My faith in the treatment of Thyroid conditions has hit a all time low with the NHS! I had a follow up blood test on the advice of the Endo. My original TS4 levels were on the high side. She also wanted me to reduced the T3 medication although I am middle range on that. Of course T3 is bad for us isn't? (not - just expensive) Sorry I am being cynical. I also had a glucose intolerance test as one dr was saying I was diabetic because everything was out of kilter, another says I am not as I was in the "normal range" in my last HbA1c- test.
Anyway, my GP rang me today with the results. Diabetes came back inconclusive so she wants me to have another test in 4-6 weeks.
My thyroid test results, I ask.....T4 was 19.27 (range 12-22) I was expecting that, as it was high last time. So medication reduced to 200 mcg. Ironically it is what I call my "normal" dose and the dose I had no problems with, when I was on it originally and before they started messing me around. So then I ask what was my T3 results?? "what T3 results, they haven't tested you" Give me strength I say.....She did admit that was a little bit strange, coughed and spluttered about my intentions on T3 and also admitted that she had little knowledge of thyroid conditions. She says, "that is why I referred you" "No it isn't I said, you referred me because (your words) you were not licensed to prescribe T3 anymore and a Endo would have to authorise it which she hasn't because it is expensive and in her opinion, unnecessary!" a bit more coughing and spluttering and a promise of another set of both T4/T3 blood tests and the HbA1c test in 4-6 weeks.
The GP has advised me not to buy from abroad, but I have told her I have no choice, because the NHS is not supporting me. Needless to say, I got no answer but thank you and good bye