update: drs called me in to give prescription for... - Thyroid UK

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LaurieRose profile image
22 Replies

drs called me in to give prescription for colecalciferol asked what for and pharmacist said vitamin d deficiency. have read this is related to thyroid or thyroid medication. Anyone have info or advice for how to handle this re medication whats ok to take with what do I carry on taking levothyroxine? confused

healthy wishes


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LaurieRose profile image
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22 Replies
greygoose profile image

Certainly you continue taking your levo. Just make sure you leave a four hour gap between the levo and the vit D3.

Hypos are often deficient in nutrients. It's good that your doctor picked up on this. How much did he prescribe? But, I don't suppose he told you that you should also be taking some vit K2 with it, did he? The reason for that is that taking vit D3, increases the absorption of calcium from food. And the K2 makes sure that it goes into the bones and teeth, and not the soft tissues, and doesn't mount up in the blood.

As your vit D was low, it would also be a good idea to have your vit B12, folate and ferritin tested, because they could also be low. :)

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to greygoose

hi greygoose he prescribed 800 IU twice a day. No you're right nothing said about vit K2. Should I ask dr about vit K2 or can I get it in a health food shop? It's interesting to find out this info from you, many thanks.

I assumed my vit B12 may be low from researching the internet before I went bck to see GP and he said they would do full blood count and vit D plus antibodies tests. The receptionist will not give out results at our surgery so I cant see my levels of various things which I find annoying as I like to know...it's my blood lol. anyway I will follow your advice and glad there's someone in the know.

healthy wishes


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LaurieRose

The receptionist is breaking the law, then! She has no legal right to withhold your results. The 1998 Data Protection Act, gives you the right to have a copy. Try telling her that, and if she still refuses, come back her, and people will explain the legal process you can take to get your results (tell her you'll have her thrown in the tower! hi hi hi!)

I don't know about where you live, but where I live, I would not buy my supplements in a health food shop! Nor in a supermarket, nor even in a pharmacy. They tend to be low quality. So, strange as it may seem, I prefer to get mine on Amazon - as most people on here do. You want something like this :



LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to greygoose

thanks that's useful. Another thing I've been reading some other posts about vit d supplementation and it seems my dose prescribed is low in comparison. Does this mean I'm only mildly vit d deficient? it's hard to know without the results. The receptionists are very pleasant at my surgery and I don't want to offend them but hey ho the law is the law and I have a right to my results. thanks greygoose you're a champ, it's been helpful.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LaurieRose

Oh, yes! I meant to say, that dose is much to low! It wouldn't help a sunburnt gnat!

However, best to wait until you do get your results before deciding what to get when you buy your own. We all buy our own because doctors know nothing about nutrition, and either prescribe the wrong thing, or rediculously small doses.

I was joking when I said to threaten to send them to the tower! lol I don't suppose they actually know that it's illegal to refuse results to a patient. So, you need to gently inform them. If they still won't play ball, there's a special type of letter you can send - and access order, or something - that informs them of their duty. But, other people will tell you more about that. I don't even live in the UK! :)

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to greygoose

ok thanks again, haha like the ref to sunburnt gnat, We get about one week of sun only in UK. yes I shall pop in with a gentle reminder on Tuesday lol. Do you have to buy many vits for yourself? It's a darn shame some of us have to pay just to have an acceptable level of health.

Best healthy wishes to you


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LaurieRose

Yes, I spend a small fortune on supplements! But, I'd rather buy them myself, just as I buy my T3, rather than having to go cap-in-hand to the doctor, and have to fight to get what I want.

I know it's hard on some people, and it shouldn't be that way. But, until doctors' education is improved - and that will be when Big Pharma has been over-thrown - that is the way it's going to stay.

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to greygoose

totally sucks

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LaurieRose

Indeed it does.

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to LaurieRose

GPs and doctors in general know very little about nutrition and exercise so there is no point going back to the doctor and saying what other vitamins/minerals you need as s/he simply won't know. S/he will simply say you can get it from food as that is what they have been taught.

There was an article in The Guardian a couple of months ago where medical schools in England and Wales admitted they don't teach doctors these things.

