Ive been on a trial of 10mcgt3/125mcg t4 for a while now and my last bloods were:
Serum free T4 level18.1 (pmol/L9 - 22.7pmol/L )
Serum TSH level0.1 mu/L Abnormal result (0.35 - 5.5mu/L)
Serum free T3 level6.5 pmol/L (3.5 - 6.5pmol/L)
B12 is increasing slowly and currently 452 (211 - 911ng/L) I take the easy to absorb type b12 and a complex b vitamin.
I was feeling good and not feeling tired at all on the above dosage and losing weight slowly, it was coming off which was a start.
After these test results I was advised to decrease t4 to 100mcg from 125mcg and stay on the same amount of t3 of 10mcg. I was reluctant to do this as i was feeling much better on my above combination. For the last 4 weeks I have alternated daily 100mcg and 125mcg t4 and kept to 10mcg of t3 and feel absolutely knackered, i could sleep all day long, i fall asleep early, and I'm catching colds one after the other, my weight loss has started to stop and I find I'm slowly gaining weight again.
Any thoughts would be appreciated