Bone an muscle pain : Hi all mabe someone can... - Thyroid UK

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Bone an muscle pain

24 Replies

Hi all mabe someone can answer this . My t4 seems to always be high at prescient it's down a little now 24 . If I am not converting to t3 would that cause the pain I have . I'm wondering is it fibro ... Shoulders chest elbows wrists etc . Seriously this is really becoming a pain in the a..e

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24 Replies
Clutter profile image

Donnanomore, it could be due to T4 pooling and not converting to T3, you need a FT3 result to tell, or it could be due to vitamin D deficiency. Ask your GP to test or order private FT3 tests from Blue Horizon or Genova and vitD from City Assays.

greygoose profile image

Fibro is not a disease, it is a symptom. Having un/Under-treated hypo can cause that symptom.

How much Levo are you taking? Either it's not enough or you're right, you aren't converting.

Have you had your vit D, vit B12, folate, iron and ferritin tested?

in reply to greygoose

Thank you for advice I read all your posts so happy you replied to me you seem to know a lot . Ive never been tested for those . Also do you know if ther is a test for auto immune gastritis . I'm gona ring my gp today an if they don't allow blood tests I'm leaving the surgery ... Absol rubbish . Il have you tortured now lol is there such a test for all auto immune decreases

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

I'm afraid l can't answer that, l only know about Hashis and Graves. But it would seem to me that if antibodies are involved, it must be possible to test for them. However, whether or not your doctor will be willing to test for them is another matter. :)

in reply to greygoose

Ok thank you . Another new symtom I had last night was ... When I was trying to sleep last night I felt like my body was trembling all over but inside my body . Sounds weird lol

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

It may sound weird, but we hear it quite a lot. Why not post a new question asking others who have experienced this, how they coped withit, what caused it, etc. It's not something I've had myself, but l know plenty of others have.

in reply to greygoose

Thanks grey goose :)

sulamaye profile image
sulamaye in reply to

thrumming? I have that and I have m.e - don't panic. It feels like every cell is thrumming like alittle motor bike? I have a theory that it's something to do with when t3 won't or can't get in the cells, because it went when I went T3 only and returned when I went onto NDT. It is a very peculiar sensation and I've only come across one other person who has had it. Hope that helps. And yes I do have m.e not just badly treated hypo sadly - just got my second lot of mitichondria tests back and I am not releasing ATP in the cells, although I am making it.

in reply to sulamaye

Hi I've replied to you under me don't know if uk get it tho lol anyway thanks for you're advice . My reply was a bit long winded anyway :)

K1V1 profile image
K1V1 in reply to sulamaye

Hello Sulamaye,

May I ask where you did Mitochondra blood test ? & what it cost ? I think I may need mine to be done. Thanks

sulamaye profile image
sulamaye in reply to K1V1

My original mitochondria test was done at acumen labs by Dr Myhill but my recent one the same place but by the optimum health clinic dietician I am working with. I have found the OHC dietician has given me far clearer interpretation and what I need to do to try to clear blockages. I wish I had gone to them when I was first I'll, they are expensive, but thorough and really know their m.e stuff. It Wd actually have saved me money in the long run and who knows I might have recovered by now with their advice? Anything else pm me.

K1V1 profile image
K1V1 in reply to sulamaye

Many thanks Sulamaye, Really appreciate your reply. My mitochondria test

was also done by Dr. Myhill at Acumen labs and has followed her treatments

up to now. I would say they do work in some areas for certain times and

then I have to start looking resolving new issues which may arise. eg hives

and food intolerance. May I request your current test results and advise

given by OHC dietician. Many Thanks Kadir

Millie22 profile image

My T4 was very high like yours. I had bad muscle and bone pain and doc said it was slight fibromyalgia also severe heartburn. GP states none of this is due to thyroid.

I self medicated stopping levothyroxine and taking Armour instead, two months ago.

Already my muscle aches have almost disappeared and heartburn much better. It does seem to be a huge difference.

I was on thyroxine for about 40 years and I am now 75, so to me this is a brilliant discovery. Better late than never.

However, I needed to boost my vitamin and mineral intake first, and also did a saliva adrenal test to check adrenal glands. It showed low cortisol and needed some boosting. There is a great deal available online about how to do this. The thyroid needs cortisol to convert T4 to T3 and get it into the cells.

Hope this helps.

in reply to Millie22

Hank you Millie I'm glad you have got some help after all this time . Hopefully I will get to the bottom of this at the moment my stomach is killing me I took two nexium today by mistake doubled with pain . If I was a horse they'd shoot me :)

BeansMummy profile image

I can't comment on T3 converting, I don't know much about that, sorry.

However, I had the most unbelievable pain - deep, aching "bone" pain, pain in all my joints, just pain everywhere. I ended up being prescribed vitamin D, iron and B12 injections, as I was severely deficient. I still have bad days, but the difference, once I had been on the supplements for a while, was amazing.

in reply to BeansMummy

Hank you hope I get sorted soon ready for the nutt house :(

Millie22 profile image

Donna, Just had a thought! Both my husband and myself found that magnesium with the vitamin D worked wonders with the aches and pains. Apparently they work together. Definitely worth a try to add magnesium to the Vit D to help it to work. It is recommended for hypthyroid also. Hang in there, it needs much patience and perseverence, but you will get there.

PS Maybe going gluten free would help your stomach problems?

in reply to Millie22

Thank you Millie . I will try anything getting my bloods done tmw . Thanks for advice :)

sulamaye profile image
sulamaye in reply to

also when I was on NDT and trying to get it somewhere where it worked I got pain for the first time, my RT3 ratio was high when I tested so again something to do with RT3 pooling possibly.

in reply to sulamaye

Thank you but I don't understand what tests you refer to just the t3 I've only ever had tyroxine an never been seen by an endo . But had Ultrascan an was told I'm hashi very high antibodie an very little gland left . It's exactly as you descibe a weird thrumming like as if everything inside is simmering . I just don't know what to do anymore I am so tired not normal yet my tsh is good but t4 high

sulamaye profile image
sulamaye in reply to

Reverse T 3 is what your body makes from T4 if it doesn't make T3, it knocks off a different iodine molecule from the one it knocks off in order to make T3. The test was private, you can find out how to get that done on thyroid UK's website. Here is my m.e blog where I explore this idea

iknowpeoplewhohaverecovered... and its role in m.e, so fibro similar. The mitochondria test has been done previously by DRmyhill, uk m.e specilaist and recently my dietician from Optimum Health Clinic who also specialise in treating m.e/cfs. Hope that helps.

in reply to sulamaye

Thank you I understand a bit more . I am getting bloods done tmw including t3 . Just worried if my blooda r ok then why so tired but thank you for asking the time to help me out :) x

sulamaye profile image
sulamaye in reply to

We all help each other here and we all learn form each other - it's like the good part of human beings when what you normally get on TV is all the nastiness! Make sure you get a print out of your results and the ranges from the surgery - you have a right to that info - and post the results with ranges on a new post. RT3 can cause problems and your GP will know nothing and bloods will show nothing, but people here are better at knowing the signs from the balance of eveything.

in reply to sulamaye

Thank you :) :) il sleep knowing that some how people like herself r very thoughtful an kind . Sleep well ... Ur self lol hugs

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