I'm posting this on behalf of my mother in law who is 78 years old and has been hypothyroid for 22yrs. I'm hoping that you lovely people can give her some much needed advice. She is on 75mcg of Levothyroxine
TSH 1.43 (0.35-5.50)
For the past 5 or 6 months she has been suffering with pins and needles in her hands and very occasionally her feet. Her fingers and palms go white and she complains of numbness. Once the feeling comes back her palms and fingers turn red. She also has sciatica. Her GP is sending her for a MRI scan of her spine as he thinks these symptoms are possibly linked. I'm wondering if the pins and needles could be due to her low B12? How much would you suggest she supplements to increase her B12 and folate?
She also experiences the following: constipation, can't lose weight, erratic sleep pattern, eczema/ dry skin.
By the way her GP says all her results are normal and require no action.
Thank you all very much