Hi there - have used this product before but didn't find it worked for me - but willing to give it another go - can anyone tell me how they get to 1/8th of a 5 ml teaspoon as they direct to be used as I find this very hit and miss.
Hi there - have used this product before but didn't find it worked for me - but willing to give it another go - can anyone tell me how they get to 1/8th of a 5 ml teaspoon as they direct to be used as I find this very hit and miss.
This is the brand I used many years ago on the advice of Dr P. It came with a tiny plastic 'spoon' to measure the amount, and to be honest I didn't find it helped me either!
I have recently been advised (by a private hormone specialist) to use Elan Organics bioidentical progesterone cream as it is the only one that doesn't use Chinese ingredients. Their website states this fact. The recommendation was for a pea-sized amount to be used and I realised that was much more than was measured out on the spoon supplied with the Wellsprings cream all those years ago.
If you want to check it out - elan-organics.com/ or progesterone.com/store/bio-... (same people). No problem with it being ordered from US, it is despatched from Sweden, no customs charge and it arrives between 1 and 3 weeks after order.
Sorry to show my ignorance. What is the problem with Chinese ingredients? Are they unstable? I have been using Wellsprings for a couple of years. Thankyou.
I can't say with any certainty but - and I'm not talking about progesterone cream in particular here - not everything that comes out of China is good quality. I'm sure some things are, but not everything.
There are actually two "Serenity" progesterone creams - one by Wellsprings and one by Heath Science. I believe there is some dispute about who is telling the truth and which one is actually the original. I don't know the answer and I don't use Serenity cream.
I was advised to use Elan Organics and I'm happy with it.
Hi Seaside Susie were you also using any Estrogen with the Elan Progesterone, how much Progesterone were you taking and how long did it take for the symptoms to ease
Yvette65 No, I haven't used any oestrogen (I am well past natural menopause).
Progesterone - a pea sized blob twice a day, can't give an exact amount.
I was recommended to take progesterone cream as part of a supplement regime to deal with 'low adrenal reserve' and virtually no sex hormones when measured, along with unresolved hypo symptoms. The whole supplement regime was to balance everything, so I can't answer the question about how long did it take for symptoms to ease as it wasn't recommended for menopausal symptoms.
Hi SeasideSusie , many thanks for the reply.... I am post menopause due to hysterectomy (ovaries removed) 12 years ago.... at the time some HRT which didn't agree so came off and left for the next 12 yrs...
7 months ago had a water infection, which really suffered from then found had high cortisol and low DHEA.... then found out had very low sex hormones.... was prescribed BHRT Bi-est and testosterone.... but sent me through the roof on levels... so detoxed....now levels were at low estrogen and low but in range progesterone.... now prescribed .75 mg Estriol and 20 mg Emertia BHRT Progesterone.... but suffering from flushes, depression, inflammation of joints etc.... trying to find the right balance before I loose the will
I've also been recommended to use progesterone cream and was advised only to try the one from Elan Organics. I ordered 2 tubes about 10 days ago and it arrived on Thursday this week. The price is reasonable. Also advised 1/8th teaspoon, about the size of a black peppercorn.
I haven't started using it yet as I'm trying other supplements to boost adrenals at the moment and still rather wary of female hormone 'stuff' but the Elan Organics is reported to be very safe as its classed as a bio-identical hormone, rather than man made.
Bioidentical hormones are man-made in a lab from plants - that is how they tweak the ingredients to be bio-identical (otherwise they'd have to use human urine or something similar). It's the non-bioidential ones that are made from animal products and made not to be bio-identical by changing a few components so they can be patented.
Thank you Angel of the North. I think I worded my comment incorrectly. I do know its man made but I guess I meant its made from a plant source rather than animal or completely synthetic.
I've Benn using serenity cream for 5 months and sweats and hot flushes hugely reduced. I found pea size blob to be about 1/8 it advises. They say 1/4 teaspoon at first and oh boy did it make sweats worse But being stubborn I just reduced amount and gradually the sweats and flushes I've had for 28 years faded
I take the 6 day break after 24 days and by the end the sweats etc are getting slowly worse, stopped within a day of starting again. But I use a tiny smear only not pea size now. What works for one may not for another that's for sure. Good luck with whatever you try
Can I ask someone what they do if they have had a hysterectomy - do we need to still do the break in the cycle. By the way I am using this cream for stomach issues believe it or not - I have just typed a massive reply telling you the background and lost it before it got posted - so re doing - but here is what I found after suffering stomach cramps - and it worked - today I can eat without getting pains as the food goes down - a miracle.
I have Hashis - Lupus with kidney involvement and adrenal insufficiency - have to take a steroid for life - just recently unable to metabolise choline so had to stop eating eggs etc. and taking my B complex that my adrenals needs and my tummy - I have to eat protein for breakfast to avoid the steroid eating into the stomach wall - unfortunately my partner has had to have two eye operations so been up and down to London on train and tube in rush hour - for two and a half weeks - stress stress stress - not good for an adrenal patient - (not good for anyone actually) not eating properly up hospital for 7 hours a day and two hours to get home so tummy has only had toast in the morning for breakfast and not much else because we didnt feel like eating when we got in so just snacking - anyway looking at my cracked heels which are worse than ever - which I knew was low progesterone - and having been diagnosed with low progesterone (oestrogen dominance which is low progesterone really) I had a light bulb moment I wonder IF my tummy pain where food was hurting going down into the stomach was a hormonal issue - I was so worried I thought I had burned a hole in my stomach due to taking my steroids with little food or at least less good food I normally do. I was prescribed progesterone tablets years ago but they made me wake up with a headache - and as I have had sticky blood syndrome - I cant take the risk of high doses - and used the cream the other day - and I am pleased to say within a couple of days my stomach is much easier - another success story of trawling the internet for an answer. I am so relieved. Whilst writing can I also recommend - Queezibics for anyone who has constipation due to low thyroid - these are 1000 mg of ginger within a biscuit - and good for nausea and constipation and calming of the stomach - I didnt take these for my tummy because they can make me loose so I proved it was the progesterone I needed.
Sorry to hear about all your health issues. Have you tried a gluten free diet? It could potentially help with all of these.
Hi there - yes tried that - made me worse - most gluten free food has an increase in sugar which didnt suit me at all. Thanks for thinking of that though. Had food today and for 3rd day not pain as food was going down - its a miracle - for which I will be forever grateful.
Yes, I agree, gluten free foods are mostly very sweet and not very nice either! The fact that you reacted negatively could be a sign that you're sensitive, as people often feel worse before they feel better. It is better to wean off gradually over a couple of weeks so it's not such a shock to the system.
I highly recommend the Paleo Autoimmune protocol, which is an anti-inflammatory diet. It is a bit of a challenge as you pretty much eat meat, fats, fruit and veggies for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which requires food preparation and planning. My daughter has low cortisol (around 200) and CFS and she had a big improvement in all her symptoms when she went on this protocol. May be worth a try to see if your symptoms improve:
I was advised by a specialist who is an expert in this type of diet not to go gluten free as most of the foods offered gluten free aggravate the thyroid in other ways - the seeds and nuts etc.
My understanding is that nuts, seeds and grains all contain lectins which can irritate, and for this reason all of these are cut out initially on the Paleo Autoimmune Prococol. However, wheat/gluten seems to be by far the most problematic and inflammatory food, and many people with autoimmune diseases get relief from their symptoms and experience a drop in autoantibodies when they remove wheat from the diet.
Hi there - yes but unfortunately they contain too high a sugar which causes me more issues - when they cut out the suguar I would be happier to try again - I wish they wouldnt do that to products.