Hi!*Sorry for the long post*
Recently I went the doctor because I have been suffering from my extremely light and painful monthly period for like 5-6 years now. I am 25 years old and I am extremely small and thin, as I look young (always mistaken for a 15-year-old ).
Due to the fact that I get painful periods each month, while my eating habits have changed since then and I am underweight right now. My doctor suggested that I should see a gynecologist just to make sure I don't have endometriosis, but also suggested I should get a thyroid test since I look young/underweight and got my first period between (16-17 years old).
So the first clinic lab test I have done on (15th of Jan 2017): TSH level = 7.92
The doctor suggested later I should take another Thyroid test to check my TPO since it can't be done in the clinic.
My second time taking the test was on (23rd of Jan 2017):
Results are:
T3 - 5.86 pmol/L
T4 - 16.60 pmol/L
TSH - 4.740
Anti Microsomal (TPO) - Negative
(9th of Feb) Thyroid gland ultrasound test - Normal
Meanwhile, on the same day, I went to a gynecologist to take an ultrasound test for my uterus and nothing seemed to be wrong with it so the doctor suggested I should take a 2nd/3rd day period hormone blood test.
My third test was taken on (28th of Jan 2017) (3rd day of my period)
Results were as following:
TSH - 7.440
ESTRADIOL- 135.6 pmol/L
FSH- 5.67 IU/L
PROGESTERONE- 0.34 ng/ml
PROLACTIN- 13.34 ug/L
TESTOSTERONE- 0.37 ng/ml
I don't really know how much the TSH should be elevated to feel the symptoms but I read about Hypothyroidism later to find out I have some of them but others seem to be more like Hyperthyroidism to me. I started noticing them around the time I started to have painful periods (5-6 years ago)
- I am skinny and underweight
- Always tired /sleepy and sleep a lot compared to other people.
- Can't concentrate and brain fogginess.
- Always tired in the morning and no appetite
-Hair loss and light hair
-Skin dryness
-Developed Sensitivity to Cold (Cold feet and hands no matter what) while a long time ago I used to intolerant to heat.
-Can't handle Summer's heat and my eyes seem to be sensitive to the sunlight more than before.
-Extreme painful periods with low flow and strong IBS that both prevents me from eating properly for around 4 to 6 days with constipation.
-Anxiety/worry most of the time
-Mood swing / numb emotions
-So hard to gain weight
-Feet swell easily
I haven't seen an Endocrinologist or taken any medication yet. However, I need to know more about Hypothyroidism and the elevation of the TSH.
so I got three TSH tests (7.92 , 4.74 , 7.44) is it normal for my TSH level to change in such a short period of time??? and with the mixed symptoms I have, I started to suspect that I might have Hashimoto's disease. But my TPO tested turned out to be negative while nothing seemed to be wrong for the ultrasound test.
Note that I started to take a 3 month of contraceptive pills in May 2016 because of the repetitive pain over the years, but I stopped after 2 months since it felt so heavy to my body. I took the last month in December 2016 when my period started to get even worse than before.
As for other issues *I don't know if the following are relevant*:
1-While my mom was pregnant with me she lost so much blood during the last month of pregnancy due to a sudden car stop she was on and remained in the hospital for a while because of that.
2- I always feeI like I have a very weak immune system as I catch colds super fast and they last for a minimum 2 weeks. I was once hospitalized because of a very severe flu in 2004 which affecting my lungs and then went to my stomach and finally swelling over my feet and legs (I wasn't able to walk). They never knew what was wrong but the symptoms went by itself. I also got a TSH test at that time because -again- they suspected that I might have a thyroid problem and it was around 4.
3-My feet swelling problem occurred to me so many times in my life.
When I look at the symptoms and my medical history it makes me think that I might have a thyroid problem even earlier in my life but I was misdiagnosed.
So what do you think? Please share your opinion and what other stuff I should be concerned about before my appointment.