Who deleted the post " Stop Putting Bandaids on... - Thyroid UK

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Who deleted the post " Stop Putting Bandaids on Broken Bones"? We need to be aware of all options available..we are suffering..

faith63 profile image
75 Replies

Please people , don't be so sensitive.

Although it was worded in a way that may have made some people angry, i believe it had a good point and at least got attention. People need to know all options available and try them, if they feel mainstream medicine has let them down.

I think we need to keep this forum open minded and allow people certain freedoms of speech.. i am aware of people on here, ready to leave this forum , due to the many deletions, of their important points, which they worked very hard to put onto "paper". We are no longer told they are deleted either. We find out accidently.

There are other forums here, that if you mention that the certain illness in question, may be from hypothyroidism/low metabolic rate and that you can show them studies and actually the way out, they will delete it and report you to admin as well. Admin finds fault with anything you write, that does not involve traditional pain killers etc..

I remember when doctors listened and tried natural means to heal the body. Since the 1980's, in the US, doctors become pill pushers, not healers. There is huge money to be made, by doing so. The medical schools are now funded and doctors taught, by the pharmaceutical companies. I ate low fat and high grain, most of my life. I ate the standard diet . I spent many years on psych meds, while being fed gmo, pesticide laden food. Years of antibiotics too. My immune system goes out, which presents at the moment , as Hashimotos and they hand me a levo and more psych meds!! Tell me i will be better than i ever was. Well, i am not! My body has permanent damage from doctors and big pharma, for a profit. I am so done with it all. Sorry and thanks for listing.

I just think its time we take another look at how we live, what we eat..

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faith63 profile image
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75 Replies
Jazzw profile image

At a guess, the person who posted it in the first place deleted it... If you start a thread, you have the right to delete it - it's one of the options in the drop down box, the same drop down box you can use if you want to edit a post (like I just have this one)

SAMBS profile image

Hi Faith, same happened to me with a new post I made yesterday, I person reported it, within minutes of posting apparently, and suddenly I received a PM from "Admin" telling me it had been removed. Fortunatelŷ someone I PM with had also seen it before deleted.

What happened to Freedom of Speech, even if it includes something political as mine did. I just said how the Vote Leave was affecting my health through stress now because I'm an expat! I'm not the only expat affect either!

You have all my sympathy and support for your Rant, I know how you feel! Shirley xx

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toSAMBS

You have my sympathy too!

Freedom of speech is being replaced by political correctness..this is why all is falling apart. The majority are ruled by the minority, now, in the US. Don't even get me started.

This is turning into the other forum, whose name i cannot mention, ..

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply tofaith63

Please see: healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tofaith63

yes I think I possibly know which one :-) thing is though all the different Communities and Forums are run by Independant Charities so their own Moderators doing the removals of posts and replies! Having looked deeplŷ into Health Unlocked the other night, I discovered it says there are 500 Communities now and it's become a World wide renown website - open to all sorts of discussions and people who are trying to lure us into other areas, sign up with names and email addresses.

I just got caught out 5 mins ago after replying to you, on the new Stroke Community, which I looked at for 1st time, because I wondered if it was the same as or similiar to Headway which I also use for Brain Injury info and support. The verŷ 1st post on it takes you to another website, which in fact is nothing to do with Strokes, so I've reported it and said why!

1st time I've ever felt compelled to report a post!

Hope you are doing Ok or better, it's been a while since I've been active on HU or Communities as been too busy researching my whole health History and coming up with verifiable answers! Take care, Shirley xxx

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toSAMBS

Do you have a brain injury?

I have abnormal blood flow to the brain. I was pulled off of years of psych meds cold turkey, then developed hashimotos, then my pituitary became misshapen..doctors did this to me. I believe i have a brain injury do to this, but cannot find validation. The scan should prove it, it shows it! So upsetting.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tofaith63

Yes to Brain .injury from an aneurysm and brain haemorrhage in 2013. that's why I started researching my whole health history. 1st indicator of a problem was August 2012, I had a blood disorder. As per my last reply to you I'm just off to bed, but I'll PM you Asap tomorrow with my where my research has led me, re meds and other prior health conditions. We may have a few things in common, I'm not sure at present. Night night x

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toSAMBS

thanks you..

I have terrible brain fog and cannot understand your last long reply at the moment..please forive me.

