Difference between depression and "depression".... - Thyroid UK

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Difference between depression and "depression". Found some interesting articles of why body temperature matters.

Justiina profile image
24 Replies

Was just googling around , searching link between ad's and body temperature.

What I found was one study suggesting that often depressed people have elevated body temperature. Chemicals linked to depression (Serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine) are also thermoregulatory chemicals.


This made me think that ad's are often prescribed as candies, as we all know, by GP's without a proper examination. We can blame Big Pharma as ad's are considered to be the cure for all and doctors are trained to think any symptom can be a sign of lack of serotonin. Which is why I find ridiculous these meds can be prescribed by anyone without proper examination.

I continued googling. Antidepressants can be a risk for a large group of population.


So ad's should be prescribed carefully , again, after proper examination for people who really need them.

Also ad's lower body temperature, well good news for those who have elevated body temperature, but how it works with hypothyroid people who have low body temperature? If it lowers body temperature regardless of thyroid medication will the symptoms ever lift?

Mechanism behind low mood/depression/ anxiety caused by low metabolism is very different to depression caused be elevated body temperature with people who are otherwise healthy.

This makes me think that body temperature is a valid measurement of different type of illnesses and should be taken seriously as it was years ago before fancy blood tests. But these days I feel most doctors completely ignore body temperature. Which I find silly if it can actually lead to diagnose OR it can lead to right path and rule out unnecessary tests/treatments/medications.

Just my thoughts. If one is on ad's and really needs them, they better stay on them!

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Justiina profile image
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24 Replies
humanbean profile image

I found this article this afternoon, and the long list part way down the page absolutely horrified me!


Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to humanbean

Yeah it is scary that there is no way to know who becomes suicidal. That is why I think ad's should not prescribed like candies!

greygoose profile image

Or, you could take the view, as an increasing number of 'alternative' doctors are coming to, that nobody needs ads because they Don't work and can do more harm than good. See the Health Ranger for that one.

It's my personal opinion that people should always have their FT3 tested before prescribing anything!

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to greygoose

I agree! But until that I cannot say just go off of ad's as they are from hell :D

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Justiina

Well, I wasn't suggesting you should! lol But, having read the link HB just posted, I would at least hope people would think about it. Surely that was the point of your post - to make people think?

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to greygoose

Lol. But true that was my point because I think there are way too many unwanted side effects doctors won't even tell the patients.

Let alone how those might affect next generations.

Like now they studied that nail polishes contain chemicals that can cause hormonal imbalance and weight gain. And we can just guess how it might affect our genes in the long run.

We have brain so we can think :D

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Justiina

Really? I hadn't read that about nail polish. Do you have a link? I've been using nail polish since i was 12, but I was fat and hormonally imbalanced before that! lol

nightingale-56 profile image
nightingale-56 in reply to greygoose

Since being given Mercury Pharma Levo I can no longer have my toenails painted. I have a really bad coughing fit when near nail varnish, or when I go into the hairdressers now. Something came into my inbox on fb today about nail varnish - quite a few makes . Will see if I can find a link. What are they putting into our meds nowadays?

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to greygoose


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Justiina

Thank you. I Don't think they put the list of ingrédients on bottles of nail polish, do they? My eyes are so bad, I wouldn't be able to read it if they did!

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to greygoose

I have Finnish nail polish, which has a list of ingredients which I can actually read. Other brands it might be a sticker with golden letters no one can read.

Well my Finnish one says it is hypo-sensitive no formaldehyde but it indeed contains TPHP.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Justiina


Perhaps this is another of those things like parabens, that if it's brought to light and publicised, and people stop buying, they will phase it out. Let's hope so!

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to greygoose

Yeah. This type of stuff is very important for women who are trying to get pregnant. (for other people too of course, but I find women trying to get pregnant and failing should be aware of everything that can cause it)

I have given up on nail polishes and make ups and stuff some time ago. Not because I am aware they might not be so healthy, but I feel no reason to look pretty.

Only way I pamper myself is put on olive oil mask and sit of the sofa listening to heavy rock. That is my idea of beautyfuing :D

Jefner profile image

it's not always good to believe everything you read on the net unfortunately which is very difficult when there are so many GP's who have absolutely no knowledge on stuff

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to Jefner

I agree. I am not sure how many are taught to filter information, but that was part of my education when internet was easier to access.

That is why I think there are frustrated patients and frustrated doctors. We patients have many concerns, sometimes without reason because we read something that was not true . But doctors dont often seem to even bother to read latest proper studies to respond to our questions nor give proper information.

Jefner profile image

yeah and mine hate it when I go forearmed with information as though I am not entitled to know anything about my own body

Heloise profile image

Thank you for that. We know that no disease is due to the lack of some sort of pharmcaeutical and yet that seems to be the only answer. Doctors are supposed to respect the body and that's why "Do no harm" used to be their first commandment. They don't even seem to respect people, much less their bodies.

sparkly profile image

Hi, not read the links sorry, bit late and very tired after a very fullfilling day.

Just wanted to share my experiences of AD's.

Before diagnosed old GP just kept throwing me AD's saying i was depressed. I argued i was not but would take script, do 2 or 3 weeks and feel like death! Move on to the next AD and same happen. Really did not like taking these things and would just sleep for 18 hours solid.

Move forward to after being diagnosed and initially doing well on thyroxine to then take nose dive and be really ill. Their answer... take these AD's your depressed. I knew i wasn't properly depressed just fed up with being so ill and fatigued.

All this time i had low body temperature but no one was bothered.

Told to increase AD's which was just making me feel even worse so was prescribed stimulants to combat the tiredness but they didn't even touch the sides so stopped taking the modafinil after 4 days.

Back at my now monthly visit to consultant and after telling him about the constant muscle twitching and other strange things happening. He then said i was experiencing serotonin syndrome and to stop straight away! Didn't need to be told twice.

Btw once off AD's but not on any thyroid meds the stimulants worked as the should. Just the crashes were to much, so only took them when an occasion for me to function was called for

Now moving forward and now on t3 only my body temperature is now normal for the first time in the 5 years I've been monitoring it. And i'm the happiest I've been in donkeys years!!!

Sparkly x

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to sparkly

Great! I am happy it works for you and you had the strength to fight for proper treatment.

I was in ad's too. I could not tolerate half a pill. Was supposed to increase the dose after a week but could not. I was ridiculously nausea and sweating like a pig.

Doctor was mad at me being do stupid not tolerating it.

Now I know it might be the histamine intolerance caused by thyroid issues causing me the reaction.

As around that time I started to get hives etc.

I think the body temp should be proper diagnostic tool. I feel much better when I have flu or after fever when my temp is 36.8 for a day. There is a huge difference how I feel compared to normal 36.0 when I can barely walk. That physically fatigued it makes me.

And that doctors consider as something just in my head. I am 36 and know myself better than any doctor that has seen me once or twice. :D

thyr01d profile image

Thanks for this Justiina, really interesting, as are your thoughts.

realturbo profile image

Just a thought - I wonder if there is a link to body temperature and the bacteria in your gut...

It is possible that certain bacteria that may a play a role in making one feel depressed might only be able to proliferate at lower body temperatures?

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to realturbo

I would not be surprised if there was a connection as we now know gut bacteria is the key to your health!

Giulia Enders has written excellent book about gut bacteria. She is a scientist who was ill and wanted to fix her gut.

realturbo profile image

Did a bit of googling on Jiulia Enders, interesting interview here


Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to realturbo

Thanks for sharing this! I love her and her book was excellent. If you can get a copy of it I recommend anyone to read it. She really explain it so well :)

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