As I was reminded by a recent trip to the GP recently, just because something is known to be a symptom of hypothyroidism doesn't mean that it is...
I started taking a fairly low dose zinc supplement (10 mg / day) a couple of weeks ago as so many members here had recommended it to support thyroid function. For the last ten or so days I've been constipated in a way I've not seen since the bad old days of eating a gluteny, high-carb diet (going low carb seems to have sorted out my IBS so, y'know, hurrah). Had about four movements in that time, none easy, all like rabbit pellets (sorry if TMI).
Do you think this is likely connected to starting the zinc? Is my system *that* sensitive? Or is it more likely to be something else?
And yes, I know that the best thing to do would be to stop the zinc and see what happens. That, or shell out for magnesium supplements to counteract the zinc. But I take enough bloody pills already and really don't fancy taking any more