Hi everyone.
I have researched a lot about autoimmune diseases and have a few questions on them. Since reading about them I noticed ALOT of them run in my family. Arthritis, over & underactive, celiac, graves and others I can't think of now. Now I know if you have one u are more than likely to get more. (I'm underactive, 6 years, currently on 125 levo and 12 weeks pregnant) what my question is what ones usually go together? Do any of you have more than one? Is there anything you can do to prevent it? I'm worried I might be showing signs of early alopecia. I count the hair (that I can) that comes out everyday usually between 400-500 per day. I've seen a doc who just says it's my thyroid (fobbed off) anyway I'm getting off subject and would just appreciate any info or experiences with multiple illnesses x