I did write this for my own forum Sticky Blood-Hughes Syndrome Support, but felt to put it on here also!
MaryFMaryF SB HS Support 15 minutes ago 2 Replies
The most ideal medical person
I had to step in and help somebody recently that I dearly love, they had been feeling very very off colour, appearance very lack lustre, regularly feeling sick or being sick, loss of appetite or too much appetite etc. I was delighted to take them along to the nearest appropriate medical person, where their thyroid was very carefully examined, then blood tests done to look at levels of iron, B12 and also thyroid function tests.
The care and attention to get to the bottom of things was team work, the two of us agreed that the problem was a gluten/grain intolerance, even though they had been on a scientifically balanced diet for older pussy cats. The B12 came back a bit low, the thyroid was fine, but a grain intolerance suspected, with sensitive gut.
They would be requiring regular B12 injections. I was very relieved about the thyroid examination, both physical and with blood tests, which was fine. I was also delighted that my suggestion of daily probiotics was felt to be a very good idea.
The result of the new diet, blood tests and daily probiotics is, that my cat is very much better, despite being over the age of 16 - she is now looking ten years younger. She of course does not have feline Antiphospholipid Syndrome. But my point being is that before finding excellent medical care for myself in London and locally, I might have been better taking myself off to the local vets, as they are more likely to look at such issues.
She is now back to her usual robust and youthful self. This from a place of being at death's door only 3 weeks ago.