I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions to help me because I am getting confused with all my symptoms and all the tests my GP is running keep coming back negative.
I have had thyroid antibodies for years and been on and off thyroxine a few times depending on my blood tests.
I have had hives for about 5 years, mainly triggered by the sun but been on permanent antihistamines for the 5 years which has controlled them.
I have had IBS which has been worsening over the past 6 months, I was just eating boiled rice, porridge, meat and fish and couldn't even take vitamins as they upset my tummy. I have been tested for celiac disease so many times which come back negative (even though I wasn't eating gluten free porridge). My GP said to eat gluten normally to try and get a positive celiac test but after just 5 days I was covered in hives (as big as a plate where they all joined up), itchy scalp, swollen lips, palpitations so bad I felt faint and general exhaustion and had to phone in sick for 2 days to have bed rest to get over the ordeal. My celiac still came back negative and my GP said she did a full immunology test which also came negative even with the horrendous symptoms.
I have since cut out gluten (I even eat gluten free porridge now) and its completely changed me, I can eat so much more food now which is great and take multivitamins.
I can't seem to take thyroxine at the moment because of palpitations but I feel exhausted and I seem to be putting on 2 or 3 pounds every couple of weeks. My palpitations go away when I don't take the thyroxine , but I really feel I need it, I've only been trying to take 25 mcg.
I also have a lactose intolerance which I thought might be what's causing the palpitations when I take thyroxine. I was thinking of asking for lactose free thyroxine but it will also need to be gluten free but with no official positive blood test relating to food I am not sure I will be able to get anything expensive.
I want to see my GP and say to just look at all my symptoms as one and see if there is something else to look at rather than keep trying endless tests that keep coming back negative.
Has anyone got any suggestions that might help me to go down a more structured route with my GP?
Many thanks