Have been reading different posts re beta blockers blocking t4 - t3 and i am wondering if that is one reason my t3 levels are constantly dropping and my rt3 is high.
Looking back on my results since my doc prescribed Propanalol for the severe anxiety a few months ago (cant remember exactly when) due to going hyper from hypo, my t3 levels have dropped dramatically.
T3 results via Blue Horizon since starting them is
Dec. 4.50 (3.1-6.8)
End jan 4.44
Mid feb 2.88
Mid march 2.74
End april 2.84
Early june 2.41
NHS T3 tests
End dec 4.50 (2.8-7.1)
Early feb 3.3
End Feb 2.9
The NHS tests I was unaware had been done and my private Endo said the low levels were likely stress related because he knows how depressed and suicidal I have been; when in fact my low levels could be the cause of my symptoms. He didnt even address my high antibodies so I fired him!
But i have been jiggling my levo since october due to going hyper and losing weight. Was originally on 150mcg for 10 yrs before my crash, lost 2 stone in weight and until recently was alternating between 75/100mcg BUT my last test in early june showed my tsh had shot up to 15.70 (0.27-4.20). In april it was only 2.55!!!
Clutter said I was undermedicating so for the last 12 days I have been on 125mcg. My gp (who us not much good) suggested I might need to up again but to wait 4 weeks. Would you believe he actually offered me some T3!!!!!
Not feeling much better on the 125 yet and based on my current weight of 8st 9lbs, should I increase a little more, especially taking into account of the beta blockers I am taking which will be blocking conversion?
I did also move to taking my Levo at night for a couple of weeks as some on here have seen better results. I obviously didnt because I was unknowingly undermedicating
Am wondering whether to try nightime again as I normally only take the beta blockers morning - late afternoon, and now knowing the conversion problem I wondered whether my Levo would work better for me overnight clear of the beta blockers?
although I am still having trouble getting my stress levels down due to my high daytime cortisol levels plus the anxiety has been with me now for 9 months and feels part of me. The anxiety does subside later in the day, but getting thru each day is tough. I tried holy basil but it didnt work.
Was initially prescribed 20mg of the propanaoli three times a day but he then bumped me up to 40mg cus anxiety was so bad and i got suicidal. Also taking 2mg Diazepam when required. I rarely take a 40mg propanalol unless symptoms are really severe and usuallly break them in half as do i the diazepam.