Embarrassing problem: Hi No easy way to say this... - Thyroid UK

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Embarrassing problem

phronsias profile image
27 Replies


No easy way to say this, but I have a problem with an itchy bottom, this has gone on for months, my GP prescribed scheriproct but its not stopping the itching.

Any advice will be gratefully received.


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phronsias profile image
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27 Replies
humanbean profile image

You might have threadworms/pinworms. They are remarkably common and are difficult to eradicate, but I don't think they are dangerous.




Mebendazole is the treatment and it can be bought over the counter in pharmacies (in the UK) without a prescription. Ask the pharmacist if it is a good idea to take it without a definitive diagnosis, because I don't have a clue!

Jose651 profile image
Jose651 in reply to humanbean

That's the 1st thing that came into my head as well. You could try Aloe

Vera gel to stop the itch. Try not to break the skin. I'm sure GP will prescribe something that will relieve you.


Jazzw profile image

Scheriproct would suggest he thinks it's haemorrhoids (piles). Is it? If so, have you had any advice about how to reduce haemorrhoids (rather than simply relieve the symptoms)?

phronsias profile image
phronsias in reply to Jazzw

Hi and thanks for all your replies.

Yes I have haemorrhoids, sad to sad no advice just scheriproct and its just not working.

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to phronsias

Hmm. Well, haemorrhoids are just varicose veins in a very uncomfortable place, and are often a result of constipation and having to strain to go. They won't clear up if you're still constipated. Do you drink plenty? Eat fruit and veg?

There's a possibility there's more going on here, as in the suggestions provided by others here (and yes, men can get thrush :( ).

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to phronsias

Something you may find entertaining - but the product being advertised is a serious product and it (and its various competitors) do help lots of people :


^^ Previously posted by greygoose to whom I shall forever be grateful for the good laugh!

And this link : amazon.com/review/R3SNTSII1...

^^ Previously posted by judburke - another one who supplied a good laugh!

Spareribs profile image
Spareribs in reply to humanbean

Crikey - thank goodness I don't like ice cream...

Clairval profile image
Clairval in reply to humanbean

This made me smile😀.when we visited my son in the USA earlier this year, he had these squat stools in every bathroom. I though it was for the children to stand

on at the sink. Oh dear !! They worked though.

Singoutloud profile image
Singoutloud in reply to humanbean

I've had a good laugh over this too. Unfortunately it comes to mind every time I go to the loo. 😉

galathea profile image

Thrush? Candida overload is common with hypothyroidism..... You can buy fluconazole tablets online and otc. do you have an itchy burning rash from time to time?


phronsias profile image
phronsias in reply to galathea


Forgive my ignorance , but do men suffer from Thrush?

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to phronsias

Yes. Its caused by candida which can take over anywhere. nhs.uk/Conditions/itchybott...


Spareribs profile image
Spareribs in reply to galathea

Candida is a yeast like thrush & athlete's foot - it takes over sometimes.

Canesten cream is one common treatment, there's others...


(just a quick google of a relevant site)

gilly68 profile image

Try rubbing 100% organic coconut oil onto/into the affected area three times a day it works really well .

Ruthi profile image

Ok, so while we are definitely on the TMI (too much information) planet, I also have been really itchy and ------------cover your eyes if squeamish-----------

























really SMELLY, even though my hygiene regime hadn't changed. Fortunately we have a bidet, so it was relatively easy to control, but clearly there was something not right.

But then I remembered that this began after a bout of pneumonia, and some very strong antibiotics! So I bought some heavy duty probiotics called Bio-kult and within a week my tail end is smelling, if not sweet, at least normal!!!

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Ruthi

I've had the same problem, for the same reason, and got relief with the same cure. :D

gabkad profile image

TMI suggestion: (here goes) get an enema bulb. Before each bowel movement fill it with lukewarm water. Coat the tip with coconut oil. 'Instill' it up yours.... ahem. Then take a poop. Afterwards, gently wash. You probably won't have much 'residue' because the water and the coconut oil create a surface onto which 'residue' won't stick. Dry and use that cream the doctor prescribed.

BUT you gotta also make sure you can poop easily without straining. If you really are not 'into' cooking vegetables each and every day like it's religion, get a Nutribullet and make yourself a smoothie (only a couple of cups) to which you include stuff like flax seed, or chia seeds or whatever type of seeds that when ground up create mucilage. Plus add vegetables (and some fruit to make it palatable). Drink 2 cups of this stuff every day.

When your bum stops itching, don't stop modifying your diet. You may want to continue the enema business indefinitely because it provides for excellent 'bum hygiene'.

.....from someone who knows.... although the only time I've ever had pinworms was as a kid and they itch at night when they come out and crawl around. Pinworm infestation does not itch during the day.

Daffidols profile image

What are enma 'bulbs' and where can one buy them?

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Daffidols

Go on to Amazon and search for "enema bulb". You can put stuff in it and squirt it ... err ... up where the sun don't shine. I've never used one myself and had to search for them too.

Daffidols profile image
Daffidols in reply to humanbean

Thank you...AND you gave me a good laugh into the bargain....

Barrister profile image

I suffer with this on occasions and my GP prescribed Canestan HC ( canestan and hydrocortisone) It stops my itching within a very short time. Clemmie

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to Barrister

Well canesten is used to treat thrush.... Caused by candida. We're back full circle!

Did you know you can get canesten 2% over the counter, its stronger than the standard 1% stuff.... You have to ask for it thogh and they always try to fob you off with the 1% stuff.

G x

Barrister profile image
Barrister in reply to galathea

I think that it's the hydrocortisone that makes the difference. Clemmie

Hello, I'm new here. My thyroid isn't too bad at the moment, but I had a hemi-thyroictomy 8 years ago, and still get a few symptoms of UAT, similar to what people get here. Not on treatment.

Anyway, I had the same problem to this & took years to pluck up courage to see doctor. She gave me a few different creams, including scheriproct, none of which worked. Eventually she examined me and noticed a lot of small tears and prescribed 2% hydrocortisone cream which I had to apply for two weeks and Movicol to keep me regular. It's now cleared up beautifully. Hope this helps.

phronsias profile image


Thank you very much for your replies, I think we are all very brave, I've been putting off posting this thread for months, I haven't even told my wife.

A really big THANK YOU once again!!!!!!!!!


Klagh profile image

It's due to gut problems, various types of parasites. You will need to clean up your gut with probiotics, diet change (probably autoimmune paleo diet). If you have an indoor/outdoor pet you will get parasites from them.

humanbean profile image

I don't mind at all! Copy it wherever you like. I imagine the makers of Squatty Pottys would be delighted too, since it is good advertising for them. :D

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