Hi, just want to say a huge thank you.
Have suffered much ill health last 2.5yrs. Left me isolated, lonely in utter despair and very worried. I came across this site as I had nowhere to turn and no one who understood my dilemma.
One week ago, I sat in GP surgery crying loudly after my husband phoned surgery for advice and was told a doctor would see me then. I was so unwell!! On treatment from out of hours service, for chest infection, but getting worse. I left my bed, pyjamas on, I was not seen by a doctor. A nurse did baseline obs and told me they were fine. I had no chest infection. I could wait and see doctor in a couple of hours or next day. I went home too unwell to wait.
Today, I saw my GP after hospital notified me that my neutrophils were low 109. They told me blood form on its way. It never arrived.
My GP has given me a blood form. Because of this site, and all the very kind people who supported me, I discussed many issues today. For once, I did not worry about allotted time. I told GP I have been seeking support and been advised to get certain blood checks. I am very happy to say. I have a blood form for thyroid tests vitamin d b12 ferreting and folate as well as bbc etc.. my blood appointment is next Wednesday.
You all gave me the confidence to have the discussion with my GP. Thank you.