Good people,
I am struggling to understand what is a sound diet for Hashi? There is too much information out there much of which is contradictory.
I've adopted a GF diet and it's helped reduce anxiety. Not the tremors which I take to hypoglycemia, I've taken to eating 1/2 a banana and a glass of filtered water around 0300 - 0400, which not only rids me of the wretched tremors but helps me get back to sleep (well sometimes)!
I am carving out a completely new dietary regime and when I get a Hashi flare from something I don't eat it again.
Nightshade are singled out for criticism, will these really be a problem when cooked in a casserole? Or even raw to accompany a small lunchtime snack?
I'm told that even fruit is the devil in disguise? Christ you cannot live on meat, eggs and fish alone surely?
A typical day for me is something like this:
Greek Yogurt Mixed frozen berries and teaspoon of honey
GF Cornflakes, Mixed seeds (flax, sunflower, chai, pumpkin) 1/2 a banana and homemade coconut milk.
2 slices of genius Fruit loaf (some times toasted with butter).
1.5 litres of hot filtered water laced with fresh lemon jiuce or grated fresh ginger and maple syrup
Mid morning snack - fresh coconut, raw carrot, 1/2 ltr of fruit tea unsweetened. Handful of nuts Brazil, hazlenuts, peacans.
Egg on GF toasted seeded bread - sweet chilli sauce. Or mackrel on toast, avocado, sliced red onion, tomato, cucumber, sliced bell pepper. Or Smoked salmon, butter, lemon juice, cracked pepper in toasted bread. Boiled eggs.
Sansbury's soup - Thai chicken and coconut. 1/2 ltr of hot fruit tea.
Mid afternoon
Apple and orange. 1/2 ltr of water.
Hungarian goulash, sweet potato, broccoli, snap peas. Chicken, mushroom, sweet pot, and coconut curry Geeta's Lime Pickle (vegan) and mango chutney. Chicken stir fry, ginger, onions, mushrooms, peppers, sweet chilli sauce, GF Soy (teaspoon there is soy in there), sweet sherry, cracked pepper, honey and fresh
corriander. 1/2 ltr hot pepermint tea.
Peach, red grapes and a majool date. 1/2 ltr of blackcurrent tea.
1/2 banana and glass of water for my bedside table!
My repetoire is fairly narrow at this moment and I've a few more ideas on how I might expand it, however I'm cautiously introducing things as the above seems to be working. I've only be GF free three weeks!
I plan to get a cross reactive blood test done to see what else I might be able to introduce.
My take away from Dr Google is that a ' nutrient dense diet' is a path that I should follow, given GF seems to be helping my symptoms. I think most things apart from frozen corn, excessive sugar, milk and phytic acid dense foods seem to nag the thyroid at present.
Your thoughts and comments are valued, thank you.