I'd be grateful if someone could help/advise me on my latest blood results.they where taken on the 20th of July I waited until today to collect them as the Dr agreed to do the two thyroid hormones the TPO and the other one.but result aren't showing them.however I have another TSH vitamin D calcium ferreting.here are the ranges
Vitamin D reported as adequate 68nmo/L >50.00nmol/L
Calcium serum calcium 2.45 nmol/L. 2.20-2.60mmol/L
Serum albumin. 43g/ L. 35.00-50.00g/L
Corrected serum calcium level. 2.39mnol/L. 2.20-260mmol/L
Ferreting. 47ug/L. 12.00- 250.00ug/L
Tsh. 3.7mlU/L. 0.30-4.50mIU/L
Been taking Centrum multi vitamin s and cod liver oil capsule containing vitamin d and a for a couple of years.