So sorry that you have gone through this. With an aneurysm, it can be fatal. I hope you ar functioning okay and not suffering.

I am researched to the point of insanity..seriously! I am grumpy angry and not myself, symptoms worse too. Vision is blurrier and i am terribly constipated, now. Just diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia..not related to low or missing hormones, is what the doctor told me and i don't believe it for one second.

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply tofaith63

faith63 this resonates with me. I'm sending you a pm because it's too difficult to explain in a post here.

in reply tofaith63

Hi faith, I was on antidepressants from the age of 17. One of them Seroxat has damaged me beyond recognition. I know there are a lot of law suits involved with this drug. I too think that all the drugs I have been prescribed has damaged my brain and body. Getting back to seroxat even 2 years after stopping taking it, ( that's another story) I still had electric shocks that jolted my body, I also had the buzzing sound that would whirl around my head, not tinnitus, but like an electrical pulse you could feel. I went on some of the seroxat survivors forum and there were so many people with the same experience. I went from a very outgoing person, working at a high level, speaking at conferences etc etc to being afraid to answer the phone, in the early days the doorbell ringing would have me in hysterics, lots of panic attacks too.

10 years ago after tremendous trauma and a suicide attempt I saw a psychiatrist who would not prescribe seroxat to any patients, what aren't they telling us? Also the last time I took an antidepressant it did something to my mucous membranes, and I ended up with my rectum splitting and bleeding. After an emergency appointment I was told never to take them again. I have to add here that antidepressants did absolutely nothing to help depression, all these tablets do in my experience is sedate you.

sweetsusie profile image
sweetsusie in reply to

Totally agree with you, Framboise. I have taken many antidepressants in the past, and Paxil is by far the hardest to get off of. The electric zaps and other horrible symptoms during withdrawal is crazy and depressing. I'm now off all antidepressants and will never take them again!

in reply tosweetsusie

Hi Framboise, I was told at the time seroxat wasn't addictive! I went cold turkey the first time, I had the most terrible withdrawal, which I'm sure you know about, it was like coming off heroin. I gave up because I couldn't stop vomiting, I ended up with a mattress on the floor because when I got up I was so dizzy I just fell over. The next time I agreed a weaning plan with my sister who is a nurse, but it still took 3 months. I've read about people on it for 10 years because the withdrawal is just so awful.

Well done for doing this, you must be made a very strong stuff!! Like you say never again!!

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply to

see karen brogans website, she is a natural physiatrist who has knows the truth about anti depressants..the staged there own findings, as to whether they really work or not and the safety of the drugs. The drugs were allowed out to us, with clear evidence of their dangers and that they do not work, nor address the cause of the problem. There is no proof that there's actually a chemical imbalance or brain issues, like they say.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply tofaith63

I think it is Kelly Brogan :-)

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toMarz

omg..yes! Wow..must be the drugs..

in reply tofaith63

I'll read this, thanks Faith.

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toSAMBS

what is "expat"? I have not followed what has happened the the UK, because i am physically ill by what happens here in the US..LOL!! Not funny is it? And i can actually feel myself get ill, when politics are discussed in my house. I am scared to death that things are going to get worse. it all flares up my hashimotos and inflammation..my brain even goes weird..horrifying isn't it?

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tofaith63

Oh Faith, I've just also partly answered some of this Q also. ex-pat stands for Expatriot. It's quicker to use shortened version. We have many Americans living in France also. However expat does not mean any of us are not patriotic to our own countries of birth and upbringing - it's where our cultures come from. I think the UK in culture, language also of course, is closer to USA than mainland Europe, with a myriad of different languages and cultures.

So discussing things that affect us and our health, whilst also offering support and telling of other methods of treatment to others, can only be to the benefit of all. Sadly the .admins are not, by their own admissions, medical experts, they are just Community Moderators and if they don't like what we write then they can remove it!

Yes I know what you mean about stress flares with Hashi's - sorrŷ I must stop shortening words - Hashimotos. When I get a "flare" I now put it down to the continuing de-myelinating sheath. That's the covering on nerves and/or blood vessels as in veins etc. That can be painful because it's the neurotransmitters and receptors that are used bŷ nerves as well as the 5 sensorŷ receptors - as in sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Having compromised immune conditions,,such as Hashi's, TB in my case or others does not help either. I revert back to my political quote on Twitter, for every action there is a reaction.

