Since my GP has reduced my thyroxine from 100 to 75 I have a real sensitivity in my mouth to salt. It feels sore & sort of toxic if I eat anything with salt. Could this be related or not? Advice appreciated.
Salt sensitivity?: Since my GP has reduced my... - Thyroid UK
Salt sensitivity?

Why did your doctor reduce your dose? Were you feeling you were hyper? Did you have the blood test at the very earliest possible time and fasting. Did you take your last dose of levothyroxine 24 hours before your blood test.
I cannot answer re the salt taste but I wouldn't be surprised if unusual things happen if we're on too low a dose
Dose reduced based on TSH wich had been going down for a few months to around 0.05. Yes I did take levo1st thing. I got a referral to an endo, cause symptoms still hypo. Saw endo beginning of December, he took bloods to check t3 etc and said would treat if result shows a need. Heard nothing since. I just wondered if the salt thing could be related.
When you say 'with salt', what exactly are you talking about? A sprinkling of salt on your chips, or a spoonful of salt in cooking water for veggies/potatoes/pasta/rice? And, what sort of salt? Table salt? Sea salt? Salt with added iodine?
If I eat anything salty, bacon or if I add salt to cooking, table, rock, or Himalayan, my mouth feels awful afterwards but if I cook and dont use salt it doesnt happen. This has been going on for a few months.
Soreness and sensitivity in the mouth can be a symptom of low B12. It might be an idea to get your levels tested? It often is low in those of us with thyroid problems.
Hi Smudger1
I was diagnosed about 3 months and I am ok with. Salt but get a horrible taste with a lot sweet things particularly a little while after I never considered it might be taking lLevothyroxine, though I do takeo omaprazole for reflux..maybe. Interaction as that's supposed to suppress acid and Leto needs it I think. Had not really connected till I read your post about a different taste in my mouth
Thank you. Hather X
I think everything tastes salty!