I feel awful and have done since before Christmas. I have a tightening feeling round my throat, I feel exhaused and ache, I'm freezing cold all the time and my feet feel like blocks of ice, hoarseness when I speak, slightly sore feeling throat. My memory is shocking too. I just can't get motivated. (sorry for the moan!)
I had a blood test last week and it is now a week on and my results are due in. I should be phoning the GP BUT I daren't because I know that the receptionist will cheerfully tell me that all is normal and no further action. And then where does that leave me? I know it's daft to WANT a diagnosis of an illness but all I want really is a treatment and to feel better.
I'm scared that if the receptionist says all normal that the GP will just say it's all in my head and have some happy pills. It's not in my head, honestly. My Vit D and B12 will probably show high as I was supplementing these before Xmas in a bid to feel better.
Whatever they say I will get a print out but what if it IS all in range? What do I do then?
Are there any sympathetic Endos in West Yorkshire I could go and see?
I have too much on in life to feel this rubbish.
Sorry for the big moan, I couldn't say this 'out there' nobody would understand.