and other auto immune diseases like graves, lupus, diabetes, thyroid cancer...

I've just posted a webinar about the gut that's aired Today by Dr Josh Axe, maybe worth watching.

Definitely get the lymphocytes looked into.

What part of the country are you?

angiegt profile image
angiegt in reply to Katepots

She's in London. Thank you for the info re Today by Dr Josh Axe. I will have a look and see if she's been tested for the Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibody, and will suggest the chicken liver pate. Good idea. Thanks for your help. It is all such a nightmare!

Katepots profile image
Katepots in reply to angiegt

There's a couple of functional medicine Drs working out of London. If I was there I'd go and see them. It won't be cheap that's the problem but may be worth taking all blood results to them and having a consultation to see what they reckon and can advise, then you have something to go back to GP with?

There's also the London Endocrine centre. Again won't be cheap but may be worth one appointment.

Imperial college have a good endocrine NHS unit.

Whatever you do get cause of falling lymphocytes looked in to.

Found this info on low lymphocyte count and diet.

Dietary Guidelines for a Low Lymphocyte Count

Lymphocytes have a big role to play in fighting off pathogens that try to attack the body through the immune system. Eating a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients provides your immune system with the armor it needs to fight off bacteria and viruses that could potentially result in low white blood cell counts. Below are a few dietary guidelines to assist your body during this time.

Eat lots of protein. The amino acids in the protein will help the lymphocytes function properly and keep your immune system strong.

Make sure you get enough vitamin A in your diet. Eat plenty of leafy greens and orange vegetables.

Boost vitamin B6 levels by eating salmon, turkey, or chicken. Vitamin B6 helps lymphocytes develop properly.

Drink green tea every day.

Avoid high-fat foods.

Drink plenty of water.

Get more zinc by eating peanuts, almonds, and oysters.

Hope you get some help and she is feeling better soon.

Keep us posted.

angiegt profile image

I've just found her TPO reading which was 10 (0-34) & interpretation was negative which presumably means she hasn't got Hashimotos?

Not what you're looking for?

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