I've been taking ERFA Thyroid for the last 11 years: was told not to eat anything before blood test so in fact by the time blood test was done it would have been about 24 hours more or less since I had my last ERFA /NDT treatment. I've seen that some people split their dose so that their last NDT is 8 hours before the blood test- just wondering whether I should start doing this? I'm seeing my endo in 10 days time who prescribes NDT but a) doesn't seem to know about the 'life' of NDT and b)doubt she knows about this. As I'm feeling ok on current meds (THS is very low) trying to ensure that she'll actually realise that I'm not hyper like she believed before but was hypo!
Any advice welcome - I'd be tempted to do 2 blood tests - one the way I've been doing it for 11 years and the other the 'NDT' way but risk having a very bruised right arm (only arm they can manage to take blood from).
thank you!