I have recently been on a combination of 75mcg of Levo and 10mcg of T3 after previously been on 100mcg of Levo. I have now been diagnosed with alopecia totalis with the cause at present unknown. I was just wondering if anyone else had alopecia and if it was connected to T3? Thank you xx
Alopecia anyone?: I have recently been on a... - Thyroid UK
Alopecia anyone?

I had alopecia areata 4 years running when I lost all my hair each year over 7 months then it began to grow back in the following five months.(I have had treatment from the dermatologist). In May again this year, (I am now very aware of the signals) I tried something different and it has worked so far and I still have hair.
When we have one autoimmune disease we are apt to get more so I have been taking Turmeric capsules as turmeric/curcumin is recommended for autoimmune conditions. When my scalp irritates I have taken anti-histamine tablets.
I haven't tried the combination in this article:
P.S my alopecia began whilst on levothyroxine. I now take T3 only and feel very well re hypo.
Thank you for your reply. Interestingly I have just ordered a tea tonic from America that contains tumeric and curcumin so I'll be giving that a go. I have seen a dermatologist for the last couple of years because of urticaria so I've got anti histamines which I take when my scalp is itchy. I have been referred back to him but my appmt is not till the middle of October - I could be totally bald by then! So I'm going to keep ringing up for cancellations.
Thank again, Maggie xx
I found the shampoo Nizarol invaluable as last year it did halt hair fall, even though I had patches.
This is about Areata not but might be helpful.
I've used Nirozol in the past, but I'm using Nioxin at the moment that I got from my hairdresser. It's not cheap, but really soothing as it contains menthol. The pack I bought contains, shampoo, conditioner and a foam to put on the scalp and leave in. It was about £28. Thanks for the links, I'm going to have a look at them now xx
In 2011 when I crashed overnight into a 2 year depression,(caused by adrenal exhaustion & long-term thyroxine problems),my scalp became very dry & itchy,with big bumps.I started to lose alot of hair.
I have never used shampoo since,as the drying effect was unbearable.I bulk bought "Method"bloc soap on Ebay & I rinse with dilute cider vinegar.I bought aloe vera 99% gel in a kilo jiffy bag on Ebay,& after washing my hair,while still wet, I would slather this on my scalp& leave it to dry overnight & rub it into itchy patches during the week.The only really helpful thing I found.Tried many things.(Antibiotics prescribed for a tooth absess & later for cystisis gave 3 weeks free of the problem.leaving me to believe this is fungal or bacterial)
Since taking high dose capsules of turmeric,the condition is 95%improved.The hair shedding is 95% improved.I rarely use the aloe vera gel.
Pm me if you want to know what turmeric pills I use.As I am taking alot of supplements I am always looking for good quality at economical prices!
So sorry to hear that you crashed like that - how awful for you. I also have bumps on my scalp and it gets really itchy. I've had something similar before, but never like this with all the hair loss. I actually started taking turmeric ages ago but stopped it as I was on that much stuff I felt that I had to drop them. I've bought a tumeric tonic tea from America so I'm going to see what that is like. I love the idea of aloe vera gel, so I will get some. I'm having my hair cut on Tuesday as my scalp is just bristles with fine hair covering it. Thank you for replying - much appreciated xx
Could you give me your recommendation for Turmeric capsules please.
Do you take Vit D also?
Thanks, Maggie999
I bought standardised extract of turmeric from the online company"Just Vitamins"I took this for 6 months-2 a day.2 weeks ago I switched to turmeric capsules from "Chia4UK"an Ebay shop& added bioperine(black peppar)tablets from "Phoenix Nutrition"an Ebay shop,as they are supposed to work together.
I take so many supplements I need to keep costs down.If these aren't as effective I will go back to the S.E from Just Vitamins.
Yes,I take vitamin D,too.I get this from "Healthspan"online
Just switched my B6,folate & B12 to a more active form(B-5-P,methyl folate & methylcobalamin after much research on the net about methylation,MTHFR,homocysteine etc-also bought from Phoenix Nutrition on Ebay.
Very interesting links, thank you. My GP has contacted my endo about my alopecia and I have an appmt with my dermatologist but not till 6th October! I'm going to ring tomorrow to see about cancellations. I've lost about 80% of my hair in the past 4-5 weeks! I hope you get some treatment too xx
I have suffered with diffuse alopecia for 16ish years since age 19. I wear a head cover or a wig mostly. I have a shaved head because the hair versus balding was so patchy it became unusable & unbearable to deal with. I developed AI thyroid disease 6 years ago and I take NDT now. I've had a little improvement with my eyebrows, and one patch of complete baldness that has started to grow back like a fine baby hair (quite exciting!).... But my total head hair/hair loss hasn't changed.
I might try this tumeric/curcumin as I could do with antiinflammatory help and it might aid my hair too.
It's not very good is it - understatement there! I have a lot of very short bristles all over my scalp and then some hair, but it's still falling out so I may look like a billiard ball soon. I'm trying to adopt the 'it is what it is' frame of mind, but it's not easy!