Freezing cold from HYPO-THYROIDISM: i'm new here... - Thyroid UK

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Freezing cold from HYPO-THYROIDISM

sassie213 profile image
20 Replies

i'm new here. I have Lymes Disease and EHS which results in my reacting to almost all supplements, including any thyroid meds. Please send suggestions how i can stay/get warm when body becomes freezing cold (hot showers n.g. due to skin inflammation). Feel like i live in an igloo.... help!

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20 Replies
Schenks profile image

Apart from meds, you could try an electric blanket - it's a kind of fleece thingy that you can sit upright in and it works like an electric blanket. Small cups of warm drinks spread over the day, several times a day, warm but not spicy curries and a very wee dram in the evening - these cause your skin to flush and make you feel warmer, but you need to be well wrapped up so that, perversely, you don't lose body heat. Hope something in there helps.

What's EHS, by the way?

Ruthi profile image
Ruthi in reply to Schenks

EHS seems to be electromagnetic sensitivity, from my quick google. I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't part of the hypo situation.

Hypothyroidism is potentially(eventually) life threatening, so you need to find a way to get thyroid meds into you. Have you tried the liquid levothyroxine which is supposed to be hypoallergenic?

I've read wonderful things about the Humaworm Lyme protocol. Have you come across it?

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Ruthi

Good lord. A worm? Got to google that one.

Ruthi profile image
Ruthi in reply to Schenks

Humaworm stands for Human Worm - and their main product is a parasite cleanse. But they do all sorts of adjunctive products - and a couple of people have mentioned Lyme and them in the same sentence.

They would have you believe that we all need worming regularly, like dogs and cats! I'm not sure I buy that, but clearly parasites are everywhere and if they get out of hand.... I found it because I am clenching my jaw of late, and the only even half way credible explanation I have found (other than stress) is parasites!

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Ruthi

Yeuch! Can you give me a link to start me off on my next neurosis, please?

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Schenks

Schenks, see my replies to Ruthie above and also Sassie. Hopefully you won't feel neurotic after reading them :-)

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Ruthi

So a Canine "detox" then Ruthie? I did my oŵn detox type treatment starting last December not your product though :-) but mine really helped me though.

I used products, bought at local pharmacŷ after talking to the Pharmacist and seeing all my blood test results (I also have a blood disorder).

1st I took a 2 or 3 month course of Arko Royal Energy (in UK) Dynergie for me in France. The ingredients are all natural products. ginseng-Royal Jelly - Acerola - Propolis. The whole product is described as Fortifying & Strengthening. 20 days on 10'days off. Then repeat following month. Sorry memory re the 2-3 months. Really depends on how you feel.

After that I went on to their next product, by my choice, called Arko Fluide (Confort Urinaire) in French again. It certainly keeps my system good, in that no more UTI's - I see it as helping the whole gut system from mouth down through digestive system, to bladder and boŵel.

Certainly no gluten/dairy or bowel movement problems.

The only real change I have made to diet is to eat Krispies more than Weetabix. Different type of horticultural Cereal. Remember wheat makes, flour, for use in many recipes. But the ones that contain eggs are different to those that don't, as in bread!

As for meat I'm good with beef and poultry but do not eat Pork, as recommended not to by Pharmacist. I'm not a great lover of fish, but occasionally will eat battered fish (eggs included in batter mix. I've just found what works for me and feeling better and eating more healthily, while still on my Levo, without the worst of the side effects of hair loss, (indigestion goneafter started on Levo in 2000 anyway, but for the cold side effect, I do wear scarf round my neck as and when or if necessary.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to SAMBS

A PS to all to my above - hopefully my next long and large sheet of blood test results will show a marked improvement, especially in mŷ blood cell count and condition. I'm also hoping the bigger Thyroid test will show better results!

Ruthi profile image
Ruthi in reply to SAMBS

No, not a detox - a parasite cleanse. For worms and the like. You would need to read up, but I think that the system first clears out the parasites (which can host Lyme, making it difficult to kill off) and then attacks the Lyme with a different product

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Ruthi

Ok Ruthie, thanks, as we are on a Thyroid Community I didn't make the connection between animals, parasites, and Lyme Disease! Sassie posted about feeling the cold - and I can't see the connection with parasites, but only with doing a human detox as per my suggestion along with the neck scarf.

Time for me to butt out, methinks :-)

Ruthi profile image
Ruthi in reply to SAMBS

No, it's a valid point, and my view may be too far ranging. But here is my thinking, and why I posted about it.

