Hi ,been taking t3 only 45mcg one day 40 mcg the next ,feeling whabbit.Had bloods done TSH 2.89 t3 4.2 range 3.3 -6.6 after 16 hours since last dose. So upped to 45 mcg a day ,bad headache and pain all over.Have been at 45 mcg before no pain like this .Anyone know why ?
t3: Hi ,been taking t3 only 45mcg one day 40 mcg... - Thyroid UK

Hi susiebow Did you get the bad headache and pain on the days you were taking 45mcg before? Increasing from 45/40mcg alternate days to 45mcg daily is such a tiny increase that you'd not expect such an effect, especially as you'd already had alternate days on 45mcg.
Did your GP do those tests? What did he say?
When taking T3 only, you don't leave it off as long as you would if taking Levo. T3 peaks after 4-6 hours then the level falls off. By leaving 16 hours that's not a true reflection of how T3 is helping you. In reality, your T3 level would be higher than 4.2 if you'd not left it 16 hours since your last dose. Also, taking T3 only would suppress your TSH from what I understand and yours seems to be quite high.
Is there anything else going on? I understand you have Hashi's. Have you done a Genova 24 hour adrenal stress test - thyroid and adrenals are connected. Any other medication that could cause the symptoms or an interaction?
Sorry, it doesn't answer your question
I go along with SeasideSusie, I'd like to also add that (I hope I've got this right) that in Paul Robinson's book 'Recovery With T3' he says blood tests aren't any help at assessing thyroid hormone levels when on T3 only, because of the continuing fluctuation of T3. His book's a really good read and great reference material, so a good investment if you're a T3 only patient. He guides the reader on how to monitor signs and symptoms as a more reliable method of finding our optimum dose of T3 and use his CT3M method to help improve cortisol levels, which was his final piece of his jigsaw to feeling much better. His methods maybe more helpful for you?
Hi ,I have Pauls book.I take t3 at 0500,1000,1600.I too think leaving a dose so long before bloods is odd as you explained,but I thought that is what you had to do.I am very sensitive to any dose change.I really am considering NDT as I think I may be unable to take meds.I just have felt so ill for 3 years ,I have had Hashis for 16 years never right and suddenly got worse when TEVA make got withdrawn due to potency issues and I tried lots of other makes over a 6 month period.Then one day suddenly so ill and not right since.I had a Genova adrenal test and all looked good a little high at bedtime but within normal range.I cannot really afford to keep getting them.I just feel like I am being poisoned by these tabs.Thanks for your input.
Hi susiebow, I really do empathise with you, I too have reacted badly to meds. I can't seem to tolerate synthetic medications - so far anyway with the ones I've tried. However, in a previous post of mine, there's info on a source of 'natural porcine T3' that I've found, if you're interested? I'm awaiting the arrival of some to try. Fingers and toes crossed this works, because I have the faulty DIO2 gene, so need extra T3, the NDT I'm on simply isn't providing enough for me because I'm not able to convert enough of the T4 in it to have the required therapeutic effect.
Ah that's great to read that you have Paul's book, it is a helpful resource for T3 use.
I wish you so much luck with you journey and it is one hell of a journey isn't it! And I hope others on this forum are able to give you more support than I've been able to. There are kind, wise people on here.
Hi HEA72,Thanks for support.Can I ask how you feel with this problem,I feel ill malaise fatigque,no stamina ,aches,low mood sometimes when dose is too low,just odd feeling in hands spots on face,the list goes on.No one should feel like this.
Very hypo - depression (relieved with 5HTP but even that doesn't help on particularly exhausted days), easy build up of excess lactic acid - causing pain and extra fatigue in muscles, brain fog, mood swings, little stamina, energy crashes easily, poor quality sleep, thinning hair, poor nail health, dry skin, short temper & patience, deep body aches on particularly bad days, cold hands and feet, restless leg syndrome, headaches, dizziness.....! Joy eh?!!
Knowing through lab tests now that I have a deficiency of T3 all makes sense. So hope now to find a T3 that works for my body and that this is the missing link to my recovery. I've been working so hard for so long to get well and addressed so many other health issues surrounding this hypothyroidism. It's time now to feel better and get out into the world again. Been imprisoned for too long now. I've done my time, it's time for release now.....! Know the feeling?!!