I have been to the Dr for my t3 results so here goes
My free t3 normal at 5.2prol/L range u 3.1-6.8
My tsh is 0.019 miu/L range 0.27-4.2
My t4 is 27.1pmol/L range u 12.0-22.0
My red cell foliate is 7.9ng/ml range u4.6-18.7
C reactive protein is 3.6 mg/L range u 0-5 on 29/07/2016 this was 2 so not sure why that's gone up.
Ferretin is 219 ug/L range u 13-150 so high and has gone up from 201 ug/L since july
I can't see a b12 result plus in July my tsh was 0.073 range 0.27-4.2 I can't find the t4 result in the printout and different to my original results O posted on here as per what the Dr told me from screen but I have no idea why my tsh has changed so much in a month I'm going to have to ask again about last month t4 result and get the print out.
I have agreed to lower my thyroxine from 200 to 175 alternatively as I felt worried reducing it to 175 straight away as I felt it was to much of a drop in one go.
I'm so sorry for the wrong results first message I went by what I was told I'm so glad I remembered to get the print outs as suggested here thank you.