My friendly support advice to you, always said to me by my OH, is why worry over things you can't change and change things you worry about if you can. Well it's my bedtime now, but probably late afternoon or teatime where you are. Sleep well, I know I will tonight. Shirley, x

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toSAMBS

Thanks for explaining.

i am so brain dead today..i have not slept in 8 nights, for more than a few hours and just not absorbing info or understanding things..so very sorry. I do not want you to waste time and wisdom on me. Maybe i will be better tomorrow.

Right now, it is 15 minutes til 9pm and i am not mentally awake.

Tea time for me, is actually all day, i drink iced or hot all day long, when not doing coffee.

Have you been changing your diet for autoimmune? I am currently off of all dairy, gluten, eggs, seeds, nightshades..just added back nuts. this had been 9 weeks of most off dairy for 2 years. No improvements yet.

Fezworth profile image
Fezworth in reply tofaith63

I have been on an elimination diet recently and I'm slowly introducing foods to try an identify what has been giving me migraine headaches (brain fog, head & eye ache and fatigue) for most of my life. They knock me out for day or two. I did this once before but on re-introducing food or food groups only used my pulse taken, before, after trying the food and again after 10, 15, 30 minutes. I missed the food that had been causing problems. I knew it was caused by a food because within a day I had terrible withdrawal symptoms. Shivering, headaches and extremely tired but couldn't rest even though I took myself to bed.

This time we're (my wife is on the same diet) following another regime mainly because I bought one of those sports watches that reads your pulse 24/7 and maps how well you sleep.

Before the elimination diet I had a resting heart rate in the mid to high 70s. Nothing wrong with that but within days of starting the elimination diet it dropped to the mid 60s and even dropped to 59 at one point with an average of 62.

I've now been on the diet for about seven weeks and not had a single migraine. Unheard of since college days. We've reintroduced potatoes as a resistant starch, rice, butter but not cheese, cream but not milk (its the caseine in milk that can be a problem and there's little to none in cream or butter), etc. and have been leaving the gluten products till last.

However last week we thought we'd re-introduce coffee. All was fine till the next day I began with aching eyes but hoped it would pass. It didnt and it developed into the usual migraine, sending me to bed to try and sleep it off. At the same time my resting heart rate began to climb from a steady 65bpm (the watch calculates the average over 24hours) up to 70 which it is today, about five days since the coffee and still not added wheat. Obviously the bpm will climb if I've done any exercising.

So we returning to our research and came across this article about coffee and gluten. You may find it interesting glutenfreesociety.org/is-co...

Hope you can get some sleep soon but start with cutting out coffee for just a week and see what happens. Tea is not so bad even though somebody might tell you there's more caffeine in tea than coffee. There is but most is destroyed or washed away during processing and brewing so your tea may be fine.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tofaith63

Hi faith, . I stopped taking all prescribed Autumn 2014, meds except Levo @ Vit D3. I then bought from my Pharmacist last December, many months later,a product called Arkopharma Energise. I'd shown him my blood test results so he could see what I was coping with, along with my explanation, this was around the time I d also started researching my whole health history from birth.

The Arko stopped the fatigue, I felt better and brain fog disappeared, and I was sleeping much better, 6-7 hrs at a time. I do still get the odd spells of it only being 3/4 hrs before waking, turning over or going to loo , then I'm soon back to sleep and need the alarm to wake me. Initially I bought it to try and detox the Live to try and get some some good bacteria, not bad, in me. I have never stopped eating gluten or dairy!

by sorting my gut out? i wanted to get some good things into my gut! It worked, I i don't take it now, I take Arko fluid, Perhaps I every 3rd day. Good also for the gut, kidneys and liver, I think. They are liquid doses, absorbed more easily than a sold pill. Yes I take Vit B 12 also now. My health got worse slowly, I'm improving it slowly. Yes I stil have hair loss and dry skin, not itching though. The Company is arkopharma.com. The products contain natural ingredients and are available in many countries.

As I said I discuss with my pharmacist and am content to stick with what I take currently. Vitamin C comes in the form of fruit juice. I'm still researching other aspect of what Vitamins I need, K being one. I have fresh fruit with my breakfast cereal, most days. Add Acacia Honey for sŵeetness if I don't have fruit, and milk. Yes I leave an hour after taking my Levo with water and have water last thing at night, always keep a bottle beside me.

