Hello there,
Im on 50mg of Thyroxine and generally feeling fine, just recently though on waking up in the morning im feeling absolutely terrible, I feel like ive been running a marathon all night, first of all my muscles ache, I also feel not refreshed atall but exhausted that I can hardly open my eyes I have this really weird feeling through my body like I have the flu, and also am quite dizzy......I take my throxine and get myself out of bed slowly but feel so bad...After an hour or so Im absolutely fine although I do stil feel tired during the day but it could be because its Christmas and doing so much..
Im just wondering do any of you guys feel like this on waking up first thing in the morning.
Im thinking I may need to go and get thyroid levels checked after the hols. if not, just trying to sleep more hours maybe?
Thanks for any info.