Hi, I will be completely upfront here before I start and say I'm not sure why I am posting this question in the thyroid forum, but instinctively it feels like the right place to ask, so I'm going with it!
I'll make the history bit as short as possible. I have Trigeminal neuralgia, which has to be treated with anti-convulsants. These are very strong drugs, with a lot of nasty side effects. My TN is in remission at the moment and so I came off the drugs. Unfortunately withdrawal caused a tremor which never went away. However, it's not just a tremor but an extremely charged-up feeling, like all my internal organs are vibrating. I also feel very harassed and harried, like I'm surging with adrenalin. So much so that I drop stuff and am very clumsy. The only way for me to stay calm is to sit and do nothing.
I also have SEVERE insomnia, lying awake for hours every night and then I'm unable to rise in the morning, so sleep in, and so it goes on and on in a vicious circle.
I'm aware that hyperthyroidism causes these kind of symptoms, but I actually had hypothyroidism (subclinical) while I was on the drug (probably caused by the drug) and when I came off it my thyroid figures appeared to have returned to normal. Certainly no cause for concern as far as the doc was concerned.
My question is this: could I have some form of hyperthyroidism and it NOT show in the blood tests? If so, what could be causing that? Why wouldn't it show in blood tests? Or is there any other condition that you know of – not necessarily anything to do with thyroid – that might cause these kinds of symptoms?
It feels so bad sometimes that it feels like I'm having a psychotic episode; I am SO charged up and freaked out. I am absolutely sure this isn't psychiatric because it just comes on out of nowhere, not because I'm depressed or anxious. It feels pre-existing, if you know what I mean. Anyway, if anyone has any insight to offer on this, I'd be most grateful. I really don't want to take it to my doc, because I'm sure he'll fall back on it being psychiatric, he's a hard evidence kind of man, but it's driving me mad – literally!