tomorrow i m getting the results from the doctor
what happens if thyroid biopsy after surgery is... - Thyroid UK
what happens if thyroid biopsy after surgery is cancer?
I don't think there too much of a problem and those who've had a TT will respond.
If they've removed all of your thyroid gland, the least they can offer you is a mix of T3/T4 not levothyroxine (T4) alone.
It will depend which type of thyroid cancer you have, the size of the tumour and whether the cancer has spread beyond the thyroid gland to the lymph nodes.
A small papillary cancer may mean that only the thyroid lob with the cancer needs removing. The remaining thyroid lobe will be expected to provide the thyroid hormone you require so you may not even need Levothyroxine.
If the tumour is large and you are >45 a complete thyroidectomy will probably be done and you will be prescribed Levothyroxine to take the day after surgery. Depending on risk factors including type of cancer, size of tumour and patient age follow up radioactive iodine ablation may be required to mop up and destroy any thyroid cells left in the body after surgery.
Good luck tomorrow. I hope the result is benign.
My sister in law had thyroid cancer and a total thyroidectomy followed by radiation over 40 years ago. Shewent on to do a university degree, teach full time, is so active it puts me to shame, cycling, mountain climbing, cycling, yachting - you name it she did it, she takes thyroxine now but she's well into her sixties and hasn't looked back so although it definitely isn't something you want to get, the outcome even if it's cancer can be good. Good luck tomorow, fingers crossed it's benign.
Your SIL puts me to shame too! I didn't have that much energy before I had thyCa.
Ah, don't let her make you feel bad clutter, if I didn't know better I'd guess she had become hyper.
She used to exhaust me, sometimes it was like watching the Duracell bunny and she is really slim. She used to look down on me when I was chunky - like I just didn't know how to eat.
Looking back I'm sure I had been lurching from hypo to hyper for years before my Graves was finally diagnosed
Then when I became T2 recently and went on low carb high fat and lost masses of kegs I realised that in the past I used to be able to lose weight whenever I cut back on carbs so I'm sure I was prediabetic for years and being 'chunky' was much more than just being an idle and greedy pig who didn't know how to eat like she used to make me feel at times.
Apart from all that she did prove that you can make a great recovery from thyroid cancer. She was always slim and just normally active until she had her cancer - the rest came later.
thank you...people like your sister in law are the ones i admire the most.i feel those people are heroes in a way because they suffered a lot but managed to get their life back!

She did indeed because she had just had her second baby. She noticed fed the lump on her throat when she was breast feeding so thinking it was 'only' a cyst, they left her for a year, so she had a lot of reasons to keep going.
She is one extremely determined lady, she was studying while it all happened and she took her books into hospital with her in plastic bags when she had her RAI.