There is a huge overlap between Lyme and Thyroid and adrenal problems. The feeling cold to that extent isn't a common symptom with people whose results are fairly normal. So my guess is that the Lyme is contributing. And while we all carry some parasites without a problem it was the fact that I have read good reports about this protocol for Lyme that made it worth mentioning in my opinion. People never tell their whole story, there isn't time. But sometimes the left field suggestions ring a bell, and a whole new set of possibilities for healing pop up.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Ruthi

Yes I agree, without the whole story it's never easy to "advise" people especially as we can only ever relate our own experiencesand results.

By the way I've posted an apology in advance to you in a reply to GreyGoose on your post about someone you've obviously taken a dislike to for ever getting into other people's posts with their opinions. I just said I apologise in advance if you didn't like my answer to GG, because no offence was intended by me to anyone in that post. TUK has grown enormouslŷ in last couple of years, I feel sorry for the admins who try to keep up with everything, especially as it is a Charitable Organisation.

Anyway I hope your suggestion, from personal experience I presume, as mine was, works for Sassie, anyway have a good rest of evening Ruthie, - I'm 1 hr ahead here!

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Ruthi

Oddly enough, if I do a month of their worming powder, my diarrhea gets much better, but gradually creeps back after a few months.

Ruthi profile image
Ruthi in reply to Angel_of_the_North

I think you may be supposed to do it for longer. It might be worth joining the facebook group and asking. The owner/founder is on there.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Ruthi

I've been doing a month on, then 3 months off as they suggest for about 2 years. Before that I did 2 months on 3 months off for about 3 years. I don't do FB but use their Curezone forum. Cost is an issue.

Ruthi profile image

And there is a humaworm facebook group! If you want to go further there is a morgellan's group, and the wonderfully named 'bottoms up' group which is mostly about enemas and their uses. There are probably groups for Lyme's as well, but I have not looked. I tend to look first here because the groups on HU are saner, better educated and more balanced. But some of the FB groups are the place to look for useful information. Look at Magnesium Advocacy, Ray Peat for example.

I bet you never imagined the strange places my curiosity has taken me!

We all have a load of parasitic and symbiotic extras living in our guts (and elsewhere too!) One vet I know reckons that its actually not good for our dogs to kill all their fellow travellers because they keep their immune systems healthy - provided they aren't out of control, of course. I tend to take the same attitude with humans - a low parasitic load is pretty natural and if not actually good, almost certainly not that bad. After all our forebears will all have carried them for most of their lives.

However, clearly, our modern lives, junk food, antibiotics etc all serve to upset our internal balance and allow things to get out of control. Candida is the best known case, but antibiotics kill off all our good flora pretty indescriminately, and allow things to grow that shouldn't - before you start wondering about the effect of everything else. So I am open to the suggestion that things may not be all that balanced.

SAMBS profile image

Hi sassie213. I was reading about EHS and Wifi several months ago. Something to do with electromagnetic forces, I now make sure I'm not holding my iPad when using it - I don't use a mobile phone for Internet access either because of effects of surround wifi. Because home phone these days are Dect'Phones, holding one against my ear for a long time also plays havoc with my brain (I had a brain haemorrhage 3 yrs ago), but like you have temperature sensitive fluctuations for feeling v hot or cold and have Hashi's form of HypoThyroidism.

What I did find helps with the coldness, is wearing a scarf around my neck. Discovered that by accident one day when I got home and forgot to take it off all evening, and realised I wasn't having to add extra jumpers!

So I think this has something to do either with warming blood enough enroute to brain, or keeping the bones and glands in neck warmer. I'm not a scientist or medically qualified, just find it strange that it works for me! Give it a try for yourself! I use one of those light fluffy knitted scarves indoors that allows air flow and stays warm itself. When I'm too hot I just put a fan on to keep air cool and shade the Windows - I have external shutters instead of curtainsover here. Good luck and hope you find a solution that works for you.

sassie213 profile image
sassie213 in reply to SAMBS

Hi SAMBS: Just out of bed dreading the cold to find your suggestion/scarf. I'll give it a try right now - amazing how practical approaches can work. Yes, be soo careful of all that hi tech stuff - we're becoming surrounded with cell phone towers, smart meters, etc. that's deadly . I know many people who are homeless because of it and not sure where i'll be heading since have a digital elec. meter also that;s as bad as a "smart "meter. LOTS of info on internet. Thanks again!! SASSIE213

sassie213 profile image

Hi Schenks: Thanks so much. But being EHS (electro-magnetic sensitive) I'm unable to use anything electric but will try drinking warm water periodically. Good suggestion. Another person recommended wearing a soft cotton scarf around neck which i'm already trying out. This is a wonderfully receptive site - so glad i joined. Sassie 213

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to sassie213

Have you tried orgone for the EHS? Do web search for Orgonize Africa - they are very good for shipping to UK and some of their products are very pretty.

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