Hi everyone, just a word to say that the head endo at my local hospital in Newcastle upon tyne, says that he will never prescribe T3, so anyone living in the area, you know now the futility of asking!! My blood works shows my Free T3 at only 3.7, scale is 4-8.3, the endo knows this, and still says that he won't give anyone T3. So what are we supposed to do!!
At the moment I am taking T3, that I bought whilst I was away on holiday, from the chemists, uni pharma made in Greece. When I run out, I can get more sent. I told my Doc, who phoned me today with the news, I asked her to tell the Endo, how much better I feel, nearly my pre 12 year self, clear thinking, no more brain fog, and no more exhaustion.
I can actually look forward to getting up, going to work, going Salsa dancing, swimming walking the dogs, none of which I could do 3 weeks ago, it is an immediate effect. I take 12.5mcg morning the same dose in the afternoon, reduced the T4 100mcg daily from 125/150.
So that is the situtation for most of us, pretty bleak for those of you who don't have a friend who can send the T3.