after being zapped by RAI ?
Does it just sit there doing nothing or does it quietly Rot ?😕
After this treatment two years ago and never being well, I wondered if it sits there trying to invent further problems to inflict!
I had thought that after bringing my vits up to scratch ? some improvement would be seen, but I must be one of the few people who doesn't feel cock-a-hoop with a high b12!
I had a few little eczema patches that were no bother, but now something has woken them up with a vengeance.
I have a particularly troublesome one at the base of my throat which my OH pointed out with much irony is in the exact shape of a butterfly.
Is the little blighter trying to get it's own back lol .
By the way treatments for eczema much appreciated. BTW I have already tried wings of bat and toes of newt. 😊
Cheers Pp