The Truth About Salt
Salt is Essential for Health: The Truth About... - Thyroid UK
Salt is Essential for Health

I agree gg, 'good' types of salt is a must for our body's.
At one stage I had salt cravings, my body was actually telling me I needed more salt.
My salt cravings went once I was on optimal Thyroid medication.
My Doctor at the time said 'salt cravings' was nothing to do with Hypothyroidism, but I don't agree with that.
Oh, I can't count the number of doctors who have tried to tell me salt is bad, end of! They know nothing about it.
It really worries me that in cardiology wards they are putting people on salt-free diets. When I asked about this, nobody had much idea what to say, just one nurse said, oh, too much salt is bad for your heart. I said, the heart needs salt. She just said, yes, but not too much. I said, well, between 'too much' and 'none at all', there's a huge margin. She just smiled, vaguely and wandered off. Their ignorance is killing people!
Ignorance is killing us off, don't remind me gg
Luckily thanks to TUK many of us members are no longer ignorant when it comes to medical facts, fictions and cover ups.
Today I have a date with a younger member of our family to see a dietician, now that will be fun, 'NOT'.
Low fat diets do not work. I wonder if 'salt' will come up in conversation
Last dietitian did not know what aspartame was ???
All along I have asked is the yearly weight gain partly to do with the time of year as in having low vitamin D ?
(child also has always had a very low in range FT4 and even 'borderline' Thyroid bloods recorded on record.)
Not forgetting the high cholesterol they are concerned about. !!!!!
NO! several said, without checking, not a vitamin D problem, yet last bloods proved vit D to be low, oh! take a multi vitamin the pediatrician said ????? as if a multivitamin will cure low vitamin D ???
Child's vitamin D was lower than my own, yet my Doctor put me on what he called 'A Very High dose of vitamin D (1,000iu) ???
I now know my body actually 'needs' 5000iu.
Wish us luck gg.
I might have a smirk on my face if salt gets mentioned.
Oh, CW, it's terrible, isn't it. Yes, dieticians are so ignorant. But it's just like doctors, when they train, the school has it's own agenda, low fat is big business, and it rarely has anything to do with health.
I remember you've mentioned this poor child before. His doctors sound exceptionally ignorant! Are they not aware that high cholesterol is a symptom of low thyroid?
I wish you luck with all my heart. Nobody should be in that sort of situation. And as it's been going on so long, why can't the see that there's something else going on?
Oh, and, I Don't know if it will help, but did you see these threads ?
Well Worth a read!
Take care x
Sorry for my late reply.
Thanks for all that info gg, I did not get an email alert for some reason.
I'm not sure if the Leptin is connected or not, there was so much to read there. A few connections with the testosterone and estrogen seem to link.
Child use to cry out for more breast milk when a baby, but later has never been found to hide, fight for or demand food, in fact more the opposite, can go for a long time without needing food, (which I recognize, as a hypo symptom I had,) but child seems to need lots of water, over sweats and rarely needs to wear a coat even when it's freezing outside.
Bloods were stated as 'borderline' in the early years, now pointing to Central Hypo. A member on here who saw child's photo said all medics who have seen the child should be shot.
Child Endo said some children have Low Metabolic Rate so why there is no connection and to high Cholesterol too, I have no idea, they just do not listen, it is very frustrating and dangerous as Medics are concerned child's obesity will lead to diabettes and heart problems, yet they are the one's who in our eyes will be causing it.
I totally agree with you, it is they who will be causing it! They just can't admit that anyone who has never been to med school can know anything! And once they've set on a course, they seem incapable of admitting they could be wrong!
From everything you've said, hypo just seems to obvious to me. And I Don't beleive in 'borderline'! Has he had bloods done recently? Have they tested his antibodies? I Don't believe that some children just have low metabolism for no reason. That just doesn't make sense! Especially with high cholesterol.
I can understand, it must be very, very frustrating for you all. I think I would have attacked someone by now! But I know that would be exactly the wrong thing to do. I do wish I could help you, it's a terrible, terrible situation.
Take care. xxx
Think you said it all there gg, unfortunately there is no separate organisation patients or carers can go to complain to, it all goes round in one big circle.
A glimmer of hope, did you see The Doctor on this Saturdays mornings BBC 1 News talking about less pills and more life style changes ? he was putting down Big Pharma, their unfair trials, pushing their wares and making far too much. Also letting patients help decide their own treatment. About Statins not quite being what they were meant to be and about 4 out of 5 new medications brought out were only old ones recreated. Couldn't believe what I was hearing, like the cat was being let out of the bag
The tide is turning gg.
Salt will be back on the menu
It never left my menu!!! You only have to study a little history - the Romans, for example - to understand the importance of salt. Plus, our taste buds are geared to like it! Nature doesn't make any mistakes, only Man does that!
I do hope the tide soon turns for your and your boy. It must be traumtising for him to be turned into a freak show like that! Do they have any idea what they're doing to him psychologically?
I never liked salt until i tried Himalayan.