With several different conditions, Vitiligo, Thrombocytopenia included, I have to address all aspects of my health, keeping an eye always on my quarterly blood tests. Basically I now go on gut feeling and symptoms if they occur. For Stress I take nothing, get it off my chest, then relax by concentrating on something else, like research, Wimbledon and even the Euro football! I hope you manage to find a way that helps and suits you.:-)

linlow profile image
linlow in reply toSAMBS

SAMBS have you come across turmeric at all? turmeric.com/brain-neurolog... Ginger, from the same family, may also be able to help.

DHA in omega -3 can help too. As can magnesium.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tolinlow

Help me with what linlow.?

linlow profile image
linlow in reply toSAMBS

a) with the pain but b) with regenerating damaged nerves and myelin sheath and possibly c) the brain injury

If you research it turmeric offers a veritable powerhouse of health benefits. It outperforms a multitude of prescribed medications including many painkillers and steroids. Ginger has many of the same benefits, some slightly different, that compliment its cousin.

Big Pharma is trying to isolate the active ingredients (curcumins), so that they can be patented, but is struggling because they work better in tandem rather than separately.

lynnwin profile image
lynnwin in reply toSAMBS

Hi SAMBS IM JUST OFF TO WORK SO HOPE TO WRITE MORE LATER .. I HAVE HASHI ON LEVO SINCE MARCH 15 ..a quick question as about to leave for work does HASHI effect the myleim sheath ? I have a small fibre neuropathy so wondering if connected ?? And will HASHI keep flaring up symptoms ? Sorry need to dash now but didn't want to lose your post xx xxxxxxx

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tolynnwin

Not sure in your case .lynwynn. But yes I have Hashi's, muscle loss, and weakness in legs and arms, and little stabbing pains like stings, insect bites at various times in various parts of my body.

Depends on the individuals themselves and whatever other health problems there Are. I suggest you speak to your doctor about any symptoms you have.

Wikipedia is a good place to start with research. It often leads to research articles on the American health websites.

Sorry I can't be of further help - I'm not medically qualified :-(

Have a good day at work :-) sambs.

lynnwin profile image
lynnwin in reply toSAMBS

Hi SAMBS just in from work ..no it's ok just that I have had neuropathy since 2004 same sensations as you except I had burning too :( many trips to hospital and private Drs was told neuropathy was stress ?? I had a nodule on my thyroid but my thyroid tests were in Range , and then a different GP did my TPO antibodies and they were over 1000 he just said your thyroid is still working ok and the antibodies don't cause any symptoms ???! Then within a few months I went HYPER and was sent to a endocrinologist who said it was thyroid toxicosis and had meds to bring it down .. Which it did and I was fine until last year 11 years later I went Hypothyroid .. I just wondered if the neuropathy sensation is any thing to do with HASHI ? As your the first person I've seen that has these awful sensations and the muscle loss :( just wondering if the stress I have has flared the neuropathy or its the HASHI ? ..just wondered if you have been told anything ?? Many thanks for the reply

Lynn xxxxxxxx

belwom profile image
belwom in reply tofaith63

Expat is from 'expatriate', having emigrated from one's native country. It has nothing to do with being patriotic or not.

linlow profile image
linlow in reply toSAMBS

I think that there was such deep feeling over the Brexit vote that the word went out to tighten up on politics. I have seen a number of moderator posts warning to 'keep it toned down'. And contributed to one long conversation that, though it was political was well mannered until an obvious Brexit voter jumped in - the post was deleted shortly after. That may even have been the tipping point behind the clamp down as that was the point when I started seeing complaints about comments/posts deleted. In all honesty this is a health forum and, with politics being such a contentious subject at the best of times and comments like the ones I saw being made, it is probably the best attitude - if only to keep member's blood pressure down :)

Llepke profile image
Llepke in reply toSAMBS

malfeasance, some people get a little bit of power and it goes to their head

faith63 profile image

Is there something that the medical estab. could do to someone> Or, would ever see it on this forum? I am in the US, maybe something i don't know.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tofaith63

Hope my last reply answers some of your question. health Unlocked website is run from London. The Communities themselves are or used to be 99.9% run by English Charities who have elected to use HU as another means of attracting members with the specific Condition they represent.