The members of this group who are giving you info on nutrition have gleamed it from other patient illness/conditions groups, dietitians who don't tend to work in the NHS, sports scientists, medical doctors with postgraduate qualifications in nutrition and other scientists/practitioners who have a strong interest in nutrition. (Some members are these themselves but for legal reasons cannot tell you.) Members also read research papers. So don't be surprised if the information given by different people here is slightly different. However everyone agrees those with thyroid disorders need to be on the higher side of test ranges.

Anyway the first thing to do is get your test results and ranges. If you have difficulties gaining them AFTER making a formal written request to the surgery either contact your local MP in person or or contact the Office of the Information Commissioner. (To find your local MP look on the site theyworkforyou.com and to find details of the information commissioner go to ico.org.uk ) Members have had success in getting results from doctors' staff when they have done this in the past.

The next thing to do after you have your results is to post your results with ranges in a new thread for members to comment on.

If you are not in Scotland there are protocols of how to treat vitamin D deficiency which sometimes local NHS trusts or healthboards print online. You can find these with some Googling. If you can find this for your local area, or where you can't the one/two areas next to it, you should read it. If the GP isn't following protocol outlined for your vitamin D treatment print this information out, go back to to that GP and politely point it out. They should then recheck and modify your dose of vitamin D. I have helped other members find this information in the past so they could do this successfully.

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to bluebug

Thank you for this very good reply. I have my results and have posted them as best I can. It ends to me through my own research that my kidneys have been damaged... Causing inflammation. Also my liver ires been confirmed that I have hepatic steatosis by scan, yet I know nothing except advising healthy diet and exercise is done for this. So difficult living like this. Gp just days be glad you haven't got cancer, take your meds and keep smiling.

Roller22 profile image
Roller22 in reply to greygoose

Buying vit. On Amazon is not better, just buy a known brand, not an off-brand.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Roller22

Except that you have a wide choice of brands on Amazon. I think that could count as 'better', don't you?

Roller22 profile image
Roller22 in reply to greygoose

I'm thinking of the prices plus shipping and handling. You can get the same quality locally.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Roller22

But that's what I said to begin with :

"I don't know about where you live, but where I live, I would not buy my supplements in a health food shop! Nor in a supermarket, nor even in a pharmacy. They tend to be low quality."

Where I live, you can't get the same quality. And lots of people say the same think. I don't know about the OP, maybe there are better health food stores where she lives. But, when all a health food has to offer is cyanocobalamin and magnesium oxide - not to mention vit D2 with calcium! - then I'm better of buying on Am:azon.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to LaurieRose


LaurieRose - here is the link about obtaining your results .....

LaurieRose profile image

thinking of having the blue horizon tests done for T3 also then can see profile

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LaurieRose

Well, if you're going to do that, go the whole hog. Get :






vit D

vit B12



I know your doctor has done some of them, and maybe you should wait until you get your results from the doctor, but there are some on there he just won't test. And some that need doing together. For example, FT4 and FT3 should be done at the same time, to see how well you're converting. You can't compare them if you have the FT4 done one day, and FT3 the following week.

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to greygoose

thanks x

silverfox7 profile image

Poor you not getting much help and possibly not. Ring given the correct D3! You really need to know where you are at results wise. When you are low you. Wed a booster dose for a few mo the then a maintenance dose. My maintenanance dose was same as yours but if you are deficient, and most of us are, then that dose won't touch the surface hence needing a large booster dose first.

Is it Adcal you are taking? If so I wouldn't want to take that one line I did!

My GP thought the K2 was included, to be fair some are combined but I was alerted to this as my calcium level rose and even went over range! I also noticed Adcal contained Soy which isn't good for thyroid anyway so ditched them and now take 1000iu Pro D3 daily and K2. My calcium level has dropped and my Dental problems have improved. Read up on the advantages of K2 but you must not take it if you are on Blood Thinners like Warfarin.

First thing though is to insist on getting a copy of your results.

LaurieRose profile image

Thank you I'm on fultium. Finally got a print out of my results... Interestingly I can't see vit d test on there. Will try and post.

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to LaurieRose

Most do not do it unless specifically asked and you gave told them you fit one of the profiles laid down by Chief Medical Officers to be tested. Even then some GPs think it is a fad so won't test.

I know a couple of so called healthy guys who were called names by their ex-GPs for having vitamin D deficiency symptoms. They changed to different GPs, were tested and found to be deficient.

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