HashI flare ? Found out I'm hashI in June . Fatigue pain all the usual stuff but over the last few days I've felt fluy Realy bad trembling inside my body even my face lips heart racing can't sit at peace not sleeping very restless is this a flare because I'm not sure what flares are π₯. ThNks for any info
Not sure: HashI flare ? Found out I'm hashI in... - Thyroid UK
Not sure
Someone with hashi's will respond. I wonder if you are having a flare-up if the GP can give you a beta-blocker to tide you over and calm you down. It must be awful.
Thanks shaws I already take propanolol . Horrible feeling I'm sure someone will when they get a chance π. Everyone very helpful

Ouch! I was advised on here not to take Propranolol with Thyroxine several months ago. If you're on Propr sounds like you may have varicose veins somewhere. It's supposed to protect and strengthen the oesophageal vein walls/? Sheath for me ,although the liver specialist Was not happy , I stopped taking it after about 4 months on it. She cut the dose by half and still was no good. go and talk to the Pharmacist at your local chemist see what he/she says also.
Hi I'm on pro for palpatations an anxiety ive been on them for over 14 years after a Realy bad trauma π

Hi Donna, there are several websites, via Google search, just type in Propranolol, it will help if you add your Dosage as well.
Look for HonCode or Trusted mark, I found the below via Google search....... on nhs.uk, but there are other good sites as well to look at, this was relative to anxiety.
I'll just put start of info, then you can read the others for yourself, but some of the effects are relative to immune and or other symptoms. Take it from and make your own decision.
Information specific to: Propranolol 80mg modified-release capsules when used in Anxiety.
A medicine is only made available to the public if the clinical trials have shown that the benefits of taking the medicine outweigh the risks.
Once a medicine has been licensed, information on the medicine's effects, both intended and unintended, is continuously recorded and updated.
Some side-effects may be serious while others may only be a mild inconvenience.
Everyone's reaction to a medicine is different. It is difficult to predict which side-effects you will have from taking a particular medicine, or whether you will have any side-effects at all. The important thing is to tell your prescriber or pharmacist if you are having problems with your medicine.
Thank you soooo much π
Donnanomore, it could be overmedication or a Hashi flare. A flare can make you feel hyper as it destroys thyroid cells which dump hormone into the blood. You could skip a couple of doses and reduce your dose by 12.5mcg for a week or so to see whether symptoms improve. If you start to feel hypo go back to your original dose.
If you haven't done so already try 100% gluten-free diet which can reduce flares and antibodies.
Oh thank you clutter you must think I'm stupid I ask so much for advice . I havnt Realy give the gluten free a fair chance ive ordered the root cause book hopefully il have it tmw . I have done more in the last two days than the kast 6 mths lol but it's not nice thanks again π

Donna, It's sensible to ask for advice, stupid not to You may have overdone it in the last couple of days, try and pace yourself rather than go potty when you have a good day. The good days will become more frequent. Gluten-free is likely to take 2-3 months before there's any improvement in Hashi but some members have felt improvement in gut and digestive issues within a couple of weeks and some have found they've lost weight too.
Thanks I will i havnt been able to sit at peace it's like my body has electricity running through it horrible but I will try gluten an reduce tabs π
Donna, Hashi flares are horrible and your symptoms can change on a daily basis so you then end up feeling paranoid. I did. The book you have ordered by Izabella Wentz is very good. You may need to re read sections but she does make sense.
I went GF and soon felt a lot better. It is hard to be strict, you really do have to read all labels but supermarket GF sections have improved a lot over the last 10 years. It is easy to find bread, but watch out for soya flour which I also avoid. There is a good choice of pastas and even pizza bases and also cake and biscuits. I can't eat eggs either so have to avoid a lot of GF foods. I cook a lot of meals from scratch and look on the positive side i can eat all meats, fish, fruit and veg. Restaurants are also more clued up now since legislation last year about food labelling.
The first month GF is hard but after 6 months it becomes a way of life. If I go out to friends I take my own snacks with me, then you can be sure of what you are eating!
Just keep coming back here for answers to any questions.
Thank you so much fir this an your time π. I Thought I was going Insane yesterday horrible anyway Hopwfully book will arrive today . Thanks again crumple
I think you should go to your Doctor. I had a similar episode when I went overactive due to too much medication. It is scary. In the meantime reduce your dose .Hope you soon feel better.
Thank you he is on hols π. I've stopped dose second day don't feel as shaky inside but my neck feels tight chest etc . Thanks again
I've had a few episodes of feeling so desperately unwell, as if every single medication and supplement I am taking has stopped working, and all the symptoms are there. My GP said he thought that they were Hashi flares.
Despite that, the depression and physical symptoms I get are so overwhelming that I don't actually think straight - I try to think that "this is just temporary, you will get through it", but I can't even compute that in my head.
Whether or not they are proper "flares", I don't know, but I do get through them. They are horrible though.
I go through them too, absolutely identical to how beans mummy has just described. For me I have these flare ups every week or 10 days and they last 2-4 days usually. My underactive thyroid had just been confirmed as hashimotos as my antibodies were >2000! You're not alone xxx
Oh poor you it's been hell the last few days I'm not as shakey inside today as I've stopped tyroxine mabe its hashi or over medication horrible but thank you for ur reply I appreciate π
You're welcome, sometimes although we wouldn't wish this condition on anybody it's just nice to know we're not going mad and we're not alone! x
Thanks for reply it's good to know I don't imagine all of this thanks π
You are having a flare up. I have had hashi for 3 years and I am having a bad flare up now been to docs and he has altered my levothyroxine. When the symptoms become that bad you need to see your doc and get it sorted he may need to check your blood or alter your medication but you need to see them. My doc has also had a new blood test done on me to go keep a check.
Oh ok thanks Realy awful feeling it's like 10 steps forward 20 back π. Thanks