I don't have any problem with that principal. I remember once receiving an email from HU saying RA was a new Communjtŷ on HU but it was run by an American Charity. I also received or only saw, an email over the weekend, telling me about the new Stroke Community, which is now in their list of Medical Communities, haven't sussed them out yet to discover which Countrŷ they are based in!

Also it said on HU that the site is now even used by the medical profession in whatever respect, because it gives them an insight into the problems experienced by "patients" with whatever condition.

I also don't have a problem with that aspect, if it helps make them think more about the effects on health through meds, research or whatever genuine reason, which ultimately and hopefully improves health and prognosis for us all.

I've banged on for ages about Dr's prescribing a diff med for every diff condition that crops up. Liver toxicity and it's own repercussions. I always use Drugs.com to,check out prescribed meds now. Labtstsonlineexplains blood tests. They are both American and I got lambasted on this Community not so long ago for promoting and not UK resources, Given I'm a UK expat living in France with an american iPad and Apple software I'm not surprised when my English language research comes up with USA websites, it doesn't Consider UK ones, unless I know previously, their website addresses. I totally latched on to TUK because it's location is only a few miles from where I used to live in UK! So culture and familiarity play a strong part in all our lives.

linlow profile image
linlow in reply toSAMBS

SAMBS I live in England and all my searches ever seem to come up with are American sites. You have to look really hard to find anything from home. It is sooooo frustrating!!

I quite often add 'UK' to the end or beginning of my search and it still gives me America - and I thought it was Britain that ruled the waves ;)

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply tolinlow

Precisely how you get the results you want varies from one search engine to another - and possibly to some extent from one platform to another. For Google or DuckDuckGo, you can do this:

hypothyroidism site:.uk

That is, add the word site and a colon : and a full stop . and the country code uk

Or for Google you can use the Search Tools dropdown and select Country: the UK

linlow profile image
linlow in reply tohelvella

Oh well done, thank you, I'd forgotten about the site: command. :)

Google I already have set up to UK but it still gives me mostly US sites. :(

Maybe the biggest issue is that most of what I am looking for sparks greater interest in the US (apart from anything else there are more people over there) so the US sites are higher in the popularity stakes. Or maybe Americans are just more outspoken when it comes to 'putting it out there'. ;)

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tolinlow

Linlow, Site searches depend on which browser your computer uses. With my iPad the browser is Safari, linked to Google (both USA Companjes!) Safarii on IOS being The only one I believe, with additional, built into its IOS operating software, Internet security.

MI don't and can't add another Internet Security platform for the iPad. when I had a computer with Microsoft Windows OS, I could buy whatever Security system I wanted. Then Apple , followed bŷ Microsoft brought out the concept of "Cloud" giving access from either A or MS, that's what messed me up with Internet and computing problems. Apple are still rated the Market Leaders apparently with their OS and built in security.

I bought iPad in .france it came with its OS in French! My computer was bought 2 years before in UK with English OS. Cloud mucked them both up at the time I bought the iPad. Hence that's why I think even though Safari uses google, it takes me to American websites, not French or English!

To be honest I'm also disgusted my post was removed almost immediatelŷ. If it had been read and interpreted properly, it would have registered it was just another problem causing additional stress to ME and knock on effects on my health. Seems there's nio more understanding or compassion for health repercussions on TUK than in Politics.

If TUKand it's sometimes poorly informed or knowledgable Admins, don't want members, especially ones who live in different countries, have neuropathic effects from their meds and autoimmune conditions, or Brain Injury, like myslef - all of which are affected by stress, then they'd better say so!

Yes, I expect this reply to be removed also. Truth hurts sometimes.,

linlow profile image
linlow in reply toSAMBS

:) I'll reply quick then

Apple, historically, has always been the better OS but MS cornered the market thank to IBM. In doing so it also cornered the virus writing idiots so laid itself open to attack. Although there have been attacks on Mac OS it is less susceptible so more of a challenge thus, with fewer users world wide, not as much 'fun' to break techrepublic.com/blog/10-th...

