What a waste of time ,saw a GP today and explained where I'm at regards my own blood tests that I had with me ,I explained how terrible I feel right now and that the Levo contains maize that I'm intolerant too, I explained that previous NHS bloods came back with instructions to increase dose and my new bloods show similar too. The doctor that I saw told me that
All my bloods are satisfactory and within range
The recommendation from their own NHS results were not an instruction and no dosage increase
They do not recognise my private bloods as not from NHS even though they won't test everything I had tested by Blue Horizon
They will only prescribe Levo regardless of intolerance to maize as its a small content !!!!
I've only got 18 weeks until I see an endo
And finally she hoped I felt better after discussing it all with her
Absolutely shocking with all the facts on the table they can only offer what is within their guidelines so I'm done for now with them as I feel I need to see a sympathetic ( if that's the right word) experienced common sense doctor / endocrinologist and soon as a plan is needed I feel ,I'll do everything I can diet wise but for new meds I'd be glad of some guidance who/where to go as I value good health and want to strive towards it ,I've had a tough 18 months and recently bloomin awful ,I asked her is it normal to ache for days after washing a car or be out of breath going upstairs and feel low all the time and she said they are common hashimotos symptoms I can discuss when I see someone in 18 weeks.
Be glad of help here ,really would and you've been great so far.
Paul Jones, A moment ago Report#11Reply