Last bloodtest with Naturethroid June 27 2015
New bloodtest with T3 Only due to conversion problem Sept 7 2015
*Free T3 was 2.98 now 1.82
Range 2.5 to 3.9
*Free T4 was 11.4 now <2.5
Range 6.1 to 11.2
*TSH 3G was 0.095 now 0.030
Range 0.40 to 3.50
*Ac Anti-TPO was 541 now 868 "(
Ac Anti-TG was 1 now same 1
*Ferritine was 163 now 185?
*Iron was 163 now 125?
Sodium 138 (136 to 145) same
Potassium was 3.5 now 3.6
Chlore 102 same
Transaminase GOT ASAT
was 33 now 28 (10-42)
Trans. GPT was 47 now 37
GGT was 14 now 18
Cholesterol total 2.00 was 2.09
Range 1.50 to 2.40
HDL was 1.11 now 1.13
Range 0.40 to 0.60
LDL was .91 now .80
Range inferior a 1.60
Triglycerides was .35 now .37
Range inferior a 1.50
Uree was 0.26 now 0.24
Creatinine was 5.2 same
-Ferritine higher but no iron supplements and Iron lower? Huh???
-Both GOT and GPT Transaminases lower...better for liver
----Free T3 1.82 still not
in range of 2.5 to 3.9??
----Free T4 was 11.4 and now <2.5 ok as this bloodtest only on T3
----TSH 3G 0.030 if almost asleep why are my Anti-TPO going up???
was 541 to 868?????😠WHY???
Please guide me and help me understand on how to proceed with T3.
Also, please note I was mercury toxic last bloodtest 216 Range <75 so I am still dealing with this. I have been taking supplements to detox and zeolite. I feel much better, but I am wondering if I should stop all the detox supplements for awhile as something is affecting my Anti-TPO and I don't know why its going back up????????
Any/all help is appreciated!!