I think that one of the issues of writing on an open forum is that the words on the page don't necessarily have the same emphasis as those in your (your as in whoever is doing the writing) head. Then when someone comes along and reads them, they put their own emphasis on whatever they are seeing. What they hear through their eyes bears no relation to what you heard through your fingers so anything 'controversial' can take on a completely different connotation. I know that I am guilty of this through coming across comments I have written in the past. Reading them with fresh eyes rather than the ones I was wearing at the time of writing gives a whole new meaning than the one originally intended. I would never intentionally say anything to offend, so maybe the intention as I wrote was to be witty, but I could see how someone else might be offended.

The job of administering any forum isn't an easy one, especially one the size of this. With so many people having access they have to consider not their feelings but those of the members. Here on HU it is a given that many of the members, whether writers or readers, have health issues so can be very vulnerable. For this reason they have to be extra stringent in their moderation. This may or may not make them overzealous in their actions but it is their role to respond to member's complaints.

On one post I read there was a comment that really offended my sense of honour so responded somewhat in kind. Sometime later someone chose to complain and my post was deleted, yet not so the one that had offended me. Hummph! But that is life and, sometimes, it doesn't play fair. All the same it is way too short for me to take umbrage so after a little pout to myself I got into researching the answer to someone else's problem. I wake up breathing every morning so what have I got to complain about ;)

I know that that is no consolation to you but I never saw your post so can't comment on how it read - sorry :(

linlow profile image
linlow in reply tolinlow

golly! Did it really take me that long to write all that? I must talk too much ;)

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply tolinlow

Linlow, yes I've read what you've written, like you, fortunately I'm prettŷ soon over things after a nights sleep and responding to others again.

Yes I understand the sensivity thing with health, as someone else wrote here, for a post to be removed, after 1 complaint, is ludicrous. So it offended 2 people at most. the complainant and the Admin. I'd written mine late at night and I'm 1 hr ahead here when lots in UK are often in bed, even if not sleeping at that time. I can't see where members are in different countries with different hours if day/night would be as offended because I mentioned the result in relation to stress. So I'll agree to disagree on that one. Yes now I'm as bad, another long rep,y from me, and no I never stop talking either in English, conversation in French rather more limited :-). have a good day/evening. Sambs.

linlow profile image
linlow in reply toSAMBS

:-) my French just about stretches to oui, mais non, un petit peu with a few plumes de ma tante thrown in so that might be a very short conversation!!

I will, you too

CarolineC57 profile image

Having seen the post in question I'm sure it was just spam, Faith. I commented about that on it myself. No-one on this forum is stopping any options being discussed. In fact, this is the best HU forum I've come across for being open to discussion of all options - hormone replacement, diet, etc. It certainly isn't a forum which limits posts to ones which advocate Big Pharma only (unlike the fibromyalgia forum which certainly does).

So I think you've probably misunderstood people's frustrations with that post, Faith. It wasn't censorship - it was simply removal of spam.

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toCarolineC57

i really don't think it was spam, but a very frustrated, ill, person, sick and tired of people not changing their attitude about health, diet and what we can do about it.

I have been deleted many times on this forum, without an email letting me know. My posts similar the "spam" get no reply's.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply tofaith63

IMHO it was a stock post sent to other forums where the person though they could get some business - it didn't give any really useful info and was targetted to US market, and wanted replies by email.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toAngel_of_the_North

Exactly! Nothing to do with free speech.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply tofaith63

No, faith, honestly, it was spam. You could tell by the wording, and the fact that the OP never answered any comments, and obviously knew nothing about thyroid. The OP had nothing new to offer. Besides, the OP said 'email me', but gave no email address. How ever you ever going to find out what they had to offer? It was not censorship, it was removal of spam.

Nor can it be compared to the removal of SAMBS post, which was somewhat controversial, and openly political. I was not the one that complained about it, but I can understand people complaining. We are bombarded with politics all over the net, it's nice to come here to get away from it. And that wasn't censorship, either, it was just sticking to the rules that say 'no politics'. Don't get yourself in a sweat because of these two deleted posts, it isn't worth it. :)

in reply toCarolineC57

A post I commented on disappeared.

linlow profile image

I am forever denigrating Big Pharma but, whilst I am aware that 'brain fog' fuddles my memory at times, I'm not aware that my post disappear. Mind you I might just not recall :)

I am another great believer in finding other ways to 'do it'. Years of suffering at the hands of tunnel visioned medics who belittled my tales of side-effects has made me wary of pharmaceuticals.

