Hello everyone. Following my post 4 days ago ‘Chemist prescribed incorrect dose’ I have now had my telephone conversation with my GP who has reduced my dosage to 75mg. (just as you thought clutter ) My GP explained that levo is prescribed in 25mg 50mg and 100mg but not 75mg. I asked if there would be any benefit by taking 50mg in the morning and 25mg in the evening and he said none whatsoever and in fact you can take your thyroxine all in one go, once a week because it has a half life. I asked why it isn’t prescribed in this way and he said because people would forget to take it. Has anyone else heard this and/or medicate in this way?
Having said that there is another question I hope you can help with. When I started on Levo 50mg in Sept 2015 the tablets were manufactured by Mercurypharma, I subsequently received my repeat prescription at the incorrect dose of 100mg and this time the manufacturer was Actavis. Now that I am on 75mg, I collected my prescription of 25mg today to find this is made by Wockhardt so from tomorrow I shall be taking 50mg of Actavis and 25mg of Wockhardt. When I brought this to the chemist’s attention she said there is no difference between the three makes as they all have the same active ingredient (which they don't, see below). I said I wasn’t happy to have two different manufacturers but she said they have no control over what they are sent and any concern I have is all in the mind (excuse me!). I know from other medications that brands differ in quality and so my questions are this; Is there a preferred Levothyroxine manufacturer and is it ok to mix these. Just for info I have provided the ingredients for each of the manufacturers and thank you again for all your support.
Wockhardt = 27.8 levothyroxine sodium equivalent to 25 micrograms of anhydrous levothyroxine, lactose, sucrose, maize starch, magnesium sterate.
Actavis = 50mg anhydrous levothyroxine sodium, lactose, magnesium state, maize starch, stearic acid, pregelatinised maize starch.
MercuryPhama = anhydrous levothyroxine sodium, sodium citrate, lactose, maize starch, acacia powder, magnesium stearate.