At this moment it is 2:30 here in Phoenix Az, and i feel like i want to go to sleep already. My problem is i can get so tired like dead tired but i wont fall asleep, ill feel so cranky because im tired but ill lay down and i just cant sleep. Im always so tired its annoying. at this moment i feel tired. Who else?
so exhausted but cant sleep. : At this moment it... - Thyroid UK
so exhausted but cant sleep.

Insomnia is one of the many clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism. Once you are on an optimum dose, you should be able to sleep better. It is very frustrating when tired and you cannot get to sleep especially if you have to go to work, or have others to look after.
I've suffered this problem, I had to get all the important vitamins and minerals optimal before I could get my thyroid hormone into my cells. Also balance hormones. I rest really well now.

Hi there - what are all the important vitamins and minerals optimal that you take? Please - can you tell me. I cannot sleep at all.
Thank you in advance.
You advised in a previous post that smoking marijuana was ... [.. your medicine ..] .. and .. [.. It affects your brain ..] ...
Many report feeling "sort of out of it", "lightheaded" and although relaxed have major difficulties in sleeping. In previous posts you advise you suffer anxiety at night and concentration problems during the day.
Given all the difficulties that hypothyroidism can cause, and a slight chance of possible drug-induced psychosis or depression, do you think it wise to subject your body to further possible problematic conditions that smoking marijuana may bring about ?
If you stop smoking marijuana you may sleep better.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

I dont smoke everyday and my insomia problems have always been a problem for me, its been years that i havent fallen asleep before 12 am and i picked up smoking last year. I know that my insomia problems do go deeper then smoking marijuana as a cause. Thanks for your suggestions though.
hi.. yes, I have not slept more than 4 hrs a night for around 20 years... those 4 hrs are
broken into 1 - 2 hrs at a time... haven't had an unbroken sleep since i was a child!
I used to have an afternoon nap but that is now a morning nap as i have been awake
since 4am. For some reason 2am is my limit.. i wake up religiously at 2:00 and am sooo wide awake i have to get up and make some breakfast in the hope that i'll sleep again until 4am... then i'm up with the birds until my afternoon (morning) nap.
absolutely knackered.. chronic fatigue, no energy, fed up.. no real life.. that's my story, hope yours doesn't get this bad. Best of luck!
wait... i never realized it but that is my sleeping schedule is exacly like that and its always been that way since i was a little girl. Every one knew i would fall asleep late and wake up randomly in the middle of the night. and just stay up. im always the last one to wake up and the last one to fall asleep. This sleeping pattern didnt recently start for me its been since forever.
Hi, I know what you mean , I get waves of tiredness it comes on just like being washed over like a big wave and I feel exausted even though , I've done nothing strenuous ,, I tried a planning this to the doc. I don't know what the answer is. But I sympathise with you,
I am now 78, and obviously don't need so much sleep but recently I'm hot for 78% of the time, and have actually gone a whole night without sleeping...feeling awful.
I'm lucky I no longer have to work so can sleep during the day but its not the way I want to live.
I take many advised supplements but not much help....I'm on 100mg thyroxine told blood test were (within range) Not much help there !......
Hi. I have had an underactive thyroid and been on thyroxine for about 15 years. Unfortunately extreme fatigue is a problem which other people don't always understand. I was wondering if you have ever tried meditation or mindfulness as it is often referred to now. I find when I am suffering from anxiety or sometimes insomnia that watching the breath helps me to relax and let go of my worries and fears. This does not automatically lead to sleep but it feel makes me feel relaxed and therefore better. I find it can also help with pain. From my understanding meditation is not about blocking thoughts but rather letting them come and then just letting them go - we can't stop them coming but we can try to let them just drift away without dwelling on them. A Buddhist teacher I know says to imagine yourself like a bundle of hay cut loose and I quite like that image. There are some excellent books and CD's around - Jon Kabat-Zinn springs to mind or if you would like to find out more about Buddhist teachings about trying to achieve happiness and letting go of your fears you could try Ringu Tulku's Dealing with Emotions. May be worth a try - good luck!
My sleep has improved hugely since taking a small dose of my NDT at 5pm. I no longer get the wide awake 2am thing & although don't sleep the whole night it has really made a difference. I sympathise.
Hi debjs, how much NDT is your small dose. I struggle with going to sleep and can unbelievably be awake all night! on some nights. I supplement with the advised vitamins and at present take 100mcg alternated with 75mcg of levothyroxine daily. Perhaps a try at taking some NDT as well? might be helpful? Thank you.
I take 1/4 grain of my Armour at 5pm suggested by Dr Skinner when I saw him before he sadly died. It really helped my sleep. Have tried not taking it but the nightmares & frequent waking returned. I have read that some people take their Levo at night but don't know if that helps with sleep. Hope you find a solution as it's miserable & adds to the hypo exhaustion.
Try this breathing exercise when you lay down. Breathe in for a count of four. Hold your breath for count of seven. Breathe out for count of eight. Continue until you drift off. Usually doesn't take long.
Another one which is a meditation technique is to simply count each breath. In is one, out is two, in is three, out is so on until you get to ten...then start over. When you find your mind wandering just gently go back to where you left off. These two breathing techniques work for me...hope they work for you. Sleep tight.
Me too and if i do sleep, it is from 6AM until 2pm or something. I have had little sleep for 6 nights now and the migraines are starting again. Its been going on for nearly 6 years now.
2 questions :
Do you excersize?
Do you snore?
I find if I exercise, like an hour on a bike, I rarely remember putting my head on the pillow. Don't exercise within 2-3 hours of bedtime though, as that can leave you wired.
Snoring & sleep Apnoeas. I always snored (badly), but tests concluded no "apnoeas" (IE, I wasn't stopping breathing for 60secs & losing Oxygen saturation....). I was waking myself up though. Eventually put on CPAP & it's helped me a lot! I'm also having a deviated Sceptum fixed soon too.