Fortunately, whilst there is a long way to go to convince some, the internet has opened up a world of knowledge and more & more people are voting with their feet. Either Big Pharma is going to have to change or Big Pharma is going to sink.

Rebec profile image

If the person who wrote that post had a serious intention, then he/she would have replied to the critical analysis made by membets of our forum of what was written, but he/she didn't.

We have a large number of sufferers who each bring their own ideas but this person didn't suggest anything in particular, just to get in touch with him/her. One should be very careful of this kind of approach.

Treepie profile image

Rebec,spot on .As well as the writer being clearly American on a UK site and having nothing useful to say .

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toTreepie

treepie..i think they have plenty useful to say. Should Americans not be on this site then..in you valuable opinion? Are they intruders, not welcome?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply tofaith63

Admin Note

Those with USA nationality, and people of every other nationality, are welcome here.

It is nevertheless very helpful and polite when non-UK members recognise that the forum is based in the UK, most members reside in the UK, and the health system referred to will usually be the UK's NHS.

Those who come from absolutely anywhere but post what appears to be spam or otherwise unwanted posts can expect their posts to be removed.

DO NOT RESPOND to this response. Any responses will be deleted without warning.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply tofaith63

No,i do not think that .My comments were aimed at that particular American who had not bothered to consider that he was using a UK site and was adding no useful information nor seeking or giving advice.

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toTreepie

i thought the info was very useful and possibly lifesaving for many..you can learn from anyone. The references to certain websites and people like izabella wentz and Dr. Mercola etc..that kind of medicine, is the way that things are going. My ins company now covers integrative medicine and most major hospitals are getting involved in natural treatments in the US.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply tofaith63

No one who have not been regularly recommended on this site .Fishy that he asks to be emailed . Some sort of con I suspect as did others.

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toTreepie

so what..!! You can still learn from Dr. Hyman, Isabella Wentz..who put her hashimotos into remission, Dr. Mercola..they all have so much to offer sufferers of autoimmune disease, that mainstream medicine does not offer. Someone once said"all men are my superior, in that i may learn from him". I learn and research everything i can, to find a way out of this horrible situation, that mainstream medicine has put me in. I have been given antibiotics and psych meds, so often, that i have permanent damage. I wish i had know about the resources in that article, years ago.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply tofaith63

You jump to conclusions .I never said those you name were not worthy of our attention.

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toTreepie


Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply tofaith63

Off to bed .Goodnight.

LouiseRoberts profile image

To answer the original question, the post was removed by Admin because it was considered to be spam, trolling, advertising or all 3. The original poster was contacted and has chosen not to respond - yet.

With regards to political posting. It was the decision of Thyroid UK (not HealthUnlocked) to remove politically inclined posts and comments in attempt to keep the whole group as apolitical as possible in order to keep arguing to a minimum.

If anyone feels that they have been treated unfairly by the Admin team they should direct their complaint/enquiry to enquiries@thyroiduk.org and the matter will be investigated.

I hope that we can now consider this matter to be resolved.

Thank you

Louise Warvill


Thyroid UK

On behalf of the Admin Team

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toLouiseRoberts

I wholeheartedly endorse your response, Louise.

Admins have to work with the evidence in front of them. To me, a spam-like post, followed by numerous responses which also called into question the nature of the post, and a complete lack of responses from the original poster, makes the case very powerfully.

Admins delete posts for the benefit of the community. The reasons vary. A post which one day might pass without any problem could, another day, be removed. There are only a few of us and we cannot always notice and respond to everything with absolute consistency.

There is no fundamental freedom of speech issue. You are free to go anywhere else to post and discuss things which are kept off this forum. You all accept the guidelines when you join this forum.

You are free to attempt to communicate with the poster of the thread that has been deleted.

But it ends up sounding patronising for me to state these freedoms which are quite obvious.

diogenes profile image

Simply put, if someone advocates a solution to thyroid problems that is plainly wrong, this is not only going to mislead people on this site but give false hope to newcomers who might read it. It's not a matter of censorship, but one of removing false information that would be harmful. The thyroid situation is complicated enough as it is, without quackery making it worse.

