Borderline thyroid 5.19. Protein leak +2 & Haemoglobin 10
Borderline thyroid 5.19. Protein leak +2 & Haem... - Thyroid UK
Borderline thyroid 5.19. Protein leak +2 & Haemoglobin 10

Welcome to the forum, Ruhimirza.
If TSH 5.19 is your first borderline result your GP may want to rule out a virus or infection causing high TSH. You should have a repeat thyroid test in 3 months and if TSH is still elevated your GP should prescribe Levothyroxine.
I'm not familiar with Protein link. Is there a Haeomoglobin range (figures in brackets after result)?
I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.
Proteinuria is another term for it. I had kidney stones earlier but it was treated and i was back to normal. Its been 8+ yrs now, but I still have protein leak,doctor said patients with Kidney stones during or after treatment will have the protein leak even after the treatment as it will resolve in itself but not for long time like 8+ yrs. He did not do any further test as my other tests like creatinine is normal.
He said that he wants to keep me under observation since he thinks I have these symptoms are asymptomatic. As he does not see any other major reasons considering that i only have protien leak. When they took th urine sample they found rbc's as well. But since latest 2 tests even that has also been not found.
Well the asymptomatic condition i am referring about is with regards to protein leak. I have tested both thyroid & protein leak to check issues with my kidney.
Also note that I am referring to 3 different topics here.
-Protein leak that was found in urine sample
-& thyroid
-Protein leak is +2
-Haemoglobin is 10
-Thyroid was first 5.45 , then 8.3 & now 5.19
Were all three of those thyroid tests done at the same time of day? Were any of them fasting? If not, you can't compare them because TSH levels vary greatly.
If they were all fasting and Done at the same time of day, then you need your antibodies tested : TPOab and TgAB.
I'm sorry, I Don't know anything about the other two tests, but if you're hypo, it will affect every system in the body.
Do you have symptoms of an underactive thyroid? You have had 3 over-range TSH readings now, so if you have symptoms he should be treating you. If not then you are one of the lucky ones.
My TPOab & TGab are normal. He said anything more than 15/16 is what he would consider to be treated. Unless i am planning a baby then treating with these numbers is like messing up with my hormones & indeed might get worst. He asked me to repeat after 3 months and advised to adapt a healthy lifestyle. Besides hairfall and weight gain i did not have other symptoms.However both these are normal now. No hairfall and my weight has decreased a bit.
But i am more worried a about protien leak. Cant figure out why it has happened . My intake of junk food,salt,oily or fried food is very less. I am not much of a foodie.Besides the kidney stones that was treated 8+ yra ago. I never have had any other problems. I have been anemic since my childhood though.
Its not underactive and the 3 tests were done almost close to the same time of the day.