I was diagnosed with under active thyroid in USA about ten years ago using a 24 Hour cortisol test amongst others including bloods and reflex, I was started on a quarter of a grain of Armour Thyroid then we returned to the UK and my doctor here said I did not have an under active thyroid. I also saw Dr Skinner before I went to USA, he thought that I had an underactive thyroid but I can't remember what he advised as it is a long time ago. I buy the thyroid medicine from USA but the dose has never been changed as I can't find a doctor to talk to in this area, (Lincoln/Newark) I have had depression intermittently for 44 years and it has been permanent for the last three years. I think it could be related to my thyroid but can't get my doctors to even discuss it as they all agree in the practice that I do not have a problem based solely on the blood tests, all they do is prescribe antidepressants. Also I feel dizzy in the mornings when I get out of bed, can this be related to a thyroid problem?
I think that the dose may need adjusting, can anyone help please. Is it worth having bloods done privately, I am retired and money is very tight so I do not want to use it on something unless it is going to be helpful.