Jefner profile image

Didnt see it but from comments it sounds like spam to me

sulamaye profile image

I object to faith calling this politically correct, a term much banded about as a way of undermining the move in society toward thinking more carefully about the way we make assumptions, judgements and have prejudices about certain groups of people in our society. I get fed up hearing this is to do with pc, or that is to do with pc, or pc is bad. True pc is simply the outlawing of racist, sexist and at times homophobic abuse and prejudice, as someone who fits two of this categories I am glad small groups of people in our society started to challenge such things leading to the equal pay act, hate crimes act, racism act and lesbian and gay partnerships, in addition new powers to protect children abused by adults and protect those in violent and coercive relationships. That is what pc truly is and I'm proud of it, it is not stopping freedom of speech unless that point of view incites violence or hatred. Shutting down PoV on brexit or the government is not PC but a sensible policy to leave party politics out of a health forum.

linlow profile image
linlow in reply tosulamaye

We need to protect the vulnerable and minorities whose voices aren't loud enough to be heard. Their plight could so easily be our own.

The world would be a better place if we got rid of all those with an 'ist' or an 'ism' after their attitude ;)

Having said that, tolerance also means tolerating the abuser as well as the abused. Though doesn't mean condoning, or even allowing, the abuse but getting to the root cause - whether it be education, emotion, environment or economy. It is only through understanding that we can begin to eliminate harm.

sulamaye profile image
sulamaye in reply tolinlow

Totally agree that education is key. Attitudes have changed via legislation too. We had clause 28 in the eighties and bringing in civil partnerships did much to change attitudes because suddenly there was a legality supporting lesbian and gay relationships rather than saying 'pretend families'.

linlow profile image
linlow in reply tosulamaye

It is good that attitudes are changing but sad that we need legislation to bring the change about.

In reality we all belong to minority groups, it is just that some of those minorities have so much in common that they band together to the exclusion of others - no longer acknowledging, or even aware of, their own 'outsider' status.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply tosulamaye

I am old enough to remember when " gay" had a different meaning. I have never liked the way the word was appropiated .

That will make me politically incorrect no doubt .The difficulty arises when politically correct folk close down legitimate concerns by calling people names ,often ending with " ist" but sometimes " ot" . Sadly , by closing down the legitimate concerns it often fans the flames of the illegitimate concerns.

linlow profile image
linlow in reply toTreepie

you mean like watching The Flinstones? ;) I love the word gay. I used to love feeling bright and gay. But it can't half raise some eyebrows if I confess it walking down the street. I have had some wonderful gay friends over the years but, unfortunately, not many of them were particularly happy. I have never managed to work out how the label stuck.

On the subject of ist, it is like when the women's lib movement got swamped by out and out feminists - the ones that got women a bad name. Men then became the downtrodden. Maybe it was good that they 'got to feel what it was like' but that is no way to win a battle (look at Uganda). Don't get me wrong, I believe strongly in equality. Equal is as equal does but, as mother used to say 'I don't want to go out in the wind and rain to fetch the coal in!'. I might be happy crawling under a car looking for the leak but, when it comes to lifting the engine block, I still want a hand.

ppeter profile image

I read an excerpt from "Stop Putting Bandaids on Broken Bones" and tried to find it in the list. I thought I must just be overlooking the article. Thank goodness, I thought I'd gone stupid.

If the writer deleted the article, I don't have a large problem with that, however, if a reader deleted it I do have a problem. People, we have sacrificed so many lives to ensure our freedoms. If someone doesn't like what they are reading, simply go to another article and stop reading what you do not like - that's your freedom. I wanted to read the article - my freedom.

Let us all keep a mind open to new ideas and not take freedoms from one another.

CarolineC57 profile image
CarolineC57 in reply toppeter

ppeter - please see Louise Warvill's post above. It was removed by admin because it was spam/advertising.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toppeter

Ordinary readers cannot delete posts (other than their own).

Sedum profile image

Well said.

Llepke profile image

faith63 you're my hero! I was kicked out of two ftpo Facebook groups for this exact reason. Please re-post this on the Facebook page (adrenal fatigue caused by antidepressants) <something like that.

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply toLlepke

thank you, i appreciate you saying something nice. About ready to just leave the forum for good this time.

..do what you want with what i wrote..please repost it for me.

i do not do facebook, after i was stalked by an abusive ex boyfriend, from 35 years ago..do you believe this crap?

LouiseRoberts profile image

This thread is now closed to comments. Any further comments will be deleted. Thank you.

The ability to reply to this post has been turned off.

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